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    Post count: 2368

    Woo, thanks for this update Law.

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    The way I see it there should be formed by those that showed interest and placed resources in the games we play and are recognized as leaders in their respective games. I won’t limit their numbers on 5, the more being the better, if we consider the actual presence each of us can have in the games we’re playing, more means we can back up for each other easier.
    Also, the way I see it, we can always bring into that council those persons that we’ve learned to trust during the time and who proven loyalty for the ideals of IDIC. As Law said in another post, after all, IDIC stands for “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations”. The council should represent exactly that.
    As you probably saw, I’m the kind of person that tend to follow her heart instead of trying to forge rules and then abide to them.

    Post count: 2368

    Regarding the guild alliance, is this based on a council of 5 members? Or is it for all the leaders in each game?

    Thanks for the clarification πŸ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    The first Jedi Council:
    For the first Jedi Council I selected those from IDIC that were part of IJO from the begining, those being: Plasma, Londi, Ingrid, Flash and myself. For those I selected as council members those force sensitive toons that are most leveled for each of them. All other toons that they have received the rank of General. There are also reserved seats in the Council for Catstar, Law and Nei, if they would ever choose to join this game/guild.
    It would be nice if we would have a sub-forum in here dedicated for the council, so that we could have a place to discuss council related issues. It would be also nice if we would be able to organize the first Council meeting in-world, somewhere in the next weeks.
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368

    I am in the beginning stages of organizing a news letter and the sub headings for each section. At the moment I am organizing this with the thought of STO and IDIC fleet.

    Firstly, I would like to know what people are thinking, did you want this newsletter to be for the Guild Alliance and include all the games that we play? Or should that be left up to individual members for each game? At the moment I don’t think I can take on organizing a monthly news letter for all the games included, plus I play STO more and my focus and knowledge is there. By all means we can use the similar template and format and some one keen and interested from CO or SWTOR can also create their individual news letter based on that game.

    I want this newsletter to advertise our fleet IDIC and have a mixture of fun and humorous aspects plus also display the business side of things. for eg. Chief engineers report, Tactical officer tips on STFS, Missions, PVPS. This section only needs a few sentences or one or two paragraphs and not a huge academic article. I would also like to have a section that honors members who have been promoted and accomplished certain tasks in our fleet and in game. I also like the idea of using as many screen shots to advertise our fleet. Pictures are what captures people’s eyes first, so if anyone has any cool pictures to share for the newsletter I encourage them to add that to it. We will also have a small fun corner for people to win rewards, similar to CatStar’s contest that he recently posted. We could also have an advertising section for any gear that members wish to sell to the fleet etc.

    I would also like an active member in STO who would like to assist me with creating the newsletter and helping me with the monthly organizing of it. I would also need help in the creative side of things for eg how the newsletter is set up as I am not that good with that type of thing i.e. graphic and design aspects. Please come forward if you are interested πŸ™‚

    Please reply if you have any further ideas, comments, feed back and/or are interested in assisting me in this project πŸ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    See what i meant by not being a native english? I totally agree with what Law said πŸ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,
    I would like to add my thoughts in.

    Up front I would like to point out this is just how I see things and as always my first priority is to what is good for the fleet.

    I’ll start off with why I joined this fleet. I like playing games, always have and always will, but when I started playing STO I wanted to join a casual fleet that catered for any style. Hence IDIC (just a reminder – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) appealed to me. While I like end game content and elite runs, I also know they are not for everyone too. IDIC allowed me that opportunity without pressure to be a player who could come and go, do what I wanted, do an elite, level a toon or just potter around and play dabo if I so wished. Above all, I knew my responsibility to the fleet was just to be courteous, friendly and helpful to those that played the game too.

    Regardless of what we talk about in fleet structure, our future, leadership etc, I do hope we do not lose sight of what our guild and our charter stands for.

    I can understand a need for rules and then sub rules, but to put it bluntly, a council to determine rules can and will get very drawn out/frustrating. For the most part I am happy with a leader of any guild just saying what they want and how they want to run things. If I don’t fit in with that then that’s fine…either we can talk it over, I can accept it or leave. I have too much politics at work and the last thing I want to do is have that in my leisure/game time when I just want to chill and enjoy.

    I am happy to give an opinion if it’s asked or speak up when it’s needed, I always will.

    I will give my opinion on membership as it has been asked: I think that until such time as we are reaching our cap in membership (400 members I believe) we should not delete any from the fleet, if inactive then by all means demote them, if we are reaching our cap in numbers only then should we look at how long people have been inactive for and then remove them. We should allow time for inactive ones to come back to the game and fleet in the meantime.

    I won’t say anymore about the forum discussion, my opinion there is still the same as from the summit.

    Last thing I will say is this: I like our fleet, and I am 100% behind Plasma as leader. We will always have difference of opinions and personality conflicts in the fleet but that is part and parcel of the game. We are IDIC.


