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    Post count: 2368

    Thank you for posting this Plasma. It reminds us what we are all about 🙂

    “All For One And One For All”.

    Post count: 2368

    The first wargame in my hope would be a test of sorts a fun exchange of beams and torpedoes while a few key officers from Ops or Tac can make small notes on what ship types they use what beams and torps they use anything really.

    essentialy have fun for the first match and try your best, but i will be advising the tactical officers to write down some of the enemys builds, weapons what ships they use and if possible what abilitys you have seen them use.

    Post count: 2368

    Ive been busy the last few days with RL stuff but the next few days i will be on STO but at bit of odd times, the Tactical Meeting is still on, i strongly suggest all Tac officers and as many Ops officers attend, decisions will be made on that day which will affect the fleet for the coming months

    Post count: 2368

    Keep these coming we need to formulate strategies for all the current STF’s and make them standard procedure.

    Post count: 2368

    Law, Cat, Ingrid and -Plas attended the practise.

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    FLINT: A hard sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz. Categorized as a variety of chert. It occurs chiefly as nodules and masses in sedimentary rocks such as chalks and limestones. Inside the nodule, flint is usually dark grey, black, green, white, or brown in color and often has a glassy or waxy appearance. A thin layer on the outside of the nodules is usually different in color, typically white and rough in texture. From a petrological point of view. “Flint” refers specifically to the form of chert which occurs in chalk or marly limestone. Similarly, “common chert” (sometimes referred to simply as “chert”) occurs in limestone.

    The exact mode of formation of flint is not as yet clear but it is thought that it occurs as a result of chemical changes in compressed sedimentary rock formations, during the process of diagenesis. One hypothesis is that a gelatinous material fills cavities in the sediment, such as holes bored by crustaceans or molluscs and that this becomes silicified. This theory certainly explains the complex shapes of fllint nodules that are found. The source of dissolved silica in the porous media couldarise from the spicules of silicious sponges. Certain types of flint such as that from the south coast of England, containtrapped fossilised marine flora. Pieces of coral and vegitation have been found preserved like amber inside the flint. Thin slices of the stone often reveal this effect.


    Post count: 2368

    James please be aware that the first war games are scheduled for the 16th July.

    We have been spreading the word to our best PvP players about getting prepared for the event. We have scheduled a PvP training session for tonight. I just wanted to alert you to what we have been doing.

    I would like us to focus on PvP Tactics, best builds etc over the next week leading up to the Tactical meeting. if you have some time to make some suggestions on that that would be great. I’ll be posting some more updates and the format that the War Games will take later tonight.

    Thanks 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings Everyone,

    I have received a confirmation from the fleet SAW in regards to the date that bests suits their fleet for the PVP event. This event is a special opportunity for our fleet to have a friendly pvp against another fleet.

    The PVP event has been organized for July 15th USA time zones (July 16th Australia time zone).

    Could you also please confirm what time is appropriate for most people? A time will be set up that accomodates as many time zones as possible. We will also make sure that these future events are organized in order for as many members to play. I will need to confirm the time as soon as posslble,

    James will be leading these PVP’S and will help with the formation of the teams and tactics.

    Any questions regarding the PVP structure please ask James. If you have any questions regarding the event itself, please contact myself or post your enquiries on this forum.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Regards Ingrid

    Post count: 2368

    Tribble test Weekend, THIS WEEKEND

    Hi All, for those that haven’t already jumped on tribble and earned these rewards I will be there tonight to help anyone out. Please transfer a high ranked toon to tribble to make sure you can do the Tholian missions. If not then if you stay logged in for at least an hour then you will earn the FLEET TRIBBLE at least.

    For those that haven’t linked your cryptic account to perfect world I recommend you do so asap. Once your logged in with PW, go to;


    This is the direct link if you’re logged in

    You can do a toon transfer to Tribble or Redshirt from there. It says that it could take hours for the transfer but I found it was immediate for me.

    Hope this helped some people out.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plas 🙂

    As a few officers were interested and had been reading the IDIC chat channel of recent, I had informed them of the basic details in regards to improving the PVE and PVP structure in IDIC. I also informed them that it will be addressed at the meeting on July 15th.

    Looking forward to hearing it.


    Post count: 2368


    I have had a lot of fun leveling my KDF toon and are always looking for extra team mates. CatStar and I have enjoyed many of the series that the KDF have to offer. I am happy to assist as much as I can and willing to recruit and/or organize missions to do together as a fleet, when/if get the interest and the numbers for it 🙂

    Enjoy and keep dreaming 😉

    Post count: 2368

    I know and I thank you for that. But we will need a command structure that would be able to take care of KDF side activities as well…
    As for the leveling, I’m leveling up my new KDF toon as well (Harishka) and if there is someone that needs help with the leveling process please let me know 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I know CatStar and Ingrid have been leveling their toons over on KDF side. I will definitely be contributing to the KDF Starbase and have been moving all extra mats to the KDF bank as much as I can.

    Post count: 2368

    *smiles* Count me in 🙂

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