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    Post count: 2368

    Woo, I’m glad this has gotten started. I was thinking that we could have a basic set of rules that are to be used across all our games and then the specific game-related rules, ranks etc could be added on for each guild. What do you think of that?

    So basically I’m proposing that the discussions we are having on the IDIC forums could be used to form the basic rule-set for the whole alliance. So rules regarding being in other guilds, time of absences/consequences, communications etc could all be BASE rules. Do you think this is a good idea?

    Post count: 2368

    Well not just for star trek, if u remove the star trek theme from it and call all the ranks by other names like, section 31 could be a sith lord to rule a guild, the head of a klngon house. The admiras could easily be a council, and all offiers below, …well, what ever they are called, they will still have the same important functions that all guilds would need, dividing up equally the jobs. One branch earns for prizes and makes contests, one recruits and teaches new members our guilds ways and rules, the 3rd is our elites that train and workout tips and tricks for the rest of the guild. Flagships can be field commanders or generals, jag officers can be inquisitors or watch commanders. The council/Admirals can alocate thier resources and members as needed, depending on thier guilds/fleets/super groups current needs. Example: in star wars, jedi lead an army of clones to battle, sometimes they may need to pull other jedi or troops from other assignments to a more critical need, same thing for super groups, picture the avengers split up on other assignments, thiercommander or even nick fury may need to assemble them for an ememrgency, in star trek, admirals sometimes pull ships from other assignments to accomidate a situation like the borg. If you use your imagination enough, my template for a productive guild/fleet/supergroup/house can be very versatile and be used to overcome any challenge we may come across. We must also never forget the fundamentals of IDIC, to be able see to all player types and all play styles, this template should provide room and the freedom to choose the path that suits most any player type we admit to our guild. Even if they tire of what they are doing, they can switch at any time and takeup another assignment.

    If anyone has any questions or ideas they wish to add to this comment or my idea that inspired this page, please send them my way.

    Post count: 2368

    I don’t see that anyone’s comments have been a waste of time, they make sense. Im saying that the comments about sto will relate to sto sub-rules like I mentioned. Tor will have its own sub-rules and so on.

    Also I was just talking about how I am going to approach any comments. This does not mean you all have to do that or look at it n the way I am.

    In my view the main day to day rules about membership, conduct rules etc, should be across the board. I guess I’m seeing things through different eyes, I’ve been in charge of the overall alliance and organisation and from that position I can see that having 5 rule sets for the 5 guilds is a big feat. If the basic rules were uniform this would be a big help.

    Please keep on commenting.

    Post count: 2368

    I have decided to step down from Fleet Engineer and will be away from playing STO for a while, to level my new toon. Im downloading Star Wars ATM, so I guess I will join everyone there. The Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer looks like its my speed. When I played Dungeons and Dragons I liked playing magic users that could heal and have magical ranged attacks. I also liked the look of the purple lightsaber. 😉 If this becomes the new hangout I may abandone my STO account.

    Post count: 2368

    I think I misunderstood too, missing the summit didnt really matter then since I dont play any of those other games that are mentioned in our guild lineup. I feel silly now commenting, I thought this was for our fleet not the entire guild, in every game wow. I can see that Star Wars is very popular these days, and since I dont play, I dont know how it works, so I have no idea the best one in order to give my opinion. I feel even more out of touch with whats going on now. 😳

    Post count: 2368

    ok thanks 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    No you haven’t missed anything, but Im just saying this is how I’m evaluating things myself, what can we use for all the guilds that will work.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plas. I may have missed something or mis-understood regarding the discussion that the rules and main frame work will be used for all games that have a guild. I guess I was thinking more about STO as that is where the summit was held. It makes sense now and I understand each game is different and thus rank names and other aspects would relate to that particular game.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: SW Favorite Fights #1963

    I hope no one forgot this saber dual?

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: SW Favorite Fights #1962

    lol, haha – I wonder what the one behind it is?

    Post count: 2368

    I haven’t commented on either proposal yet as I am waiting to see if any other proposals are put up.

    In addition the guilds IDIC, IJO etc involved will be run through membership of the guild alliance. The best ideas from all proposals should go into a master proposal to run all the guilds using the same rules, at least as far as the common rules relating to ALL MMO’S with game-specific sub-rules where appropriate. That is my goal in reviewing these proposals, what concepts and specifics can be used across all guilds.