    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Hi Saruk,

    Great to hear from you!

    Not a worry about not being on when you usually are. We look forward to teaming with you soon and thank you so much for your contributions πŸ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    Woohoo, Plasma television! Dont forget your eyepatch hehe. πŸ˜†

    Post count: 2368

    Just a note to say i have read this link dont have any usefull comments ATM.

    Post count: 2368

    I think the idea of a podcast could be a very good idea. As i have seen the podcast from the Stoked series of, i have learned a great deal from watching there podcasts on youtube while i am work. I think we should explore this idea further.

    Post count: 2368

    These sound great ideas Cat, and I will support them as well πŸ™‚

    Also Hi guys, Been so busy with work that I haven’t had a chance to see you guys when you are on πŸ™

    But I have been active and contributing to the projects on both starbase and Embassy…although most of it has been to the embassy.

    Anyway I’ll be around as often as I can spare πŸ˜‰

    Post count: 2368

    Yes, it does makes much sense πŸ™‚ Is actually how we discussed at some point.
    Yet, different stages of a guild development might require more flexibility in setting certain rules.
    For instance, regarding the rule about other guild membership and SW:TOR. For being able to level up in SW:TOR you might need to do several group based missions (either heroics, flashpoints or operations). While until level 50, a properly leveled lvl 50 player can replace a full team to help another guild member to do those missions, after level 50 you would actually need a full 4 members team to do them. And while we don’t have yet 4 different players at level 50 this could be difficult. Personally I’ve leveled my lvl50 toons by joining them to other guilds and then, when they were properly leveled, I moved them to our guild. Now I can help with leveling others with my 2 lvl 50 toons (unfortunately both are more tanks but can do some damage too). But now I can assist others on their group missions with them.
    Also, about absence/consequences: As I designed the rank structure above, the idea was to limit the number of roles that are actually requiered to have a regular presence within the guild. For this particular case, the only one that would need to have a regular presence would be the Marshall. Then, he can appoint as many generals, captains and jedi masters to help him running the guild day to day activity as he needs. Also the Grand Masters can always get involved, if they pleases, and also can nominate more active members as their deputies. The idea was to create an environment where the number of those requiered to have regular presence to be minimum.
    Of course, for this to work, we will need to do massive recruitment to have a pool of candidates for those roles to choose from. From what I’ve seen so far, for a guild to actually work with a relaxed presence rules the number of members should be somewhere between 200-300, to work on long term. For IJO, this means a long way ahead πŸ™‚
    But to get back to what I started from: different guild development stages requires different approaches in terms of rules. However, I keep my opinion that there should be an overseers board at the Guild Alliance level to act as warrants of Guild Alliance ideas and goals in all associated guilds. And that this board should be properly represented as specific overseers roles in any guild/clan/fleet we have in the Alliance. Even if, in certain cases, some peoples from certain games might not participate in all guilds involved. But if they choose to participate, even casually, they should be properly recognized. I liked the ambassador idea that Cat had, but i guess it would work only on those guilds where those members were not there from the begining, to let them accomodate with the ropes in that game. I also think that a good model for a guild structure is on 2 layers, one as a “legislative” council that is not required to be very present and one with an “executive” council for daily operations. The legislative council can be the GA board.
    Another observation: In the structure described above, as you may see, the Marshall will actually act as a guild leader for daily operations with a council to back him up, while the Grand Masters could only get involved to assure the fact that the GA ideals and goals are maintained. This kind of structure, if used properly, can also give reasons for a nice RP scenario, imho.

    Another thing: there also might be 2 different approaches on how a guild is managed: one would be a “democratic” one, where all members are somehow involved in legislating the guild rules and one more patriarhal, where there are some founders that ultimately are warrants of what that guild stands for and thus acts as an ultimate decission body. Personally I’m more inclined for the last model, especially after I’ve seen the quality of most players after a F2P model starts in a game.

    Bottom line is: in my opinion, even if we would have a basic set of rules, that cannot involve especially issues like presence and participations in other non-affiliated guilds, for the reasons stated above. However, there should be a consensus about what a guild should accept as a basic rule, to be part of the Guild Alliance. One of those basic rule can be the one about communications. Another one could be the one about recognizing Guild Alliance leadership in a certain way. The level of that recognition can vary from ambassadorial status up to general management status.

    All that was written above only concerns the IJO. Also I must state(again) that my english might not be the best one, so, if anything is unclear, please let me know and I’ll clarify it.
    I am also not sure that this post’s place is good here. Maybe it should go under IDIC Forum, but I preferred to directly reply on the risen issue. Please feel free to move this post to any other place if you see fit.
    In the next posts I’ll continue to develop the idea that I had for IJO functioning.

    All the best,

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