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    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Kara for the info. I will do my best to attend the party, it sounds like a heap of fun 🙂

    The only down side I have atm is I can’t patch. It has been trying to patch for 1 week now and isn’t getting anywhere. I will have to reinstall it once again and hopefully this time it will work…

    I’m keen to level my toons and team with u guys in the future 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Coolness, on my birthday! woohoo! I think I will buy something from the Cartel Market to celebrate!! I will even use my fireworks for this event, mainly because I couldn’t sell them ~.~ I really hope I can join you, I will be partying all day in RL too. <i:)

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    A short update about event organizing.
    I’ve met with Londi the other day and he made a proposal to move the event for Sunday, 17th February, at 8:00 am GMT (that means: 10:00 am Bucharest time, 7:00 pm Sydney Time), or anytime within few hours (5-6) after that.
    What do you think? Would you be able to attend to the event in this configuration?
    Also he made a proposal that event would include also a recruitment drive that we would do at the end of it (which I think it would be great, to take the opportunity of having more of us there to get some more members).
    I’ll wait until Wednesday for your replies to publish the final date and time for the event.
    Looking forward for your input,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1976

    This came to mind again, hehe 😆

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: New IDIC REAL Patch #2119

    WOW that’d be cool… if you wear it at the comic con I think I will lol…

    But… i’m not dressing up as a vulcan 😉

    Post count: 2368

    [attachment=0:1au3kp3n]Flash and Ingrid visiting Q.jpg[/attachment:1au3kp3n][attachment=1:1au3kp3n]dancing girl and pepper.jpg[/attachment:1au3kp3n][attachment=2:1au3kp3n]fun times at esd.jpg[/attachment:1au3kp3n][attachment=3:1au3kp3n]officers meeting.jpg[/attachment:1au3kp3n]

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Trolling #2118

    I can’t believe this guy…. This guy has many issues in himself he continues to justify everything and has to spoil other people’s fun! A ”troll’ is the perfect word to describe him.

    This guy needs to keep away though saying threatening things like “i’ll be watching you”… He can get kicked out of the game for this, I think a serious report needs to be written to the devs, we can’t have people like this in STO causing trouble and threatening innocent folk!

    Remember he is just one guy though and we are many. We are here for you CatStar, this wont last, in time this will pass. Don’t let this get you down Cat… If I can do anything to assist, let me know…

    Lol in a way i’d like to meet this guy in STO, i’m sure we all would 😆

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Trolling #2117

    It looks like someone reported you Frankie. They closed down the thread, with a warning to you. He got away with calling me a sockpuppet!!! I am soo fuming! How dare he drag my reputation through the dirt! Then talk down to me like scolding father!! 👿

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Trolling #2116

    Looks like I get to see what it was like to be Picard, in the TNG Pilot. =T.T=

    He accused me of everything he possibly could, and put down everything ive done…

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Elizze, welcome to our forums, please feel free to comment in any of them and post new content as well, the more information and conversation on here the better 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I will come too. Looking forward to meeting you guys.
    Best regards, Elizze

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Trolling #2115

    My fleet idea is cursed, it brings the worst out in people….its like the one ring. =T.T=

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Trolling #2114

    This guy is a dick, don’t respond to him is my advice, he is just going to go on and on.

    Post count: 2368

    Some shots of the Paehhos Run we did the other day

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for your continuous support.
    Well, you could help with promoting the event in a way i never was able to.
    I’ll speak with Londi too, if i see him, for the event format, but basically, i was thinking of something like this:
    1. first part: “The gathering” – getting together and giving away some prizes for those that supported most the SW:TOR guilds and the Guild Alliance as a whole. (should not take more then 30-45 mins, person in charge: myself)
    2. second part: Black Talon social run (or other flashpoint, depending on the minimum level of the ones present and of their number)
    3. 3rd part: datacron hunt on Korriban and Dormunt Kaas.
    4. Final prizes for those that attended teh event and their overall contribution and party aboard of my ship 🙂 I’ll bring the music :))
    I can take care of all of them, if anyone would like to take over for a part, feel free to do so. For teh first part, I already gathered some really great prizes (crystals with lvl 56 stats, usable since level 10, as an example)
    Any other ideas are most welcomed 🙂
    Best wishes,

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