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    Post count: 2368

    I never said ceremonial, and definately never meant to have someone that will only stay on top and do nothing. What I said was that we must treat each case diferentiately, when it comes about peoples that contributed to the fleet growth. And discharging those peoples for 1-2-3 months of absence, without questions, only by rule base is rude and unnecessary, to say the least.
    I also said that we have to think of a structure to cope with all needs … that means a lower council with many members and with the necessary rights to run the fleet on daily bases and a higher council with the task of keeping the fleet alive and resurrect it, if necessary, over time. The mean to acceding to that higher council being the long time (demonstrated) commitment to the fleet AND to Guild Alliance activities and values.
    Otherwise, we will only have a fleet, that will only run for a time, while STO will still run and then disperse with the eventual STO disperse.
    Also, in this “conscripted” like case, we risk that over time we won’t recognise the fleet that it was years ago … as peoples changes, so will the ideals and the ways of doing things in the fleet. Because in this case, in time (and this time not so long time) peoples will change ….
    As for my involvement in KDF, for instance … well … as I said, I stepped down from that, and I’ll wait for the Guild Alliance comitee to nominate someone else to take my place. I am totaly against any form of public vote in that matter, as in my opinion this will lead to abuses, in time.
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368

    More comments on this from other members would be great. I am leaning towards a more simplified rank structure myself.

    I have to agree in theory with cat that having people in ceremonial authority positions is respectful, but not practical in being a governing force in the guild. Having said that it was me that implemented those positions and I take responsibility for that.

    I’m at work at the mo, will have more to say later 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    As for the mechanics of my proposal, well, is based on teh concept that we need to find the mid-level leaders in sufficient number, to keep the fleet running even without constant intervention of the top leaders.
    Is the essence of a truly good management system, as I said, to not have to involve teh top management in every decission made in an organisation. And the common mistake usualy made by the young managers that wants to keep all in control, without delegating ….

    Post count: 2368

    Smiles … it is not my fleet, first of all 🙂
    Second, that is why there are officers who have rights. If you’re speaking about the KDF fleet, then you probably noticed that when I left, officers positions were filled with peoples having the rights to do “day-by-day” and “minute-by-minute” management tasks without my presence. The quatermaster have the rights to even promote to squadron commanders and to manage all fleet business (including the starbase), the squadron commanders have teh rights to promote lower ranks and to organize events as they please to keep teh fleet running and in good shape. And above all, for emergencies or for unforseenable events, there was also the co-leader (Plasma) to take any decissions he would’ve seen fit, if such events would’ve occur. More over, a good management system is not one where teh top manager must be present for things to happen as they suppose to happen.
    And then, what is the absence considered an absence? A day? A week? Two weeks? You said something about a month …. why a month? What is a month compared to an year, or 2 years? As I said, try thinking long term. Finding peoples in which you can trust is not an easy task and cannot happen in a month or two. Those who compose the “leadership” of Guild Alliance met and got to known eachothers in years. And IDIC must be set on such premises that would last years. What kind of stability sign would we give if anyone would be removed from its position after a month of absence? What would recognise from the fleet someone returning after, lets say, an year of absence, if none of his old friends wouldn’t be there anymore?
    Yes, I agree, your would’ve had right in your call, IF when I had to leave, I would’ve left the fleet unmanaged, with all rights reserved for me only and teh others could not play without me present to do various things that only I, by those rights could’ve done. But is not the case. During my absence, the rights needed for fleet day to day management were given to the right peoples so that day to day activities to not be disturbed.
    And those peoples did what they were supposed to do, and the fleet moved thru that time, for which I thank those that made that possible very much. We all should!
    As for popular vote, well … is a complicate issue … we can debate it in another thread if you want … all that I want to say here about popular vote is that Socrate died because of popular vote …. Jesus was crucified also because of it. So, please, don’t praise popular vote for so much …

    Post count: 2368

    Im glad u brought this up, it gives me the chance to show off how the mechanics of how my system will work. As stated, when someone says they will be away a long time, they will give notice, inturn the officers vote in the replacement so someone is there to fill in that position. when the said player returns, the one who filled the position may step down, and other be reinstated by popular vote (respect) you should know, ur firends here will accomidate you after so long, being apart of us.

    This game is day by day, minute by minute. People want to play and clan when they login, But you Iskara, are hardly forgotten, people have worked hard to see to your fleet, to make sure it continued in your absence, including me, and we still do! …and I dont regret it =^.^=

    Post count: 2368

    I do seconded it on those points that Catstar raised.

