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    Post count: 2368

    I was checking for a time to accomodate most and my proposal would be for Saturday night, at midnight GMT (that means Sunday morning, around 9:30 am, Adelaide time).
    Please confirm if that’s fine with you or if we should move it a bit later.
    As meeting place I would propose to be the Dark Temple on Dormunt Kaas, second floor.
    As most of us have played mainly on teh dark side, I would propose to start the meeting on the dark side and then to move it on the light side too if necessary.
    As event, we could to some flashpoints together, even if that would be the Black Talon (lvl 10), according to the lowest level present of the meeting, so that everyone would attend.
    It would be nice to have a competition too, if you have ideas in that area, please post them here. I can come with prizes for that 🙂
    Looking forward to see you,

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 33 31-Jan-13

    Greetings Fleet,

    A Few Notices

    **Fleet Summit***

    There was alot of enthusiasm at the last summit about getting the fleet going and running better, unfortunately there has been little contribution to the forums on the matters raised back in November.

    A key discussion point was the use of our forums to keep abreast of fleet happenings, sadly this has improved very little if at all.

    Therefore I have no choice but to make some judgements about certain members and decisions regarding the fleet management.

    *If you wish to contribute something to these conversations the opportunity will still be available until the 17th of March*

    **On Sunday March 17th at 5pm (GMT+9:30) **

    we will be holding a Second Fleet Summit in order to formally forward all the new rules and any changes to the fleet. I will be posting the International times in the next few days.

    Before the summit there will be a meeting of the GA Committee & Guild Command Staff to discuss the fleet leaderships. This will be scheduled as soon as an appropriate time is worked out between the people involved.

    **Fleet Calendar 2013**

    The -I.D.I.C- 2013 Ships of the Fleet Calendar is available for download from the:

    GA forums: or GA FaceBook Page, Albums Section:

    **Fleet Recruiting**

    There have been efforts to recruit over the last couple of weeks, unfortunately this has not been very successful.

    I will be posting on the official STO Fleets forums over the weekend. I will email out the link once its done and I would appreciate it if as many as you as possible could pay the forums a visit and post about what you like about our fleet.

    **Fleet Alliances**
    We will have news about a couple of new alliances in the coming days 🙂

    Thanks all.


    The complete -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail Archive can be found here;

    Post count: 2368

    woooo 🙂 i’m not missing out on this…

    Post count: 2368

    That sounds great Plas – thanks for that. I get my laptop back today, so I’ll be able to game properly. I will look over their treaty/ website and we can discuss it from there 🙂

    I look forward to meeting them also.

    All the best

    Post count: 2368

    Due to some technical difficulties I was unable to save the chat log of the meeting, however I will provide some additional unclassified information.

    Fleet Name: Mars Express
    Commanding Officer: Tear@Ztrl (Main) aka. Lyryx@Ztrl (Alt)

    In-Game Chat Channel: MarsExpress This channel is an open channel no need for an invitation. This channel functions like our Inter-Fleetchannel

    Post count: 2368

    When recruiting, we must remember something very important; we are all in ourselves Ambassidors for the fleet, advertising one another as a whole with each word, action and inaction. Each potential recruit will be shrude and unforgiving, they dont want to hear what you have to say and will find what they can to dismiss your attempts. A recruiter should attempt to bring forth the hearth and comfort of thier guilds brotherhood, how you sell yourself will reflect the true nature of its fleets attitude…and those you ask will see this quickly! What your guilds stores, numbers and wealth has to offer, wont buy a loyal member; its ones attitude, not gratitude that gains ones altitude.

    When we get tired, we tend to drop our tools and countenance, and wander off. You will find the longer you distance yourself from one another, the longer it will take to get together once again. Every member of this guild should not forget the difficulty of keeping a fleet together, and take just a little time each day for thier mates, if nothing else but to give them a warm greeting. We have all been together a long time, and deserve to be able to continue to enjoy one anothers presence when ever we log in. We have all done much together, but each day is a new page inwhich to write, lets provide out currrent and future members a history thats worthy of each of its members. -Cat

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    I have been thinking about a few ideas regarding recruitment.

    Firstly, I believe our fleet can be a very strong one if we work together. We have great people who are very skilled, trained and enjoy being apart of the team. The last thing I want is for our fleet to become stale and disolve into nothing. I encourage everyone to be apart of fleet life and team up with fellow members and get to know one another 🙂 This will be one of my tasks for this year when I am in STO.

    Recruitment Ideas

    Please note this is based on the current principle of recruiting new members from different time zones

    Designate a leader to be in charge of the overall ‘recruitment’ sector of the fleet. The leader will choose 2 or 3 assistants who are in a different time zone to them. For example Australia, USA, UK, EUROPE. Each three will recruit in their own time zone and ensure the new recruit is also in the same timezone and country. It is the responsbility of that person to look after the new recruit by keeping communications open, offer assistance and gear from the fleet bank and ensure that an invite to the IDIC chat channel and website has been given.

    This idea has been encouraged in the past and by other officers, I strongly believe this will be one way that we can help our fleet to become strong. One down side to this idea is the challenge that the people who are from different time zones, may not be able to meet the leader and XO of the fleet. As we have advertised we do play in the Austrlian time zone and thus ‘time zone’s will always be a challenge. on that note another discussion might be to decide what time zone IDIC should play in and what is realistic for its curent active members.

    Thanks for reading this 🙂

    See u there !

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Star Trek Images #1245

    Does anybody remember this episode?

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Star Trek Images #1244

    Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi and Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher. TNG

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Star Trek Images #1243

    Persis Khambatta – Ilia, Star Trek: The Motion Picture

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Star Trek Images #1242

    Zoe Saldana Shoot Star Trek 2009

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Star Trek Images #1241

    A few Star Trek Remastered Images

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All

    I have returned 🙂

    Yes I am happy to attend a gathering for SW.

    At this stage my availabilities for the week are:

    Feb 1st: Evening
    Feb 3rd: Morning, Afternoon (maybe)
    Feb 4th: late morning, arvo, evening

    up to you guys, let’s know 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Luna’s Funtime #1907

    Here are two more.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Luna’s Funtime #1906

    You need to check out this guys website, he has so much Star Wars stuff.

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