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    Post count: 2368

    wow cool- great idea 🙂

    Let me know if I can be of any assistance!


    Post count: 2368

    Woo, I was hoping to do this using the emails people have signed up for on the forums. I’ll also look at adding a mailing list function to the forum and main guild sites 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    This is a great idea Law.

    Having set goals and prizes as incentives is great for the more casual contributors to have a goal to aim for and get some prizes along the way. This can be in addition to the major prizes set for Tier 4 and 5 (Which I am still adding to).

    Woo, also I think this was your first post, thanks for posting 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    P.S. At the same time I would not want this new system to take over from these forums. This is the primary communicator for the fleet as Plasma has indicated… The emails would only contain information about fleet events and other important information that members will need to know. All other communications should be viewed on these forums first 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Awesome! Thanks Plas 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’d like to start getting some of the Tactical ideas discussed at this meeting into practical guides that I can post on the Official website that we can refer officers and fleet members that are interested in efficient STF and effective PvP.

    It’s been over a month since we had this meeting and now that the Starbases are nearing Tier 3 I think we should go back to finishing off some of these policies.

    Post count: 2368

    Cool, thanks for taking the time to look at this kind of event :). I am in for sure.

    Post count: 2368

    Thank you Plas for the update and the information 🙂

    It is most appreciative!

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Update 5 – Sun 5th August 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing this week. Several projects called for a ton of resources and Very Rare Doffs and we have pulled it off.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last week we have completed the Science and Engineering Officer projects. These officers as well as the Tactical can be found in their respective sections.

    We have also completed the Tribbles and Targs featured project, adding Tribbles and a Tribble handler to the base.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    This week we completed the Tribbles and Targs featured project, adding Targs and Targ beds to the base.

    We are also on the way to having a Science and Engineering Officer. This week we are also running provisioning missions to give members access to fleet weapons and equipment.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 10 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂

      1. *ISKARA


      3. CATSTAR

      4. NEITHU

      5. SIMA

      6. *-Plasma

      7. *LONDI REVAN

      8. JAMES

      9. LUNA

      10. INGRID

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 5

    Post count: 2368

      -Plas@-Plasma: ok lets start then

      Iskara@Ishakar: wonderfull 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma sits in a chair.

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star sits down.

      Iskara@Ishakar: would you start it, Plas, by announcing teh concept of teh joining, please?

      -Plas@-Plasma: Sure

      Iskara@Ishakar: and then we can move to the other points announced on forum

      Iskara@Ishakar: so, Plas, teh floor is yours

      -Plas@-Plasma: I spoke with Kara a couple of weeks ago about cross-joining the two fleets. This is in the sense of pretty much considering the two fleets as 1 whole fleet

      -Plas@-Plasma: now of course we are one IDIC, but until now that distinction of Fed and KDF has been in the way of running events etc

      -Plas@-Plasma: We want to have our leaders on each side, we want to have our first officer on each side, and then ALL of the officers will be officers in both fleets

      Iskara@Ishakar: nods

      -Plas@-Plasma: When we plan events we want to take into account events that can have members from either side participate

      -Plas@-Plasma: as well as fed or kdf specific events

      -Plas@-Plasma: So the new comp for the starbase for example

      -Plas@-Plasma: I am giving away prizes for each fleet seperately, but the major prize will be the highest contributor to both

      -Plas@-Plasma: in a nutshell we want to integrate the fleets more

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok Kara 🙂 – to you now

      Iskara@Ishakar: are there any thought/comments on this point, so far?

      Neithy@neithu: so far it sounds good

      Neithy@neithu: but how you deal with player numbers

      Neithy@neithu: curently on kdf side there more or less two players

      Iskara@Ishakar: if you want to make comments, even during someone else speach, please just say “claps” in chat so we would know that there is something else to be said on that

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: what about KDF vs FED lateron, how do we decide whos side to join

      -Plas@-Plasma: Good point Nei

      Iskara@Ishakar: and that is a major issue on KDF … i was discussing with Nei a month ago … and if we’re gonna start talking of any organisational structure, we first need an organisation there

      Iskara@Ishakar: lateron, Cat? what is that?

      -Plas@-Plasma: you mean if we have events cat?

