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    Post count: 2368

    CatStar/Flash and I


    Post count: 2368

    I am looking forward to exploring the Winter wonderland this year. I just checked it out earlier, cool activities. We all should have a race on the ice and a snow ball fight as a fleet. Have some fun together 🙂

    See you there and rug up it’s Cccooold!

    Post count: 2368

    I was just in the winter zone. You can get the ornaments this year by fighting the snowmen, finding them in piles of snowballs or buying packs using lobi crystals, which obviously forces us to open Lock Boxes 🙁


    Here is a graphic of all the items available.

    [attachment=0:1zcziw5z]winter items.jpg[/attachment:1zcziw5z]

    The race gives out 40 Autographed pictures of Q as a reward and 1000 pictures gets you a Breen Ship, which is not bad I suppose. The only thing is that you need to run this event 25 times or so to get enough pictures.

    You can still buy the winter food items and create a winter tribble.

    Also you can find winter Epohh tags and breed winter Epohh’s – i found one tag in a snowball pile – you need 6 to start the doff assignment. You can also get these by winning the Fast and Furious race.


    There is also the accolade for finding all the snowmen like last year 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I do not dislike it 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plas for your understanding – much appreciated and Cat for those words of wisdom 🙂

    Yes ‘Lest we forget’

    Post count: 2368

    What do you think about this then 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’m sure that’s cool Ing, I know you have a lot of stuff coming up in 2013. No one wants anyone to give up their RL commitments over a game.

    Once all the guilds rules are done it will accommodate everyone’s playing style, that’s the IDIC’S original goal 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Haven’t heard of this show. But a cast of super hot women in leather can’t be all bad 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Awesome show, except for ending.

    Post count: 2368 Anywhere else just takes us further from our home, our best memories are in IDIC. Think back to our gatherings around in the Vulcan fire temple, a humble begining that led us to all that we are today, how can you replace that? Why would you want to? I speak to all of our members, both old and new, speakup…greet one another, join up and start to play once more, as a fleet, lest we forget!

    Post count: 2368

    There are some great ideas here and the discussion is a lot more constructive since the summit. I will be spending this weekend going over CatStar and Kara’s proposals in-depth as they seem to be the only comprehensive submissions at this time. Please forgive me for not getting my responses in sooner, but I have some RL personal issues as some of you would know in addition to technical issues, such as an Internet ISP changeover.

    Post count: 2368

    Just becareful as to not make things too complicated for all concerned. I, myself am going back to the basics, I dont need a rank to team up with and enjoy spending time with my friends, that will be my goal when I log into the game from now on. That being said, I think ill take a back seat to this ordeal until everyone important has grabbed up thier portion, then ill see where i fit in. Once bitten, twice shy. =U.U=

    Post count: 2368

    That sounds like a great start. I’m glad that all these guild rules ideas are rolling and we can get down to business. By say Feb next year I think we’ll have all our structures for the different guilds together which will be a big boost and I think look more appealing to new recruits.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for commenting Law.

    I know from what many people have said that they are behind whatever rules etc I decide to add to the fleet. I know that this is looking like a political game as well, and I wanted to avoid that, the main point in this is to make the best rules and structure so the fleet can move on and survive.

    On another note, just to put it out there, I also know from what a few people have said that if I leave or step down as leader they will not stay in the fleet. This puts me in a difficult position -I don’t want our fleet to break up. Thats why this is being drawn-out a bit, trying to decide what’s best.

    I’m totally open to all the submissions and ideas on these forums, I just want everyone to know that I’m trying to do the best for the fleet, whatever the end result ends up being.

    Post count: 2368

    Bottom line is: in my opinion, even if we would have a basic set of rules, that cannot involve especially issues like presence and participations in other non-affiliated guilds, for the reasons stated above. However, there should be a consensus about what a guild should accept as a basic rule, to be part of the Guild Alliance. One of those basic rule can be the one about communications. Another one could be the one about recognizing Guild Alliance leadership in a certain way.

    I agree with what your saying, I think we should create a list of ‘common’ rules that can be set across the guilds, i recognize that we should seek a concensus fro the GA committee on these rules.

    Ingrid – The current GA committee has the 4 founding Guild members in it. I don’t see this being limited to that number in the future, however as Kara has indicated i think the committee should represent the games we are/have been playing.

    The way I see it there should be formed by those that showed interest and placed resources in the games we play and are recognized as leaders in their respective games. I won’t limit their numbers on 5, the more being the better, if we consider the actual presence each of us can have in the games we’re playing, more means we can back up for each other easier.
    Also, the way I see it, we can always bring into that council those persons that we’ve learned to trust during the time and who proven loyalty for the ideals of IDIC. As Law said in another post, after all, IDIC stands for “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations”. The council should represent exactly that.

    In addition I have begun formalising the GA a bit, please see this forum I started a few weeks ago

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