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    Post count: 2368

    All current Fleet Module prizes have been mailed today.

    Please keep track of your earnings from now on in the Engineering Report leaderboard graphic. Please contact me to redeem your tokens.

    Thanks All and Congrats and Thanks to those who have earned these rewards.

    Post count: 2368

    For those interested in Accolades, here is another string of em in New Romulus. Some of the collected items can lead to duty officer assignments, one of which is History of ROmulus chips, they are like the daily ones u get from klingon and SFA. heres one I just got.

    Post count: 2368

    I wasn’t either online, as during workdays I cannot be online in daytime (my time). I usualy connect during workdays in my evenings, somewhere between 6 pm to midnight GMT.
    I’ll try to keep my teamspeak client on at office, maybe i’ll catch you there.

    Post count: 2368

    Ill see what I can do.

    Post count: 2368

    Sorry I wasn’t able to come on at that time, I hope if you came on it didn’t inconvenience you. Hopefully we will catch each-other during the week, If not i will be online two hours before the summit on saturday, which should be 7am your time and perhaps we can talk then before the meeting if we don’t get to meed during the week.

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll be on later tonight at around 7:30pm gmt+9:30. Maybe I can catch you then.

    Post count: 2368

    WOW- that looks good. . . I can’t be tempted, two games are enough for me lol

    Post count: 2368

    I would definately prefer to talk to you first before teh meeting, actualy, I was hoping to catch up with you about this while we’re both online … but we didn’t had the chance yet.
    I hope to catch you up while online and discuss over this … will you be on later?
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Site Background for those who like that stuff. I’ve also posted some concept art in first post of this thread above, check it out, has a concept of the finished Fed Embassy.

    Post count: 2368

    I think if your going to be happier focusing on the TOR side then thats fine with me. What shall we do with the STO KDF? Maybe if we clear some things up here before the summit we can save some time there.

    I will be the opposite, casual on TOR and more focused on STO. Do you see yourself playing enough on STO to be an Officer in either the KDF or UFP fleets going forward? I think from what you have said you don’t want to be the leader of the KDF, please let me know if I understand you right.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo great news. Big thanks to Luna for buying up the Dosi for the Fed SB, If only we knew they would change it 🙁

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Music we like #1827

    Thanks for Nana, kara 🙂

    I like a lot of things from Classical/Opera to Rock/Pop/RnB?Rap.

    My favourite musician is Prince. I’ll post a few clips as there are sooo many, over 30 Albums.

    2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction – Guitar Solo

    2006 – Shhh Live in Hong Kong

    2004 – Prince & Beyonce Grammy Awards

    2007 – Superbowl Halftime Show

    Dreamer on Leno

    1985 Purple Rain (From the movie – Live version is better, however youtube keeps deleting)

    Thanks for Pavarotti and Bono. Another Duet I like with Pav is this one with James Brown.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plas 🙂 oh yeh a few minor things … Can my office please have an ice skating ring and a bubble machine please, oh we can’t forget a bar and a dance stage – lol it’s hard work being a Fleet ambassador 😆
    Peace be with you all ^^

    Post count: 2368

    I suppose your right there. The GUI options should not be charged for. Paying for an additional action bar is a bit ridiculous, its not like additional bank slots for example.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Music we like #1826

    My gosh! O-zone? you know they are romanian, right? Did you find a translation of the lyrics? I could do it for you if you want … 🙂
    A short sample … “numa-numa” is actualy a part of a larger expression: “Vrei sa pleci, dar nu ma iei”, sang as ‘Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma -nu ma iei” and it means “you want to leave, but you don’t take me with you”.
    As for the song title “Dragostea din tei” means “Love from linden tree” and is a reference to a poem of our greatest poet, Mihai Eminescu. Linden tree love means for Eminescu, inocent, pure love, adolescentin like, but un-shared and thus sad.

    Found a translation of one of Eminescu’s poem about the Linden/Lime tree … there are though, so many other poems on the same idea …
    There it is:

    by Mihai Eminescu

    Come now to the forest’s spring
    Running wrinkling over the stones,
    To where lush and grassy furrows
    Hide away in curving boughs.

    Then you can run to my open arms,
    Be held once more in my embrace,
    I’ll gently lift that veil of yours
    To gaze again upon your face.

    And then you can sit upon my knee,
    We’ll be all alone, alone there,
    While the lime tree thrilled with rapture
    Showers blossoms on your hair.

    Your white brow with those golden curls
    Will slowly draw near to be kissed,
    Yielding as prey to my greedy mouth
    Those sweet, red, cherry lips . . .

    We’ll dream only happy dreams
    Echoed by wind’s song in the trees,
    The murmur of the lonely spring,
    The caressing touch of the gentle breeze.

    And drowsy with this harmony
    Of a forest bowed deep as in prayer,
    Lime-tree petals that hang above us
    Will fall sifting higher and higher.

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