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: later on, I E, another time

      Iskara@Ishakar: oh, later on … what do you mean …

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: every year we have the fed vs kdf pvp

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: house cup

      -Plas@-Plasma: I guess it will be people choice

      Iskara@Ishakar: i guess it can be different from event to event, by each player choise

      Iskara@Ishakar: because i am into KDF lately does not mean that i won’t attend to events as FED, for instance

      -Plas@-Plasma: i see what you mean Cat, i guess we will have to decide what side we want to compete on for those CUP events

      Iskara@Ishakar: for specific events, i guess we coudl just make teams for that particular event

      Iskara@Ishakar: i don’t see an issue there

      Iskara@Ishakar: but we’re drifting …

      Iskara@Ishakar: the main issue now is for us to know, as soon as possible, if there is other interests in KDF from others from the main IDIC

      -Plas@-Plasma: ‘claps’

      Iskara@Ishakar: please Plas

      -Plas@-Plasma: yes I agree and most of us here have toons in both fleets, we need to encourage others to bring their toons over and then we can start some recruitment

      -Plas@-Plasma: Also

      -Plas@-Plasma: With the 1 year anniversary in november we could plan some events to bring some attention to teh KDF fleet

      -Plas@-Plasma: thats all, lol

      Iskara@Ishakar: nods … that’s a great ideea, we could use that event to increese the interest on KDF …

      Iskara@Ishakar: on the other hand, recruiting new ones started to be pretty tricky …

      [Tell] To Iskara@Ishakar: are you still thinking of making Nei first officer on KDF? I think its a good idea as he mainly plays KDF

      Iskara@Ishakar: i don’t know how you feel that recruiting is going, but my experiences lately were pretty dissapointing, as many of teh players, after F2P wre or seems to be a bit underage

      [Tell] Iskara@Ishakar: i was thinking of making Nei SB quatermaster for start

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: can agree to that

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: rude too

      -Plas@-Plasma: thats true, also they are reluctant to use chat etc which is annoying

      Iskara@Ishakar: but lets come back to teh meeting schedule … organisational structure ….

      Iskara@Ishakar: as it seems that for now we don’t have enough members to actualy have an organisation, i think we shoudl only go on basics for now

      -Plas@-Plasma: sure

      Iskara@Ishakar: also, given teh major interest and dedication that Nei showed lately, i feel only as appropriate to rewqard that dedication somehow …

      -Plas@-Plasma: I agree 100%

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: how about a hug from a cat 😀

      @Narehood has logged off.

      Neithy@neithu: that is acceptable 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: woo

      Iskara@Ishakar: and as her main focus was on starbase construction, and also as she seems to know very well teh ropes on that …

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: =^.^=

      Iskara@Ishakar: i would propose her to became our new Starbase Quatermaster, if she accepts

      Neithy@neithu: i accept

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i agree as well

      Iskara@Ishakar: that means that from now on, she will be the only one deciding about how the KDF starbase would be developing

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: Yeah.

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star gives Neithy a thumbs-up. How cool!

      Iskara@Ishakar: some sort of chief Architect 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: what do you say Nei 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: woo, congrats

      Neithy@neithu: Sounds good

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: Woohoo!

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 cheers for Neithy.

      Neithy@neithu: but as always im gonna take advice from you

      -Plas@-Plasma: Also, just as a related announcement

      Richo@XRichoX has acquired a Tholian Orb Weaver ship!

      Iskara@Ishakar: *smiles* congrats then 🙂 and thank you for all that you did until now, and also for what you will gonna do from now on 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: I have also given Law pretty much the same control on Fed side

      Iskara@Ishakar: we will need also a recruiting officer … if anyone would like to take over this task, please let me know 🙂

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i thought we had given ingrid that role

      -Plas@-Plasma: for the starbase?

      Iskara@Ishakar: it would be wonderfull … but first she should join our KDF side 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: No she is not in control of the starbase projects

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: recruitment on Fed side she has

      Iskara@Ishakar: oh, i was talking of KDF side 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: Oh lol, sorry I am mixed up

      -Plas@-Plasma: I meant Law is in control of Starbase projects on fed

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: Happy to help move it along

      Neithy@neithu: i think she means recruiting officer, plasma

      -Plas@-Plasma: yes, lol I finally got it

      -Plas@-Plasma: i was confused for a min

      -Plas@-Plasma: sorry continue

      Iskara@Ishakar: lol … sorry if i misplaced words somehow

      -Plas@-Plasma: no it was me

      Iskara@Ishakar: events ….

