Message from Fleet Admiral -Plasma on the -I.D.I.C- 3rd Anniversary


Greetings & Welcome -I.D.I.C-

First, several senior members are on assignment and cannot be present today, however they send their greetings and best wishes.

For those present we have much to celebrate.

“The war is over!!”

-I.D.I.C- was established in 2411 to bring about cooperation between the Federation and the Klingon Empire in the hope that we could again return the Alpha and Beta Quadrants to peace.

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With the ceasation of hostilities and the treaty of cooperation signed in the Klingon Great Hall, -I.D.I.C- has served it’s purpose.

The -I.D.I.C- fleet has thereore been placed in stasis and it’s officers are free to undertake their own missions of peacekeeping and exploration. Some have already joined other fleets for detached duty and some have remained in -I.D.I.C- to prepare us for our upcomming missions should we be called upon again.

Legends of -I.D.I.C-, I salute you and your service.

Thank you for joining us on our 3rd Anniversary.

V.A. Starfleet. United Federation of Planets. -I.D.I.C- Fleet Admiral.

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