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    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for the input, and I hope Zez and Plasma are correct in their views, and this small change “is what it is”, and not the beginning of something
    extreme in the future. Maybe I panicked. There was just a familiar vibe to it, that didn’t feel very good. Everything is new to me, so I’m enjoying
    pretty much all of it… especially the “group” stuff with run. No offense, but I wish we had a few more people that were on, just to mix things up a bit.
    Some of the “old” content is quite interesting, and I know the people who are on regularly are still pushing forward for end game gear… and I don’t want
    to keep you guys from that.

    @ Amy’doll… Your description of the changes is basically what I was seeing. And again, I hope it doesn’t lead to something unfavorable. You had a
    level 85 Paladin? Very cool! You spent 3 months playing WoW, and didn’t stay… that surprises me. My “WoW” story is actually fairly interesting…
    going from complete “newb” (spending a ton of Mel’s gold), to leveling through PvP, ready to rage quit the game, to being taken under the wing of
    some truly great players, establishing myself as part of the forum community, learning to raid, becoming a raid leader, meeting one of the founders
    of “”, dealing with players that were having an effect on my relationship at home, and on and on… So, I have a lot to say about the
    game, both good and bad and I think maybe you weren’t hooked up with the right people… or maybe too much of the game that got me hooked, was
    already gone.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARA #7594

    I hope for your Birthday, someone bestows a huge gift upon you, and gives back to you just a piece of the generosity and aid you show all of us…


    Post count: 2368

    Group Shots

    Kara (Tetha, Chani), -Plasma, R3 and Kattria

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All. With the moving of forums to the new website It was not possible to save attachments linked to posts, however this has little impact generally. Where it does impact is on these Screenshots threads. As a result I have not saved the actual posts from the screenshots threads as they will be linked to nothing and the comments would make ne sense.

    What I have done and I think is a great result is rip the image data from the old forums and I am converting them to .jpg’s, some 3000+ images. I will then upload them to our Flickr account that everyone can browse in their original size and quality :). If you recognize one of your shots and want to repost them in this thread you are welcome to, however they will be immortalized on the GA’s Flickr account in any case.


    OK now to new shots 😉 – here are a few from teaming today.

    Kara (Tetha, Chani), -Plasma, R3 and Kattria

    Post count: 2368

    Looks wonderful 🙂 Much easier to identify what’s needed 🙂
    Thanks 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Woo thanks for all your work Kara 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Yay! Congrats 🙂
    I think we’ll soon have enough 60’s to be able to safely start doing HM FP’s and Ops on a regular bases ….
    For now, we should all reach as a regular gear to the 186 rated, wugmented with at least 156 rated augments, to be able to approach those FP’s in HM and Ops in SM
    I’ve started to make MK-10 augment kits, cunning and aim based 186 rated barrels, accuraccy and soon power, critical and surge augments(also 186 rated) ….
    Also, I’ll try to start soon doing willpower and strengh hilts, rated also at 186 …
    As soon as I’ll be able to make them, I’ll start filling up the GB with them
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya all. I got my Jedi up to 60 yesterday too, hopefully will gear up a little over the next few days and I’ll be ready for some Ops and Hard FP’s 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Hello everyone,
    Personally,I’ve experienced what you’re saying in here R3, on a much worst scale, when they introduced the v2.0. Before that, having a hybrid build was a common practice and i was highly enjoying playing my assassin tank/dps (I used to have a build that was basically a tank, but was able to do pretty much dps too, so that when I had her in last tier of gear, she used to produce as much dps as a fairly geared, normal dps). And since I was coming from a game where hybrid builds were the usual stuff (STO), where there were no such concepts of tank/healer/dps, the 2.0 was a major change for me. What happened, back then, from my point of view, was that i practically stopped playing that toon and that i had to make new ones.I always loved hybrid builds, never liked plain/simple tank/dps/heal philosophy. Is actually the reason i mostly play now as guardian/jugg dps, as even if that’s a dps, i still can tank a bit and that allows me to “save the day” if necesary. (you saw what happened when i played with my commando the other day with you, i was practically powerless and could not do much to protect you, which pretty much frustrated me).
    Now, with 3.0, things were not actually that bad, tho. That means that even if teh options seems more limited, they again allows us a much more flexibility in having hybrids. I barely wait to test some builds and to have again a tank that actually can dps a little or a dps that would be able to tank a little too.
    Also, beyound that, what still keeps me in SW:TOR, is the story and the new content that Bioware seems to keep bringing it to the game. From my experience, so far, in MMO field, this game have the biggest content i ever seen, and here, we can see, even at 3 years after its launch, they still keep bringing new stories for us to play.
    As a side note, I’ve tried playing WoW too, at some point, had a paladin leveled up to 85, plus a few other toons around lvl 40, but what i always missed there was the actual content and the lack of grinding sensation, when you leveled … I only lasted for 3 months in Wow …. in here …. i just pasted 3 years and i still love it 🙂
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    I agree with plasma here. I don’t think that it’s that big of a change and it really only affects pvpers who used perks from multiple trees which in turn caused these “only” and overpowered build situations especially in regards to knights/warrirors and thier “smash” spec and sage/sorc “bubble stun” specs which are still in the game but have been highly adjusted. The new system still allows for options and situational changes in pvp and pve and is much quicker to boot. Overall this expansion, in my eyes, has been great for the game bringing old players back,bringing in new players as well as giving experianced players a reason to play some of there less known classes and alot are completly chainging what thier main is altogether. Anyways thats just my two cents on the topic

    Post count: 2368

    That is an interesting commentary on it R3. I can’t speak for many other MMO’s, but I can see what your saying. In SWTOR this has been the first significant change to the build system in 3 years. Even so I think it is not that much of a major change, but that is only my opinion. Having said that I see your points i.e this is how it starts.

    Post count: 2368

    We have allowed the extra week for voting, If we don’t get any more responses in the next 24 hours we should conclude this business I think.

    Post count: 2368

    Just an update on the GA VOIP system. Thanks to a recent SWTOR IJO member R3 I have been made aware of a completely free VOIP system called RaidCall. Basically this system works identically to TS and Vent.

    I have taken the liberty of creating a channel for the Guild Alliance. Please advertise this to whomever wants to voice team.

    Download Link:
    Guild Alliance Channel ID: 9967124

    My user id is: -Plasma

    Post count: 2368

    Yay! Congrats 🙂
    And good luck with all that moving you planned 🙂
    Augments will be available soon, i guess ….

    Post count: 2368

    Wooo I just hit 60 as well, I went for Force Lords gear for Critical – my HP went to 43705 without any augmenting.

    Just started to augment a new set of my costume, will move my MK-9 Augmented gear to Treek to save the augmentation slots and then re-mod for her. Will move my old mods to Xalek as he is same class. Will make a new version of my costume and mod to MK-10 and move the mods from the new gear to it.

    In other words I need a couple of million credits – Ill just run the new costume until I can do all of this shifting around, lol.

    Just looking thru the GTN I noticed that the highest augments there are level 58, does anyone know if there are level 60 available?

    I think ill wait until the price drops to get the augments, but the kits are around normal price 70,000

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