      Iskara@Ishakar: we were talking at som epoint of certain PVP events against another fleet

      -Plas@-Plasma: yes

      Iskara@Ishakar: it would be nice to have them cross-side factioned

      -Plas@-Plasma: good idea

      Iskara@Ishakar: that means, if we have them with them on FED, we shall be on KDF and vice versa

      -Plas@-Plasma: sure, that can be arranged

      Iskara@Ishakar: makes things a bit more challenging

      Iskara@Ishakar: Law, Londi, what do you think?

      -Plas@-Plasma: I think that the Starbase has sidetracked all of these things

      Iskara@Ishakar: if we won’t do somethign else beside starbase, this game will become dull in no time

      -Plas@-Plasma: which it has, lol – as many will agree

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: sounds fun..but for me i don’t have my toon on kdf in fleet..i can move it of course..but i rarely use it…but thats my issue

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: would need to get it rdy for use

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i think the pvp against other fleets is a good idea but everyone seems to concentrate on construction of the starbase

      Iskara@Ishakar: and we will help you with that if you need Law 🙂

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: i don’t think that is just us seems alot of fleets r in same position

      Iskara@Ishakar: we cannot do only SB missions all teh time

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: this could be to our advantage!

      Iskara@Ishakar: and with a proper scheduling i think we can arrange som emore interesting events 🙂

      Neithy@neithu: im always up for running some STFs

      -Plas@-Plasma: give us your thoughts please Cat

      Iskara@Ishakar: as am I too … especialy as O’Drade is still needs teh engine and teh deflector

      Iskara@Ishakar: go ahead Cat 🙂

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: well, as u just said, everyones busy with their fleets….if we take the time to organise and work together for pvp training, we will have the advantage as we have been prepariing

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: they havent

      Iskara@Ishakar: exactly 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: good point, I think I’ll have to talk with James as to how his Tactical preparations are going

      -Plas@-Plasma: they’ve seem to stalled since we had teh last meeting

      Iskara@Ishakar: and maybe he will start considering teh KDF forces too for attending those events 🙂

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: {claps}

      Iskara@Ishakar: please Londi 🙂

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: this is off the subject real quick

      Iskara@Ishakar: go ahead 🙂

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: just want everyone to know the reason i have not been around is because i am just a little burned on sto right now i have been playing champs so i can still see whats going on plasma knows about this

      Iskara@Ishakar: is totaly understandable … i was there too 🙂

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: understandable, everyones been working very hard here

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i still come on at least once a week to contribute to the construction just dont want everyone to think i am not doing my part

      Iskara@Ishakar: is fine … you woudl have to feel good playing it, not as a burden 🙂 is in teh end a game 🙂

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i know just wanted everyone else to know that is all

      Iskara@Ishakar: next points would go somehow together … commendations and KDF traditions

      -Plas@-Plasma: sorry all brb 2mins

      Iskara@Ishakar: np 🙂 we’ll hold

      Iskara@Ishakar: i’ll just describe what i had in mind

      -Plas@-Plasma: ok im back srry

      Neithy@neithu: if i may to what Londi said

      Iskara@Ishakar: on FED fleet we have commendations for various accomplishments

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: ur 2 min isnt up yet

      Iskara@Ishakar: yes, please, NEi

      Neithy@neithu: whenever you fell like it’s work and not game for fun you should stop doing that

      Neithy@neithu: thats the poing of game, fun

      Iskara@Ishakar: well said, Nei 🙂

      Neithy@neithu: it shouldnt make you fell burdend or force your self to it

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i understand but that is why its still fun but i am just cutting back so i can keep it fun

      Iskara@Ishakar: nods and smiles

      Neithy@neithu: ok, Iskara continue please

      Iskara@Ishakar: so … commendations … i think we should have them here too … but ….

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i am sorry must depart i have a meeting with a group on champs will be watching the chat

      Iskara@Ishakar: also it would be interesting to also make some KDF general rules … more like tradititions (Klingons does not actualy have a legal system, per se)

      Iskara@Ishakar: thanks for comming Londi 🙂 have fun 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: so, i was thinking that we should start studying those traditions and see what commendations Klingons have

      -Plas@-Plasma: Im currently merging the two websites so this is a great time to come up wityh the commendations and rules

      Iskara@Ishakar: so that we could introduce them too

      -Plas@-Plasma: cool, also i was going to do certificates for the KDF anniversary, would be great to have the new commendations in there too

      Iskara@Ishakar: but those commendations should also come with some special rights on them … like more access to fleet resources, and such …

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: maybe trophies instead of medals?