    Anyway loads of new content to try out and explore, mostly with you guys 🙂

    I mostly came back cause I want to get myself back into anything Spaced based games, cause I’m a big sucker to Sci-Fi Space stuff 😛

    Oh btw guys, as of this time I written this reply. The devs implemented a patch after standard maintenance (as always), however there has been a bit of a sticking point in terms of the connection. I’ve been dc’d like 3 times within 5 mins and experiencing lagging. Also some other members were reporting the reputation system as bugged and I found my bridge officer slots were bugged as well. Not sure if that last one is because of the lagging/Dc’ing or another reason.

    Anyway I’ll add more replies to this if there is anything else I find that needs the heads up…but I’ll keep trying to log in.

    Post count: 2368

    Well … lets see …
    1. You keep a person in their gained rank out of respect, as they gained that rank as an acknoledgement of their deeds made to the fleet and as a recognition of the level of trust by the others. It does not feel good when you put ALOT of resources in a group (fleet/guild or whatever) and then to find yourself out just because you had RL issues and for a time you were not been able to be around. Also this kind of behaviour will definately not encourage others to put resources into the fleet, if they risk to be cut off from the mere resources they were contributing to. And I am speaking of any kind of resources, either that means time, effort or money. We shoudl always think in perspective and on long term. A solution like yours, Cat, would definately work on short term, but on long term, that means that someone cannot trust the fleet in which they plan to put the resources in, as someday, the same fleet could decide that it doesn’t matter what happened, and that only matters the present. As an extension is the difference between an economy based on property vesus a comunist economy. Also remember another thing: democracy was what killed Socrates. That means that unappropriate used, democracy, as comunism too, can breed monsters.
    2. I cannot agree more that the new ones must be in touch with their leaders, and they actually would get in touch with them, as that is why we would have officers which are also leaders of the fleet and with those they should be in touch everyday. RP wise, think how often an ensign from Star Trek Universe gets in touch with the admirals of Starfleet. The idea is to give more importance to the so called “lower officers ranks” and appropriate attributions, so that fleet leaders would not get burned out from “getting in touch” with the new members. That is why we would have so many “admiral-type” positions but also “officer-type” positions, and all those positions should have meaning, not just empty ranks. Also, RP wise, very rare an admiral takes command of an operation, but that is always a posibility (see also ST Universe).
    3. Those description you’ve made about specific jobs are most welcomed and not excluded from my proposal. As I said, we can always define specific jobs for all “officer” positions and i gave some examples too.

    And last but not least, there is no need for appologise for expressing your thoughts, nothing is personal here, not in your post, nor in mine. We merely try to find our a good way of fleet governance. This is also something taken from the ancient greeks and romans. Forum means in latin the public square, the place where the citizens were allowed to express their opinions (that what the greeks called Agora). This kind of governance worked in ancient times, in Athens. But always remember the downfall, when the majority didn’t liked what one of them said and forced him to drink cucuta (poison) to protect the democracy (see the death of Socrates). Lets don’t do the same and feel offended of what is said here too easily and start clearing out our friend’s lists in game 😉

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Angry Gamers #1797

    Oh thanks for the warm welcomes and hello there Iskara. 🙂

    And Alanna 😉

    I do hope we can team up more often, so we can tons of awesome time and laughs 🙂

    I’ll give you guys a bell if anything comes up.

    Post count: 2368

    Your welcome, it’s costing me a lot in z-points but Its worth it.

    What browser are you using? Some browsers cannot see the attachments for some reason.

    Post count: 2368

    Nice… Yeh I need to take some time to explore Romulus, many cool things happening there. Cat, I think you should be our #1 guide officer on Romulus 😎

    Post count: 2368

    wow that is very generous of you Plas- thank you for all your hard work in acquiring the prizes for the fleet, very kind of you… Some strange reason I can’t see any screen shots in the forums, they come up blank and when I click on it it states I am not logged in. Yet I am logged in lol- as I am replying to the forum posts. Seems a mystery to me. No worries might be a glitch on my laptop

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Angry Gamers #1795

    Hi there Saruk,

    Good to see you on the forums 🙂 When we are all on next I must introduce you to more of the IDIC peoples, there are many who enjoy teaming and having a chat – all fun. Let us know if we can help you, see you in space.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Angry Gamers #1794

    Heya Saruk 🙂
    Welcome to IDIC 🙂
    I’m really happy to see another european joining us 🙂 That makes us 3, i guess 🙂
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Angry Gamers #1796

    Highly doubt that I do that while gaming 😛

    Though I have a number of friends who would be up there with those angry people, probably could make the gag reel 😉

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