Testimonial on the resignation of Alanna (P’andra) from the Guild Alliance


Greetings All.

Several years ago a group of players came together to form the Guild Alliance (GA), a group of friends and MMO players with common interests.

It is with a great sense of sadness that I announce that one of our founding members and good friends Alanna (Ingrid, P’andra, Qualeesh, Ja’lana) has decided to resign from the GA, it’s committee and our guilds.

This is the first time that one of the founding members has retired their position and as Chairman of the Guild Alliance Committee (GAC) I would like to share a brief testimonial.

I first met Alanna at ‘The Big Dig’ at the Romulan Temple on Rator (A Star Trek Online Fleet Action). It was a random teaming and a standard ‘Add To Friends List’ after a successful run. In the months that followed I chatted and teamed with her many times and we became good friends.

A short time later I created my own Fleet (-I.D.I.C-) and after a few months with the support of my Executive Officer, Londi I persuaded Alanna to join. In the time that we spent in -I.D.I.C- many friendships were formed and many new players came into our gaming lives. With the fleets’ growing success I proposed the creation of the Guild Alliance of which Alanna was a founding member. At the height of the GA’s activities we ran 6 guilds across 3 games and Alanna was involved in all of them in some capacity.

In STO she was our Fleet Ambassador and we had some great times at our parties and events not to mention the more serious business of the Inter-Fleet Alliance, an attempt to bring together multiple fleets under one banner. As an avid PvP gamer and all-round proficient player she was one of our most popular members.
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When the idea of creating a SWTOR Repblic Guild was brought forward Alanna became our founder there and to the last was involved in helping new members and in the day to day functions of both the Republic and Empire factions.

In addition to the gaming world we became friends in real life and have met several times. I can say that I’ve had as much fun in RL with her as I have in-game.

There’s a tone of finality to this post but as with all of our alumni across all of our guilds and games we hope to keep in touch with Alanna and continue teaming for many years to come. We wish her well with all her future endeavors both online and off and she should know that there is always an empty seat reserved with our online family.

I Emote:Bow to our honored friend.

Chairman of the Guild Alliance Committee (GAC)


If you would like to leave a comment for Alanna please do so below or in our forums.