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    Post count: 2368

    Looks really cool, modern CGI is unreal. But very long =@.@=, wish I had time to watch the whole thing.

    Post count: 2368

    That was neat, but something came to mind when they mentioned that section that was cut out from the saucer hull. If someones diary was in that section and the Borg read it aloud over the comm, or Spot, Datas cat clinging onto a chair while holding its breath, also picture someone taking the turbo lift and then finding themself floating into open space. COMPUTER: “deck 2, deck 1, you are no longer on board the enterprise..” … XD

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Luna’s Funtime #1901

    Here are some more.

    Post count: 2368

    :O Send the Caitian Cavalry!

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, thanks Luna 🙂

    -My first Breen ship is on its way to attack earth 🙂 – 7 more to go.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 32 04-Jan-13

    Greetings Fleet

    We are well into our second year as a fleet for both UFP & KDF fleets & we hope 2013 with be a great year for -I.D.I.C-
    If anyone needs help with any thing please contact us via email (, our forums or in-game PM or mail.

    Here are a few announcements and updates.

    **End of Winter Party – Sunday 13th Jan, 5:30pm (GMT+9:30 Adel)**
    Please use to find out the time in your own timezone 🙂

    -To celebrate the end of the STO Winter Wonderland Event I am throwing a party. Meet your UFP and KDF Fleetmates at Q’s Wonderland.

    Please check the EVENT system for complete information on this event and I hope to see you all there 🙂

    **Visit the ‘Fleet Holdings Development Projects’ forum**

    -Read up on our Star Base and Embassy construction efforts.

    Here you’ll find the construction reports from both our KDF and UFP Holdings, as well as view the leaderboards for our ‘Holdings Competitions’

    **Forums Info**

    -It’s been a while since the last STO fleet mail. The reason for this is that all fleet info is going through our forums. Please join if you haven’t already and check out our conversations and announcements there.

    Drop me a line either by email:, or in-game mail and let me know that you’ve signed up so I can activate your account.

    **Special Thanks**

    -For those who came along we recently had a quiz event with one of our allies the SAW fleet. I just wanted to thank Ambassador Ingrid T’Par and Tactical Chief CatStar for a great job in coordinating and setting up the event. Although we lost we can take pride in the fact that -I.D.I.C- is living up to its charter & ideals, Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, fostering cooperation and respect across these virtual stars.

    All the best for 2013.

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 32-SUP 06-Jan-13

    Greetings Fleet,

    Just a supplemental mail continuing from the Jan 4 fleet mail.

    **Forums Info – New Members**

    ALL fleet information is going through our forums. Please join if you haven’t already & check out the conversations & announcements there.

    Drop me a line by email: or in-game mail & let me know that you’ve signed up so I can activate your account.

    Also if you do not have the in-game -I.D.I.C- chat channel, please contact a fleet officer ASAP so they can invite & help you set it up.

    **Fleet Ships Of The Line Callendar 2013**

    We are making a 2013 Callendar showcasing the ships of our fleet members.

    If you would like to be a part of this please pimp out your ship with your favourite gear and send me the **highest resolution – screen size & graphics settings** shot you can of your ship & its **Exact Name & Registry**

    Mail to:

    If you are running a low-end system I am happy to meet you and take the shots needed, pls contact me and we can arrange it.

    We have about 6 finished, I need to get 3 from people on holidays so we need at least another 3 people to get the 12 unique.

    We need to do this **ASAP** so I can get this out by mid-Jan

    **Teamspeak 3**

    I am continuing our teamspeak sever for 2013 and it can be accessed by all at:

    Password: picardmaneuver

    Please use this service sensibly & be respectfull to other users.

    **A special thanks to @Ishakar (Kara) for donating towards this years TS3 Server costs :)**

    The next fleet mail in a couple of days will be about our resources/websites/forums etc so stay tuned 🙂

    Safe Travels.

    Post count: 2368

    Can’t wait to do this mission!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Music we like #1821

    Cartoon Heros by Aqua 😛

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Music we like #1820

    I like epic hero music.

    Plus I have a theme for CatStar, it will play as u enter

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone and Happy New Year !!!!
    May all your wishes come true in 2013!
    I’ll be mostly of the grid until sunday, as I’m of town.
    I hope to see you soon!
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar’s Website #1372

    I thought I was first 😐 – But I’m happy to be second to you Luna 🙂

    Woo its looking good.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar’s Website #1371

    I was the first to sign up, so make me an admin. 😎

    Post count: 2368

    on board the tholian ship durring the cutscene

    Post count: 2368

    Competition 3 – Embassy Construction Leaderboard

    To celebrate the new fleet Embassy’s I am holding an -I.D.I.C- wide contest. This contest will be based on the Embassy leaderboard statistics.

    1. TIER 3 Prize Packs

    The combined score of ALL toons belonging to a single member of each fleet (UFP & KDF) at the end of Tier 3 (This will be, when the ‘Upgrade Embassy to Tier 3’ is complete) will win the Tier 3 major prize pack

    The second highest score will win the Runner-Up prize pack.