    Post count: 2368

    Fleet Structure and proposals relating to STO

    Hi All,

    Thank you again for your time in reading these posts.
    I have been reading over CatStar’s and Kara’s proposals for the fleet operations and the structure of ranks and responsibilities and can see valid points in both ideas. Firstly, before I continue please note that I am not taking sides at all, this is not about getting brownie points from anyone, in total I want what is realistically best for our fleet and care for the direction it is heading 🙂

    Firstly, I believe we need a fleet that works together on several things and whatever rank one holds, they should be responsible as a team, not individually to get things completed. At current I have already seen many members completing large tasks by them selves and this has caused burn out and frustration.

    I certainly can see the ideas of ensuring this does not happen have been portrayed through both parties. I do like the idea that CatStar has presented as the main goal is to ensure team work is given its highest priority in all areas. This will assist with people working together more and also help members not to become burnt out etc. This should not be run as a military operation and thus it is important not to let that happen, keeping that in mind I can not see this has been suggested. It is important to have an organized structure that is fair, realistic and operational. This (Cats) idea brings together peoples talents and individual abilities with out pressure and they can work with like-minded people to accomplish IDIC tasks. I also like the Role play aspect this idea brings and above all it has various aspects which compliment Star Trek in general.

    Regarding Kara’s ideas, I do like the idea of role play and rank names for the fleet. The idea of teaming together and being given certain responsibilities is also an obvious factor in this proposal. The challenge that I can see is having a council. This may work in SWTOR and other games and yes it certainly could work here. My challenge is that we are all from different parts of the world and thus when it comes to discussing matters and having council meetings it is nearly impossible to get everyone together – this may be a time zone issue that also needs to be discussed, at the same time this will always be a challenge in itself and I am also not sure if we need a council with the current amount of ‘active’ people in IDIC. I am also concerned that a council of 5 members or more, no matter who they are etc may become ‘clicky’, offended, picky and controlling amongst each other and it may cause division and thus we loose the focus of the fleet. At the same time with more discussion and clarification I am sure such issues can hopefully be resolved.

    Above all I think it is important that we remember we are playing Star Trek Online and thus people want to see the ideals and values coming through in our fleet, whether it be for RP and/or fleet structure. If we can make a note for both proposals to keep that as one of our focus, I believe our fleet can be truly fantastic 🙂

    in the end this game was made because of the ‘Star trek fans’ !!

    Post count: 2368

    I’d like to see another challenge set. Luna Vs CatStar ^^

    Post count: 2368

    RE: CatStars- Ambassador Pass idea

    I like this idea and that it promotes the ideals of Star Trek and creates the feel & role play aspect of it within the game. Above all it is a fair proposal as it means if another guild leader from another game participates in an event etc on STO or any other game, it means they are respected like an ‘Ambassador’ and vice versa.

    Agreed – Regarding any game played in the future, this aspect can be versatile and catered to that content of the individual game!

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post and future posts. I have been thinking about the forums and communications aspect within the fleet. I have to say I think all of our fleet members have and can have access to the forums frequently and in ways it is not an excuse not to know what is going on. The disappointing factor is that many do not check the forums regularly or even months on end and thus when it comes to events, meetings and discussions they have no idea what is going on and fall behind with the latest news for -I.D.I.C.-. The other fact is the in game mail. This is also used as a back up for communications, events, meetings, summit information from past and present. The communication side of things have been of a very high standard thanks to Plasma for all the hard work in designing this website and others who continue to use the forums. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with the forums and the way it is set up, yes it might need a bit of tweaking as everything does in time, however the main point is everyone is informed through it and in the game mail.

    We have encouraged people to use it and been understanding regarding the reasons why people can not use the forums etc. I believe it comes to a time where we need to discuss guidelines and regulations regarding this aspect. A fair and just proposal for everyone, but at the same time ensures that the forums are being used more frequent. If this does not happen, really there is no point to continue with the website as it costs money and above all a huge amount of effort has gone in for the up-keep of it. An idea could be, if the person has the rank of Commanding Officer and above (present rank of IDIC) a requirement for having this rank is that the forumsand/or gamemailshould be checked once per week. If that person is away or on holidays, or with extenuating circumstances of course that is a valid reason and totally understandable. The question is if it is not a valid reason and simply because someone has forgotten and continues to not know what is going on, what fair and reasonable guidelines should be established?

    Please note that every member is valuable, you are just as important as the leaders within this fleet. We love to hear from you on here, even if it is to say ‘hi’. It doesn’t have to be an academic essay. Your opinions and ideas are valid and you are also 🙂

    I look forward to talking with you soon 🙂

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