Remembering & Honouring -I.D.I.C-

As I reminisce of the old ESD on STO, and think of the journey that brought enjoyment to my gaming life, I think of -I.D.I.C- and the old friends that have come and gone, the ones where the team was unified, where we could predict the next move of our team mate and create strong teaming tactics that could not be broken.

This was a unique time in my gaming, and I have never experienced this type of teaming dynamics in any other game… I understand many things have happened and many members have moved on to different games or fleets, however when it comes down to it, there was no fleet like -I.D.I.C- and we kicked serious butt! I often remember the ‘fun’ we all had and the solid fleet community we created. I do have fond memories of teaming, dress up parties, PVP’S and STFS’, attending fun RP events, formal meetings and being a part of the =INTER-FLEET= program.

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