
This week at Bungie we started to make good on all those Nepal t-shirts you’ve ordered.

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If you’re discovering the initiative just now, we’ve been selling gear (wrought from both pixels and breathable cotton) through the Bungie Store to raise money for disaster recovery in Nepal. As the final dust settles, there is so much left to be done to help victims of the earthquake that occurred back in April. Like they always do, Guardians have come to the rescue.
All told, your collective power has raised over $1,000,000.
With special thanks to Activision for matching a $50,000 contribution from the Bungie Foundation, the fundraising drive is over. Now comes the business of putting those funds to work. Check out the tangible results. Thanks to your support, Direct Relief is outbound with everything you can see here – with the exception of the Guardians presenting the check. They’re staying home. The rest is destined for Nepal.
[pictured: Eddie Moreno,  Raul Aguirre,  Ian Clark, and Thomas Tighe]
Thomas Tighe, President and CEO of Direct Relief, had this to say:
TT:  This was an astounding act of generosity on the part of Bungie and the larger Bungie community, and we at Direct Relief are deeply grateful – beyond what can be expressed in words. Most importantly, the Bungie community’s amazing support will translate immediately and directly into help for people in Nepal who experienced a tremendous blow, are in a very difficult and more vulnerable situation now as monsoon season nears, and also have a long, tough road ahead. Every penny will be spent to help strengthen essential health services that were needed before the earthquakes and much more so now.
The rest of the world is discovering what we’ve known at Bungie for many years. When disaster strikes and aid is needed, Guardians are powerful allies to have on your side. You’re our pride and joy, Destiny Community. We’re in awe of you every day, and we thank you.
Shirts are shipping as we speak. First come, first served. The orders were many, so here’s hoping that your patience is as strong as your heart.
Let’s not forget the in-game fashions that we owe the donors. Shaders and Emblems will arrive in the game sometime this summer. Tess will be your dealer. This will require a game update. We’ll put a date on the delivery once the package is prepped and ready for deployment.

Jump into the action.
Another weekend has passed. Thus, another Trials of Osiris event has been adjudicated by Brother Vance. Justice is blind. Bungie User Research is not.
This image is either (A) a microscopic thermal image of a spider’s head or (B) a tactical heatmap of where you spent your Timeon Pantheon last week.
If you were there, you know that winning nine battles in the Crucible is about much more than just spending time. You also tend to jump a lot when you’re under fire. The hot zones in this heatmap track where you went Airborne. In the blue-zones, you were much more grounded.
Trials is back tomorrow at 10AM Pacific time. The next map we’ll be tracking will be a mystery until then.
Please Note: We know the PVE endgame aficionados among you would like similar treatment. Bungie User Research will be back next week with a spectral analysis of Skolas’ cell from the Prison of Elders.

Like Referees – with Banhammers.
The Security Response Team at Bungie keeps a watchful eye on the world of Destiny. Their charge is to take action on all threats to the player experience. Their work is vital, but the heroes are unsung. This is to say that we don’t celebrate the restrictions we impose on cheaters.
You are welcome to be a part of their process – even encouraged. If you want to get their attention, please use the tools we’ve built into the game. Player reports and game data are the evidence we weigh behind closed doors. Your in-game report is infinitely more effective than a forum indictment.
Thanks for joining the cause to keep Destiny a fair fight for all.
Now… This is for all you new people.
Everyone Fights. No one quits.
We’ve seen you backing out of matches on final approach in your ships because you saw formidable opponents on the other team. That tactic could earn you a restriction from future Trials of Osiris events. Please stick it out and fight – even if you know you’re about to be visited by tourists from the Lighthouse.
As you were!

Keys to Victory
Destiny Player Support has the key to solving the problems that block you when you’re trying to become legend. You can find them on the #Help forum. BNGHelp is their handle, but don’t let the enumerated names fool you. They’re far more loving than bots.
DPS:  This week, HotFix released with a resolution for the House of Wolves “Gone To Ground” quest issue, implemented the correct Fusion Rifle balance change, enabled Ammo Consumables to be stacked to 100, and altered Treasure Key drop rates.
Currently, there are a few issues with the Elder Cipher Bounties that can drop from the higher level challenge Arenas in the Prison of Elders. We’re aware of the issues and are actively investigating their causes. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Iron Banner is back on! Please note, the location for reforging your weapons is now solely dedicated at the Gunsmith vendor in The Tower. New to reforging your weapons? View our Help article on the process.
Lastly, we recently updated our Report a User Help article to contain steps you can take if you are returned to orbit before getting the chance to report a player. As you encounter helpful or harmful players in Destiny, using the in-game Report function is the best way to call our attention to certain behaviors.
Along with the Mentors, we’re keeping the lights on in the Help forum. Stop by and tell us what ails you when you venture out into the wild.

Shiny and Chrome
Calling all movie stars. We love it when you frame up your own extreme close-up.
WINNER: For Blade Dancing off over the abyss, making the kill, and Blade Dancing right back to safety (and other feats of impossible bad assery).
Co-WINNER: Because it’s hard to play favorites in the Crucible.
Honorable Mention (Silent Film Category): Roadkill surfing.
Honorable Mention (Still Category): Posted without comment.
We’ll see you next week on the streets where mere mortals become legends.
And, we’ll see you at E3. That’s right. You might have seen mention of Bungie this or Destiny that on E3 schedules. We’ll have some things to tease. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
DeeJ, out.