News Round Up

War is soon upon us, Commander. Are you ready?

With the announcement of the new gameplay yesterday and the release date being a few months away, we invited the press to show them what it takes to become a battle-forged Commander.

Want to know what their thoughts were? Take a look!



Combat itself is fast and fluid, with a strong emphasis of collaborative play. Bots have a range of abilities to boost the playstyles of others or increase general survivability, and identifying smart combinations to use with your teammates will be key to success.” Read More


The game revolves around classic PVP raid action, albeit with a tactical twist. Rather than just charging in fists or rockets first into battle, the idea is to make use of each class’ unique abilities and work together as a team.” Read More

Expert Reviews

“Each bot has its own strengths and weaknesses, both in vehicle and robot forms. Some are quick, long-range specialists that can’t take a lot of damage, others are giant brawlers, designed to dish out and absorb lots of damage; and others are healers, there to keep a squad fighting fit in the heat of combat.” Read More

Rock, paper, shotgun

 “It’s fast, real-time shooting with bonus powers (many of which are heavily focused on defensive capabilities) on timers, and a revolving cast of Transformers spanning broadly familiar MMO classes. Each class – tank, healer, sniper and that sort of thing – has a fairly distinctive rough silhouette despite having a wide variety of Transformers within it, so the idea is you can tell from afar pretty much what you’re up against before wading in.” Read More


“Horton, a former animator for the Grand Theft Auto series, described the design change as confirmation that the Transformers franchise should be about action and war, and not the MMO staples of “carrying gold, baking bread.”Read More


Check out our new gameplay trailer here

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