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    Post count: 2368

    Wooo, ships of the fleet callendar (version 1) is online and can be downloaded here

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Cute And Fuzzy #1131

    Star wars version of the ferengi

    Post count: 2368

    From what I can figure out from the previous discussions on the forum, the founding dates are:
    Infinite Sith Empire: March 14, 2011 (originally founded on web, in pre-launch period)
    Infinite Jedi Order: March 06, 2012
    As for the date, we could organize a meeting, in one of the next saturdays (maybe after Ingrid returns too), lets say February 2nd, 2013? Please everyone interested to attend to post here the time availability for attending, so we could set up the meeting details.
    I’ll bring cookies 😉

    Post count: 2368

    i guess i misunderstood, i thought SAW was no longer excisted.

    Post count: 2368

    Good words of wisdom there CatStar 😀

    True Plas… I think it is always important to understand both sides of the story and for us to evaluate the situation regarding alliances with one or both fleets i.e. SAW and or NOVA. We want all our alliances to be diplomatic , professional and above all protect our fleet and its members. I guess we all discuss it and make a decision based on the information given 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, I’m not sure about the date. I think you and Londi are better informed to set the time date etc. Prob on a weekend sometime would be best.

    I don’t actually remember the dates of when the guilds were started 🙁 – If anyone has the dates that would be cool to have on record.

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll wait and see what info I get back from Jay & Rage. If the situation is that this new fleet ‘Nova’, assumably created by former SAW members, is going around causing issues for SAW then we can’t possibly have a formal alliance with both fleets. SAW will prob not be too pleased and after all that is the fleet that we have an alliance to start with.

    Post count: 2368

    Soccer fan victory =U.U=

    On a serious note, I talked to Lillie the other day who is now in a newly made fleet called Nova, she is hoping for another fleet vs fleet competition again at some point with us. There will always be a need to rule by some people, but ones that demand to, are generaly insecure and chaotic, causing things like this happen. I think what we do need to do is stay in contact with those who we made friends with but yes, not get involved. What we need is to display a solid foundation as an example to other fleets, but if any of em decide to join ours, they should have someone to show them how we work upfront. Having more active and motivated members would be great.

    This is a good reminder of how things can go real bad, real fast. every fleet needs a safety net, someone who is respected enough to get people behind them to listen when they speak…ours is Plasma ^^
    (thx again for keeping us together)

    Post count: 2368

    Thank you for this information Plas. I am very shocked that this fleet has split up and sad to hear it at the same time. It seemed they were very strong and focused etc… All the same, I think regarding diplomatic relations as a fleet with them we need to be careful and not get involved and let them work through what ever has happened. I am glad that our last event went well with them and they had a good turn out .

    Post count: 2368

    I can come with gifts 🙂
    Thanks Plas, that’s a great idea 🙂 And a good opportunity to make acquaintance with the new members from SW:TOR.
    When do you think it would be a good time to organize it?

    Post count: 2368

    @-Plasma wrote:

    Woo thanks Kara. Could you please post the full ship name and registry number, thanks.

    I still need to get a few more, but I’m hoping to have the first 6 months done in a few days.

    Ship name: U.S.S. Calypso
    Registry number: NX-99001-A

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Cute And Fuzzy #1130

    I found this chattering little cutie in a mission today.

    Post count: 2368

    If you still miss some ships and if you like it, here’s my old assimilated Vo’Quv.

    Post count: 2368

    Sure no worries Plas 🙂
    Ingrid had the heavy assault Cruiser and the Intrepid, I will use one of those. I’ll come on tomorrow and take some shots of it, hopefully will work okay. If not let me know when u plan to come on STO Plas – if possible during the day time as atm most of the nights i’m out… i’ll try to make it there and you can take them for me – that would be great 🙂


    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Ambassador Class :) #2052

    Wooo 🙂

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