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    Post count: 2368

    I took care of this one already, I have sent him a friend request and a fleet invite.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Fleet Recruitment #2099

    No, not yet. I was going to quit for the night until i seen that pic i posted above again…I have to try a little more tonight! I owe it to u guys to give it another go!

    Post count: 2368

    We really need to get a hold of hiim somehow. As slim as its been lately, we really cant afford to loose anyone else. Even im starting to get bored, I tried recruiting for the event tonight, not even 1 response. =T.T=

    Post count: 2368

    Everyone wants to beat me up =T.T=

    yeah, that might be fun. next time I see u on, lets have a go at it.

    Post count: 2368

    Maybe i should challenge you and avenge Luna 😈

    Post count: 2368

    Here are some screenshots from our PvP. Me and Hazard cheered her on afterward as she ran her laps 😆

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Fleet Recruitment #2098

    A good idea, a lack of envolvment can make things a challenge sometimes. I myself have been unable to help as much lately due to work. But I think a personal goal for everyone in the fleet, would be to try and recruit at least 1 person per week. Some of them may be willing to lend a hand, donating, teaming, and even helping to recruit themelves.

    Post count: 2368

    Just on the offer I made to Nova Fleet, Law and I discussed it briefly and Lillie was online at the time so I made contact with her.

    The reason I acted so quickly on this is that I wanted to make the offer before they progressed too far with their fleet holdings, however as you can see from the conversation they have declined.

    Even if they were interested there wouldn’t have been an automatic intake, it would have been subject to discussion and working out positions etc.

    I know it looks like a contradiction from what I said earlier about not getting involved, however in the moment it seemed like a logical idea to integrate them if possible. Sorry if anyone was upset about this move but please remember that it was undertaken under the advice of the Executive Officer and Myself, the two highest ranking officers online at the time and with good intentions.

    Post count: 2368

    I just finished reading the conversation you just posted about the split up with SAW. I had a conversation with Ingrid about this and she seems concerned about us getting involved with their internal struggle. It is my opinion that we do not get involved with their internal politics whatsoever, but I can understand if some of their members would want to come to IDIC as we do not turn away anyone and would be respect whatever happened over there. Also remember Plasma what happened to our former fleet members from our previous ones. I was always invovled in the drama between the two fleet leaders and tried not to take sides that is why I came into this fleet to avoid that. Please be aware crossing that line of taking sides but since you are the founder of this fleet and have been with you since the beginning I still strongly support you and this fleet. I think we need to be reminded of how lucky we are that we do not have this kind of drama going on. Lets cherish the bond we have as a fleet and as friends so we can keep continuing our friendship.

    Post count: 2368

    That Breen ship looks good in the KDF SB, it almost looks like a beer ad.

    Post count: 2368

    Since I already have one, I think having u run 100 laps around my property will be funny, if I win. 😀

    Post count: 2368


    -Jay has informed me via STO mail that he is acting Leader of the SAW fleet as he can’t contact RAGE for a few days. He thanks us for the support.

    -I mailed him back and said that we are willing to act as intermediaries and the use of our Starbase as neutral ground.

    SAW History


    After a discussion with LawMarshall regarding offering membership to IDIC to Nova Fleet, I made the suggestion to Lillie, this is the convo.

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: Im here

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: I was just informing my fleet first officer about the SAW fleet split

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: and mentioned that you guys had just formed a new fleet

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: yes we have

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: and he suggested we make an offer for you guys to join IDIC if you wanted to have access to our starbase etc. of course there would be tons of details to work out, but we just wanted to offer

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: I read the web link with SAW history ingrid forwarded to me, sounds like a hard situation there

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: Jay mailed me the other day asking for support with the ‘WAR’ but we have decided to act ony as go-between, and bring about peace rather than get into a conflict

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: hard is a understatment & thank you kindley. we have made major progress on both our starbasses with in what is now a week

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: hold on a secplease

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: sure

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: Im readng this to our counci l

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: sure thats cool – I don;t want you to think that im trying to be opportunistic and scoop up fleet members from failed fleets, we genuinely would love dedicated members coming into our fleet, and our

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: resources coupld help your peopel out as well

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: but there would have to be discussion on fleet positions and all that, but there is no rush at all, just a suggestion at this stage

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: thank you but we are already established here on this side. both bases are completly ferbished for only being a week old. We thank you tho for checking both sides. Sorry to place you in this situation

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: well firbished with in the specials that is, sorry

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: No problem at all. Let us know if you need any help with anything 🙂

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: as for SaW you can do with them as you see fit. We have not & will not declair a war of words is simply perpostuase… (sp?)

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: The think with SAW is that we went into an alliance with them and regardless of whatever internal issues that fleet has had, as long as it doesn;t impact on IDIC, we are willing to help current and

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: former members

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: so we have moved on. SaW is the one with the issues

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: sure Prior to creating idic I came from a failed fleet as well, its not an easy thing

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: We at NOVE have no issues with them, we have moved on.

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: Thats good to hear, Jay accused you of attacking and harrassing them

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: But im not one to take anyones word until i hear the whole story and both sides

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: it is not. Not to mention what they could be & odviously are to other fleets. We have no controle over that & dont want to. All we can do is keep ahold of what we know to be truth in what happend & mo

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: move forward with in it.

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: Well good luck with Nova 🙂 – I wish you all the best and let us know if you need any help at all

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: I love having hit guys out after me to. I just so enjoy (not) being blown up out side ESD … rofl Im being sarcastic lol

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: sounds full on

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: yup

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: personally they are acting as children & not moving on themselves …

    [Team] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: you have a greta day as well Plasma & find me any time ok… honest

    [Team] -Plas@-Plasma: You too 🙂 – see you

    and about 30 mins later

    [Tell] Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: hi Plasma my Council Member KRUN & or James Ray Charles would like to speek with you, he will be intouch, unsure exactly when but he will

    [Tell] To Lillie Marie@elizabeth51: no probs 🙂 – anytime

    [Tell] James R. Charles@James_Ray_Charles: Hey Plamsa J.R.C. Here, there is something i would like to talk to you, i will be speaking for our council, and we have agreed that I can and there are a few simple questions we

    [Tell] James R. Charles@James_Ray_Charles: we would just like to ask you first.

    [Tell] James R. Charles@James_Ray_Charles: Or I would liek to ask you. 😛 sorry lol

    The rest of the conversation was in Voice chat – they asked if one of their members could join IDIC and purchase a fleet ship. After some discussion I allowed it and he joined and left under my supervision.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, good luck to you both 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    This weekend at high noon, we will be faceing off for one last time. A PvP against Luna and Meowstar, The prize: The looser has to buy the winner a Star Trek sub! 😎

    This will also be the last time I set foot in that stupid library!! Im just going to play durring the weekends.

    Post count: 2368

    This sounds cool, Ill come too!! I love cookies, hehe! 😆

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