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    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, at the moment I have the tactical forum set to officers only until we work out exactly who is in charge of what. I’ll talk more about this soon.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Character Transfers #1349

    So far very little information was released about how F2P will work and also about what specific role they assign for specific servers. For now, until more info will be released and until more of us would re-start playing, I would recommend for us to remain on Hyperspace cannon, because the procedure for transfering an entire guild is quite complicated and it would be time consuming and possibly we could loose some of the resources we placed in the current guilds.
    However, if the others will decide otherwise, please let me know and i will take the necessary steps to make it happen.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    given basics most members know the ropes a few make some rookie mistakes which are not game changers but just major hinderers like full impulsing into enemys full impulse causes a system wide power loss for engines, diverting shields properly Tactical Team is effective if you can dictate where your enemy is going to be shooting from like if you keep them just on your port side, but if they manage to switch and get port and starboard sides it causes the effectiveness of Tactical Team to dissapear, i used that tactic on Plasma in the last match we had cause i knew i wouldnt be able to focus him with nick on 1 shield facing

    but overall we would put up a fight sure but we might not achieve a win

    Post count: 2368

    Hi James.

    Thank you for the information…

    Just letting you guys know that I have not confirmed with SAW that we are going ahead with the PVP on July 11th. I figured we were very busy with preparing for the star base that I informed Jay from SAW that we would postpone it for now. Please let me know if you all want this to go ahead on this date or postpone it for another time?

    I was also thinking with your above comments regarding the training, it might be an idea to give the people in the fleet time to train and get ready for the PVP event against this fleet.


    Post count: 2368

    Wooo, creative and well written back story, you’re some writer Flint 🙂


    Post count: 2368

    Only thing i have to add here is that all the bottom row probes can be destroyed without spawning the Neg’Var once 1 of the next level ones gets destroyed (the one above it) that is when it spawns

    and since the nerf to the Cure recently in regards to the Neg’Var it is possible to down each Cube 1 at a time, but would require decent DPS

    Post count: 2368

    Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, here are some guidelines to follow.

    1. All inter-fleet PvP (war-games etc) must be organised through the Ambassadors office.

    The Ambassador will make the final determination as to whether war-games go ahead and when. Because this is a friendly exercise between allies the Ambassador has full discretion in this area and does not have to consult the Fleet Admirals or First Officer when making decisions.

    2. James has been made head of the Tactical Department as he’s shown an interest in getting us prepared for PvP and STF. All Tactical officers have the right to schedule STF Events and I encourage this. James will be advising the Tactical Department on the new standards we are setting for Fleet Actions as we want to get to Zero mission failures and a high level of optional successes. It is up to the Tactical Commanders to guide members accompanying them into STF’s on how to complete the mission successfully and to the standards mentioned.

    Any problems in this department must be brought to XO Lawmarshall or to the Flag Officers.

    As this is a new step for the fleet I will be adding to these guidelines as situations arise.


    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Cute And Fuzzy #1122

    “For the Imperium of Nyan!”

