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    Post count: 2368

    Wow Awesome 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Sounds good. Let’s set up a time to discuss a possible alliance with this fleet 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, sorry Kara, that date is ok with me, let me know what I can do for the gathering and I will do it, also does Londi know about the gathering etc?

    Post count: 2368

    LOL, there was a GM in the game earlier today, I took my picture with him and friended him. He’s the one in the blue TOS uniform, he said he’s an environmental artist, has come over from Champs to work on STO.


    Post count: 2368

    Good idea I endorse this as they are in our main timezone 🙂 – go ahead

    Post count: 2368

    Time Zones

    Time zones will always be a challenge in many fleets. I think this is one of the most hardest obstacles to overcome. I have had many members inform me at times they are the only people in the roster and have felt isolated during their gaming. I feel saddened that this is happening & these members are feeling totally out of fleet life; however at the same time I remember we always said we were playing in the Australian time zone GMT+10 and anyone is welcome to join us knowing this when joining the fleet.

    This is a very hard situation, we are a fleet that accept all species, all cultures, all countries, all time zones etc. This is why I love being in IDIC, acceptance and inclusion. However, we have become larger in numbers and thus right now we don’t have enough active officers to cater or accommodate all the members from the different time zones.

    Here are a few questions to discuss.

    1) What time zone should IDIC realistically play in?
    2) How will we accommodate these members who play in different time zones?
    3) Should we change the current time zone policy and recruit to accommodate only one – two time zones?
    4) What is our long time goal for IDIC ?

    We need to discuss the time zone issue and above all find a fair and appropriate solution. Please note I am not saying that I want to kick any one out, this does not help the situation at all; instead it creates division and anger amongst members. I am wanting us all to think about what is a realistic time for our fleet to play in. Also ask yourselves, when you arrive onto STO and look in the roster, how many members are online when you are?
    Everyone is important in our fleet and I want to ensure there are officers around to assist members when in need.

    Post count: 2368

    *smiles* Since no one else confirmed yet, I guess we can move it a week ahead. That being February 17th, Adelaide time.
    The right times are posted above. However, given the long time frame until then, I’ll reconfirm the times and dates in the week prior to the event.
    Please let us know how this proposed date and time suits you all.
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368

    Woo I managed to level up my two remaining KDF Veena’s during the double weekend 🙂

    Post count: 2368


    Just a tip, at the point in the mission where you assign Tasha and the others tasks, make sure that you give them the task that suits them, if not the mission will not end and you will keep having to repeat that part and the space battle.

    Tasha= Tractor Beam
    Castillo= Clamps
    T’Nae= Web
    YOU= Power levels


    If the balloons and stuff is killing your video performance you can turn down the Max physics debris objects slide in your video settings.

    Post count: 2368

    I’m sorry I have just checked and have my family staying then. I can do the week after if that is suitable to everyone. If not, I guess I’ll have to miss out for this time.

    Post count: 2368

    In this case, how does it sounds for February 10th?
    Same hours as written above …

    Post count: 2368

    I never thought that queue is real thing in STO, first time i see this.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Kara,

    Thanks for this info. Which Sunday were you thinking?

    My laptop has had a very big virus on it and I have recently collected it upon repair. I am in the process of installing everything back onto it again and currently do not have SWTOR. I hope to have it installed by this weekend; however when I installed STO it continued to crash, it is working ok now. I am hoping this will not happen when I install SWTOR. I am happy to join the gathering, at this stage I can’t commit for this weekend – apologies.

    If we were to make it another time, I will try and commit to attending.

    Best Regards

    Post count: 2368

    This is what i’m getting when I try to log in 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    Woohoo, new party poppers !!! 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 826 through 840 (of 1,791 total)