      Iskara@Ishakar: i’m still fishing on this concept, so please feel free to add if you have ideeas

      -Plas@-Plasma: true, i find medals easier to put on certificates, lol, but whatever O’drade has in mind 😉

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: claps

      Iskara@Ishakar: trophies or medals would go both fine … can be both …

      Iskara@Ishakar: please Cat 🙂

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: well i dont know much about klingons, but i am a fan of warhammer, and prestige in a warlike socienty is about ur trophys and/or accomidations, if u have seen their armor they are covered in…

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: decor pertaining to each major victory and battle won

      Iskara@Ishakar: nice 🙂

      Brighid Celtic Goddess of Fire@JONAS1027: an idea for kdf

      Iskara@Ishakar: we don’t have to be very accurate, just to keep teh spirit

      -Plas@-Plasma: true, in the show they do get medals tho, but i am all for the trophy idea

      Iskara@Ishakar: did you finished Cat?

      Brighid Celtic Goddess of Fire@JONAS1027: the klingons are known for the renown of their glory and honor

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: like an animal wrap meaning one thing, assorted badges, maybe each toon can have thier own banner that can collect the commendations? with the fleet logo as the main

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: thats all

      Iskara@Ishakar: a wonderfull idea Cat 🙂 especialy that of teh banner 😉

      Brighid Celtic Goddess of Fire@JONAS1027: maybe we should do ceremonies or rituals that show the accomplishments of their glory

      Brighid Celtic Goddess of Fire@JONAS1027: like presenting their banners

      Iskara@Ishakar: yup … rituals and ceremonies also could be fun 🙂

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: pain sticks =@.@=

      -Plas@-Plasma: lol

      Iskara@Ishakar: i’ll start a thread about that on forum, and please lay down yoru ideas there

      -Plas@-Plasma: ooo future lock box item

      Brighid Celtic Goddess of Fire@JONAS1027: one ceremonie would be to tell of their greatest battles during the stfs or fleet missions

      -Plas@-Plasma: pain stick

      -Plas@-Plasma: thanks Kara

      Iskara@Ishakar: it would be glorious Londi, indeed 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: on the last point, but not the least one, teh aniversary 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: there are still 3 months until then

      Iskara@Ishakar: i guess we should start advertising about it …

      Iskara@Ishakar: so that peoples interest coudl get bigger about KDF

      -Plas@-Plasma: cool, lets start a forum thread about some events and I can star some posters etc, lik ewith the fed

      Iskara@Ishakar: do you have any specific ideas about this event?

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: ^.^/ thiiiis big!

      -Plas@-Plasma: I think at least a party

      Iskara@Ishakar: lol

      Iskara@Ishakar: oh, and a maibe a slaying ceremony 😉

      -Plas@-Plasma: lol

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: :O

      -Plas@-Plasma: a sacrifice of some sort, lol

      Iskara@Ishakar: of those that didn’t joined KDF yet …. loool … j/k

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: ground pvpwith spectators to proove their worth..hand weapons only

      -Plas@-Plasma: lol

      -Plas@-Plasma: good idea Law

      Neithy@neithu: I like that

      Iskara@Ishakar: indeed … parties on KDF are drawn in blood 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: here kitty kitty

      Iskara@Ishakar: well … we will start the thread about it on forum

      -Plas@-Plasma: cool

      Iskara@Ishakar: and also please feel free to express your ideas there

      Neithy@neithu: and make sure you put it to motd, not everyone has to check forums

      Iskara@Ishakar: well … those were my points …

      Iskara@Ishakar: it remains to be sorted out teh recruiting issue

      Iskara@Ishakar: do you have any other points to be drawn?

      -Plas@-Plasma: well our general order is that our main information goes through the forums

      Iskara@Ishakar: Nei?

      Neithy@neithu: i cant think of anything now

      Iskara@Ishakar: of course … forum is mandatory as mean of communication, especialy since teh event scheduler in here is so messed up

      Iskara@Ishakar: Cat? any thoughts?

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: im done

      Iskara@Ishakar: Plas?