    Post count: 2368

    We have alot to be proud of, why not look like Nobility? …like any cat :3

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Team components: 5 (named A, B, C, D and E)
    Prerequisites: at least MK X green level gear, preferable MKXI blue, optimal MKXII purple. Good knowledge of the scenario obtained by doing (and understanding) few time the mission on normal level by all team members.
    Battlefield description: All players ships enters from south (bottom). In west (left), north (top) and east (right) there are shipyards powered by cubes and nanite probes. In center there is a ship that must be protected while the shipyards are being disabled. To disable a shipyard is necessary that the cube and all nanite probes powering it up to be destroyed. Each shipyard produces klingon assimilated ships from time to time that will try to attack the center ship (I.K.S. Kang). The order of ship producing is: east (right), north (top) and west (left). While all 3 shipyards are in place they will produce 2 or 3 birds of prey per cycle. When one goes down, they will start producing also one Negh’vars destroyer ships and raptors. When the second shipyard goes down, the remaining one will start producing 2 Negh’vars destroyers ships per cycle.
    Main objective: Disabling all shipyards while protecting the center ship.
    Optional objective:Achieving the main objecting within 15 minutes.
    Failure conditions: Loosing the center ship (I.K.S. Kang).
    Secondary objective: After disabling the shipyards and assuring the center ship survival, destroying the last ship that comes along, a powerful Assimilated Cruiser.
    Team ships roles:
    A, B, C – attack team
    D, E – center team
    C – watcher ship
    E – reserve ship
    D or E – tactical leader (must be nominated in advance) and would be best to have a heavy resistant ship to be the less likely to be destroyed.
    Battle plan: There are 2 approaches of this scenario:
    1. Brute force(to be used if the player ships are sufficient upgraded and if players are well accustomed with space battles).
    The player group will be splited in 2 teams: one to attack the shipyards and one to protect the center. For center protection is better to allocate 2 ships, preferable science or engineer type or at least ships that have enough skills in engineer or science departments to be able to restore the shields and to repair the hull of the center ship if necessary.
    The shipyard attack team should mainly have the most DPS capable ships in the group. It would be nice to have at least 1-2 escorts armed with heavy cannons, but if not available, then the most DPS capable ships will be used.
    The whole idea is that the attack team will start attacking the shipyards starting with east (right). They will first disable the bottom most nanite probes, then the top most nanite probes and finally the cube on top. While attacking, one of those ships will be tasked to watch and destroy, if necessary, any ship that would interfere with the team actions (depending on how long the action will take, is possible that birds of prey ships would came out from shipyard and start defending the shipyard. In the mean time, the center ships will repel the attacks that comes from north and from west and will try to keep the center ship condition at maximum.
    Once the east shipyard is disabled, the attack team will move to center to help repelling the first wave of destroyer ships. In that moment, the center team will move to west, while the attack team will defend against the ship coming from north, preparing its advance to north shipyard. The watching ship from the attack team will stay a bit behind and will support either of the team for no enemy ships be able to reach the center ship.
    Once the first wave of attack from destroyers is repelled, the attack ship will repeat the procedure that they did on east to the shipyard in north. They should be carefully, though, to not let ships slip away and begins attacking them, as those ships are more dangerous then before (destroyers). This is why, the watcher ship (C) from the attack team should be a very powerful one to be able to withstand those destroyers. As a personal objective for the attacking team is to not let any of their ships to be destroyed during this stage of attacks. However, if one of them gets destroyed, one of the ship from center team should move to assist (E), while the destroyed ship will take its place in center team. All those roles should be established in advance. The tactical leader of the group should stay in center as from there it have much more ease to type for coordination.
    In the mean time the center ships will defend against the attacks coming mainly from west, but will hold position in center-north-west, to be able to intercept the ships that might slip away from north.
    When the north shipyard falls, the attack team will move to center to help defending a powerful wave that will come from west, then will move to west to disable the west shipyard. The same tactics as for north will be used, however, this time the center team will move to the mid distance between center and west, to assist with the ships that will come out from shipyard during the attack. Ship C (the watcher) will be especially carefully as this time the waves that will come out from shipyard will be even more powerful and will have to coordinate with the center team to defend them.
    Once the last shipyard falls, hopefully within the optional objective timeframe, the center ship will depart and the Assimilated Cruiser will arrive.
    The final battle is a simple one, like throw everything you got on the enemy. There will be 5 ships against a heavy armored enemy ship, but which have no special attack power.
    2. Mild approach (if not enough DPS available and if players does not have the necessary skill in space battles or the necessary coordination)
    This method is often preferred by the random teams that one can get into by using the STF queue system and is somehow safer if the participating ships are not upgraded enough to withstand massive firepower.
    This method comprises in 2 stages.
    Stage 1: the attacking team will only destroy the nanite probes and will bring the cubes to 10% health without destroying them. In the mean time, the center team will only defend against birds of prey waves that will come circling from east, then north, then west to restart again from east.
    Stage 2: the attack team will quickly destroy the cubes, one ship for each cube, so that they will limit the number of destroyers that will be produced and will save the center ship from destroyers attacks. A special consideration must be noted in this case for syncronising the final cube destruction. If it fails, destroyers might impede one or more cube destruction and will allow them to advance to center.
    Overall, this method, if done correctly, should involve less space fight and should be more accessible for less upgraded ships.
    The end part, the Assimilated Cruiser destruction, goes the same, all ships just attacking it with everything they got.

    Estimated mission time, if all goes well should be less then 25 minutes. (15 minutes for shipyards disabling and 10 minutes for clearing up and defeating the last ship).

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Cute And Fuzzy #1121

    Blood for the Blood God!!!

    Post count: 2368

    There will be a meeting for the Tactical Department members on the 15th of July this month, as written and announced on the events page, that is when everything will be trimmed up sorted out and essentials voted on regarding the PVP/PVE training and Wargames preperations will be done.

    There will be a small part where i will be adressing the Tactical Officers to apprise them of some small new Dutys which come with the rank, for too long us Tactical Officers have pre much sat on our hands and let the Operations take the reins. Lets share the love 😛

    Post count: 2368

    Secondly i’ve been waiting years for a good quality 1/6 scale figure of the Keaton Batman.


    Post count: 2368

    As I was speaking with James a bit earlier in the game, PVP or not, we still need to define some well made strategies for both space and ground combat. And if for ground combat is not that difficult, for space we shall prepare some attack paterns for various kind of scenarious. Season 6 will start soon and with the starbase system we will need those space attack patterns to deal with scenarious like “starbase defence” more easily.
    As for having special gear-sets for either PVP or STF’s, I prefer to stay with a balanced one that would go for both mission types. After all Capt. Janeway does not changed her gear for each enemy she encoutered. For me STO is a world not just a game and winning does not mean everything.
    As for the announced promotions, i think that Nick is a very good candidate for the tactical commander position.
    Best regards,

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