    These prizes are subject to change (for better prizes :P), currently they are;

    U.F.P. & K.D.F. Runner-Up

      [Outfit Box – 2012 Scarf (FED)]
      [Outfit Box – Federation Scarf (FED)]
      [Outfit Box – Scarf (FED)]
      [Outfit Box – Starfleet Academy Scarf (FED)]
      [Borg Prosthetic – Maintenance Drone Mk X [CritH]x2]
      [Borg Prosthetic – Medical Drone Mk X [DoT3]x2]
      [Borg Prosthetic – Tactical Drone Mk X [Dmg]x2]
      2x [Fleet Ship Module]

    U.F.P. & K.D.F. Winner

      [Outfit Box – 2012 Scarf (FED)]
      [Outfit Box – Federation Scarf (FED)]
      [Outfit Box – Scarf (FED)]
      [Outfit Box – Starfleet Academy Scarf (FED)]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Long, Black]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Short, Black]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Crop, Black]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Long, White]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Short, White]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Crop, White]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Long, Brown]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Short, Brown]
      [Outfit Box – Winter Jacket – Crop, Brown]
      2x [Fleet Ship Module]
      Unique Framed Fleet Certificate (non-game) Mailed to you by -Plasma

    Watch for Construction Updates and the in-game Leaderboards for current place holders.

    Note: Fleet Leaders are not eligible for competition prizes.

    Post count: 2368

    Competition 2 – Starbase Construction Leaderboard

    To celebrate the new fleet Star-bases I am holding an -I.D.I.C- wide contest. This contest will be based on the starbase leaderboard statistics. There are three parts to this contest;

    1. TIER 3 Prize Packs – COMPLETED

    The combined score of ALL toons belonging to a single member of each fleet (UFP & KDF) at the end of Tier 3 (This will be, when the ‘Upgrade Starbase to Tier 3’ is complete) will win the Tier 3 minor prize packs

    These prizes are subject to change (for better prizes :P), currently they are;

    U.F.P – Won by LawMarshall – November 2012

      [Tholian Warfare Specialists (Federation)]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Mirror Universe Star Cruiser]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Sehlat Cat Cub]
      [Space Non-Combat Pet – Danube Runabout]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Dilithium Horta]
      [Space Non-Combat Pet – Gekli]
      [Outfit Box – DS9 Uniform Set]
      [Holonovel Storage Device]
      [Console Pack – Theta Radiation / Photonic Displacement]

    K.D.F. – Won by Neighty – December 2012

      [Tholian Warfare Specialists (Klingon)]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Mirror Universe Battlecruiser]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Sehlat Cat Cub]
      [Space Non-Combat Pet – Toron Shuttle]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Dilithium Horta]
      [Space Non-Combat Pet – Gekli]
      [Holo Emitter – Model CH-12703 Space Transport]
      [Holonovel Storage Device]
      [Console Pack – Subspace Jump / Point Defense]

    2. TIER 4 Prize Packs – CURRENT

    The combined score of ALL toons belonging to a single member of each fleet (UFP & KDF) at the end of Tier 4 will win the Tier 4 minor prize packs

    These prizes may be added to, currently they are;


      [Tholian Warfare Specialists (Federation)]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Mirror Universe Deep Space Science Vessel]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Liberated Borg Engineering Officer (Federation)]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Exocomp]
      [Ground Combat Pet – Eisilum Crystal Horta]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Jackal Mastiff Puppy (Gray)]
      [Outfit Box – DS9 Uniform Set]
      [Temporal Beacon Storage Device]
      [Console Pack – Subspace Jump / Point Defense]


      [Tholian Warfare Specialists (Klingon)]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Mirror Universe Qin Raptor]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Liberated Borg Engineering Officer (Klingon)]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Targ Pup]
      [Ground Combat Pet – Eisilum Crystal Horta]
      [Ground Non-Combat Pet – Jackal Mastiff Puppy (Brown)]
      [Holo Emitter – Model CH-12703 Space Transport]
      [Temporal Beacon Storage Device]
      [Console Pack – Isometric Charge / Antimatter Spread]

    3. TIER 5 Prize Packs

    The combined score of ALL toons belonging to a single member of each fleet (UFP & KDF) at the end of Tier 5 will win the Tier 5 minor prize packs

    In addition to the prizes below, the ‘Starbase Systems’ will be renamed within our fleet. Thereafter they will be referred to by a new name depending on who the winners are.

    These prizes include;


      [Special Requisition Pack – Tholian Widow Fighter Ship]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Photonic Science Officer]
      [Federation Combat Environmental Suit]


      [Special Requisition Pack – Tholian Widow Fighter Ship]
      [Special Requisition Pack – Photonic Science Officer]
      [KDF Combat Environmental Suit]

    3. Grand Prize Winner

    The combined score of ALL toons belonging to a single member when Tier 5 of BOTH fleet starbases are complete will be proclaimed the major prize winner.

    This prize includes;

      Convention Promo Code – Legacy unlocked for all toons, Leeta Doff and ‘Convention Veteran’ title. Value US$55
      4x [Fleet Ship Module]
      Unique Framed Fleet Certificate (non-game) Mailed to you by -Plasma

    Watch for Starbase Construction Updates and the in-game Leaderboard for current place holders.

    Note: Fleet Leaders are not eligible for competition prizes.

Viewing 15 posts - 901 through 915 (of 1,791 total)