      -Plas@-Plasma: im good 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: well .. then thank you for comming 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: Thank you 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: live long and prosper 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: and safe paths 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: Im promoting you to officer on fed Side as well Nei to match up the positions

      Neithy@neithu salutes.

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: i will as soon as events calendars are fixed..will get the stf posting back upand running again..i’ll list em for kdf too once toon is across

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: Yeah.

      -Plas@-Plasma: thanks Law

      Iskara@Ishakar: wonderfull Law 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: just last thing

      Iskara@Ishakar: yes?

      -Plas@-Plasma: It’s not often i get the main Starbase contributors in one place

      -Plas@-Plasma: Law, Kara, Cat, Nei, Thank you for being the highest contributors, i appreciate it very much

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: =^.^=

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: don’t mention it 🙂 and thank you for openign up so many boxes too 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: lol, thank you

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: lol

      -Plas@-Plasma: also one quick thing i learned today

      -Plas@-Plasma: law let me know that there are missions to earn Fleet Marks

      -Plas@-Plasma: on the starbases

      -Plas@-Plasma: 75 marks per mission

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: :O

      Iskara@Ishakar: only available for those with capped commendations

      Neithy@neithu: yes, already made 300 today

      Caitian Picard@Cat_Star bursts into tears.

      -Plas@-Plasma: true Kara, wow Nei, you are a machine

      -Plas@-Plasma: I only learned of them today

      Iskara@Ishakar: i’ll have Irulan to get those missions

      -Plas@-Plasma: I have NO Capped Commendations on any of my toons ‘Cries’

      Iskara@Ishakar: she’s my only toon with capped commendations

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: mine r due in about 30mins..about 750 marks coming

      -Plas@-Plasma: WOW

      Iskara@Ishakar: sweet 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Oh, now i saw teh banner … Looks WONDERFULL !!!!!

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    WOW … Looks wonderfull :))

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, I have started customizing the icons for the KDF side of the fleet. I have used your Atreides logo idea Kara.

    I call the design, ‘House of O’Drade’ , lol even if its a direct Dune copy, lol . I am working on a house banner too, I’ll post it in the next few days 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Update 4 – Sun 5th August 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last week we have had ground Weapons, Armor, Shields and Ships provisions available to the Officers, this coming week we will be opening these up to Officers first and Second Class.

    Please be sensible when claiming fleet resources and allow all our fleet-mates to have a chance at owning this elite gear.

    Please note that the fleet ships can be accessed from the Tactical Section and you will discover a console that allows them to be accessed. Also please be aware that the most powerful of these fleet ships require Fleet Ship Modules that you purchase from the Z-Store. Also I have noticed that buying fleet ships is unlocked form all starbases so you do not actually have to travel to the starbase to make ship purchases.

    We have completed the Subspace Communications Array and we are currently waiting for the Transwarp Conduit project to complete in the next 24 hours. This should give all fleet members direct transwarp access to the base.

    Also we have completed the Starbase Tactical Officer project and you will find her in the Tactical (lol) section. We will be starting the Engineering and Science Fleet Officers soon. Please be aware that these projects require Purple (Very Rare)Doffs in order to complete them. I used several million of fleet EC to complete the last task so if you can spare a VR Doff for these missions please contribute.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    During the last week we have had Ships provisions available to the Officers.

    Please note that the fleet ships can be accessed from the Tactical Section and you will discover a console that allows them to be accessed. Also please be aware that the most powerful of these fleet ships require Fleet Ship Modules that you purchase from the Z-Store. Also I have noticed that buying fleet ships is unlocked form all starbases so you do not actually have to travel to the starbase to make ship purchases.

    We have completed the Subspace Communications Array and we are currently waiting for the Transwarp Conduit project to get underway. This should give all fleet members direct transwarp access to the base.

    Also we have completed the Starbase Tactical Officer project and you will find him in the Tactical (lol) section. We will be starting the Engineering and Science Fleet Officers soon. Please be aware that these projects require Purple (Very Rare)Doffs in order to complete them. If you can spare a VR Doff for these missions please contribute.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 8 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂

      1. *ISKARA


      3. NEITY

      4. CATSTAR

      5. SIMA

      6. *-Plasma

      7. *LONDI REVAN

      8. LUNA

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 4

Viewing 15 posts - 1,396 through 1,410 (of 1,791 total)