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    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1984

    OMG I couldn’t stop laughing at that video!!! 😆 I need to teach my kitties to stand up like that!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1983

    lol CatStar as puss’n boots and with a Spanish Accent…

    It could be….

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1982

    LOL I’ll have to get a good mouse then, they keep telling me that, I think it is time to get a decent one :geek:


    Post count: 2368

    This topic has been on the table for a while, and I think we need to get back into the game, as a whole. This will determine the future for all of us, and im concerned that members lack of enthusiam for the game for one reason or another will cause this fleet to go completely flat, and drive more of us to leave to other games….this has been making it more and more difficult to recruit new members, think to when you where being asked to join, if the one recruited you said “we are not always here or available so you will have to fend for yourself” that doesnt sound too apealing. I know being casual is appealing when you begin to get bored with the game, I have been getting bored lately too, but for other reasons. But those of us who have remained, have stayed to be our regulars, we must set an example, there are too few of us to become casual and inactive. There is too much important work to be done, leadership from our vets, rebuilding a name for our fleet! We have been loosing ground while away, the lack of active members doesnt draw in more people, when someone new logs into his new fleet and sees no one there for a few days in a row, nor does anyone greet him/her, they no longer feel welcome and the atmospere turns isolating and depressing for them. This really needs to be fixed and I would like suggestions from all our members on this, we have something here that is very valuable to all of us, and we need to take the time to stoke this fire back up and send up a signal once again that announces IDIC lives!

    Take this opportunity to add in your ideas and talents, this is a group effort and needs our full attention. Tiers are secondary, lets get reaquainted, many of us havent seen each other or talked in ages.

    I think some things should be put ito effect, this is some ideas I have….
    1: Recruiting guidelines that give quick answers, nothign long and drawn out. Dont beg, we dont need people who want to be picky and try to get you to impress them. While still being curtious we need to remember, we are recruiting for active members, not to fill space with more inactive people! We also need to make sure we have people available for teaming and to help people to level, members shouldnt be left to fend for themselves until its convenient to play with them, thats rude and what can drive people away.
    2: Communication, we need to get into the habbit to greet one another, not just our friends, but all our members, they need to know they are known and welcome too. This is how you make friends and regulars, when they feel welcome and treated like one of us. The forums is a good idea, not everyone can be on at the same time, this maybe an inconvenience for some as there can be alot of content to read, but browsing real quick the active topics button can give you a peek at what threads where active that day, and u can pick and choose what u wanna read.
    3: Fleet Structures….this is the big one, we need something a bit more solid, something that allows for casuals to drop by every so often to say hi, and our regualrs to have something solid to lean against…we need some leadership roles still inplace so there is activity and order in our fleet everyday. I still think the basics of the one i came up with will work, the branches can be for regulars and casuals, the leadership roles for regulars…vets who lead other games should be given the ambassidors status while here(captains rank). but as for how the leadership roles are choosen, voting was just an idea, im sure the higherups can put in place who they feel can handle the job and be there to do it. if a member feels they are unable or no longer desire what they do, even a common officer, they should be allowed to switch. branches are put into place for team goals and possible competitions. When they fill it is up to them, some may want to get it done and get back to the game, other may want to play at the game and go a little at a time.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1981

    The offer is still there, but it requires good control of ur mouse, can u wrap ur paw around that?

    I recomend a sword, but I can teach u how to get the most out of any melee you would prefer.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1980

    BTW Cat, if the offer is still going I’d like to be one of your aprentice and learn to use the blade. Every time you use that sword with CatStar you are fierce- the force is surely strong in you master!!!

    I hope we can get a few more also as it is fun and something different to do.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1979

    Lol you sure Plas remember ABC tv shows… Yeh I checked it out, I think I may have seen it as a kid way back in the 90’s- not sure as there were a lot of animae cartoons out then.. Love those type of shows!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1978

    I don’t want to divert this thread into unrelated stuff but I have never heard of that show, lol – looks interesting 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    i have seen the place in the dark temple where kara would like to gather for the event and she has run by me the events and it sounds good to me also there will be a weekly recruiting drive on the Empire side to the guild up and running. I hope we will have a decent turnout for the event

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1977

    CatStar with a Brittish accent? facepaw

    Post count: 2368

    What an advertisement!

    Brilliant again Plas 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks 🙂 Look forward to meeting you too!

    Post count: 2368

    Good job on instaling the game.I understood from Kara that you had some trouble.We made some plans on how the reunion should take place.Looking forward to meet you.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Kara.

    Sounds interesting. I am finally able to play SW now, I should be at the party on the weekend 🙂

    Let me know if you need any help with it


    Post count: 2368
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