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    Post count: 2368

    Wolfstar defense fleet 1

    Contact/second command


    Post count: 2368

    Bit of a hectic week this week for me. The construction reports probably won’t be done ’till this coming weekend sometime, sorry to those that follow this closely.

    Post count: 2368


    I say “YES” “YES WE CAN”!

    I am ready and willing to do what is necessary to move this fleet forward, to help us all grow together and build it up again. Firstly, it is true we need a foundation and a fair and realistic fleet structure that will work. As Cat said we can’t please everyone; what we can do is think about what roles and giftings we have in the fleet and use that to our advantage. There are many roles that have been mentioned in Cats post that is accomodating to this. I believe the key is working together to accomplish what we need for our fleet to move forward. Let’s encourage eachother and move forward together – we really do have an amazing group of people in IDIC.

    The 3 amigos were right when they said “All for one and one for all”.

    Post count: 2368

    Ok, as requested here is the touchup for the idea I submitted some time back, it may suit everyones needs a bit more. I have been getting bored lately with the lack of participation and people getting involved with thier fleet. I think instead of coddling people, they should earn thier place in the fleet by showing they want to be apart of it. We have some new people that have taken an interest in us and have been showing up to a bare roster…anyways back to the idea, The names are just for the sake of having a name for the example, our leaders can call them what they want.

    Starting from the top we have the leaders, Plasma and Londi

    1: They make the decisions for the the fleets direction, and have final say if the mediators cant decide on something. They are incharge of setting up the embassy assignments and assigning goals to the mediators.

    2: Mediators: 2 internal, 2 external…the internal ones set the daily direction and give leadership while the leaders are busy or unavailable. The 2 external ones deal with other fleets as what alanna does, i mention 2 incase one maynot be here or require assistance, They also are incharge of monitoring the starbase and its progress, informing the officers what needs to be done.

    The next 3 have the same permissions, and are our full members…

    3: Mentors: they help new members with aquiring gear and giving them company to level faster, they choose the assignments they want to do for the upper SB slot. This rank is for people who enjoying helping others in the fleet and are willing to teamup when asked.

    4: Hazard Team: Our regualrs that like to do pvps and stfs, this rank is for people who want to show they are available for such missions when asked or even to gather a group for it. they are incharge of the middle SB assignments, choosing the mission for themselves.

    5: Casuals: for people who like to come and go as they please, not have any real obligations to anything, but they are still full members. They are incharge of the lower SB assignments, and also get to choose thier assignments.. As I figure this will be the most popular, there should be more then enough people to handle the donations for this slot.

    6: Pledge: Once someone wants to join our ranks and has finished thier evaluation week, they move here for a certain amount of time until they have donated enough to earn 100k and have participated or shown up to show they are iinterested in being apart of this fleet. The probationary time can be choosen by the leaders.

    7: Guests: when recruited, the new members remain here for a week to see if the fleet suits them, if they want to be apart of us, they can inform one of the top 2 ranks for promotion to Pledge. Also this is a AWOL rank, those who are away WITHOUT notification for 6 months, gets placed here (mailed why by leaders), if they return they must have a probationary time to earn thier member rank again, to assure they just wont wonder off again without notice. members away without notice for 1 year, i recomend removal from the fleet. Notifying them of why.

    This fleet funtions when its members want it too, our leaders can only give direction on where they want thier fleet to go, its up to us to make this happen. Haveing people away and not telling anyone is rude and shows they have no respect for us or the fleet. Thats why I propose this. Also, the removal for people who havent contacted us in over a year, is rediculus, I realise things come up, but ..really? This new modification of my old idea I hope does bring something for the table for everyone, you cant please everyone, the fact remains…this fleet needs its people to be here and to contribute thier time and talents to make it work, there is no other way around this. Its a team effort, and as I have said many times, you only get out of something what you put into it…you have seen the results and progress we made when we banded together….it can happen, not by me…not by law…neithy, or plasma…its US, together. We as a whole make it strong, our guild, our gaming community, our fleet…we need to get back together and start to rebuild ourselves back again. We have alot to do, and all the time in the world to do it, but it requires us to come back to the game again and make it happen. What do you say?

    Post count: 2368

    I wish I could have been there, so sorry to miss the fun. It was 2AM, and couldnt keep my eyes open. I love the pictures! Everyone’s toon looks so evil, but Iskaras still looks elegant. I forgot how scary Londi’s is, geez! I’ve logged in today, I hope to see you guys on.

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    Post count: 2368


    Londi, Kara, Ingrid, Scotty (Tibs), Delizze (TOR) and myself attended the small gathering in TOR today 🙂

    Many thanks to Kara for the amazing presents and kind words was a big surprise 😀 – Thanks to Londi and Kara for keeping the Guilds alive over there.

    Thanks to Delizze for taking us on a Hollocron hunt across Drommund 😀

    Thanks to Tibs and Ingrid for making the time to come along.

    Post count: 2368

    Some more 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    8 am gmt thats ok i can attend see you all there 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Kara,

    I was so eager that I came 24 hours earlier- lol my fault hehe 🙂

    Will See you tomorrow!

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    About 24 hours left until the gathering in SW:TOR 🙂
    Barely wait to see you all there 🙂
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Oopsy, I forgot about the subject for a moment, stupid librarian! Anyways, I suppose if a structure is in order that would suit what we stand for in our fleet, how about assigning the ranks to suit the play styles. The elites who often play STF’s and Pvp’s like Law, we could have one for casuals like me, it can be called the rank of Peachy :), I can’t think of anything else. It seems to me people eather want to run in a group or they don’t so its hard for me to generalise anymore then the two. I wish I had some real ideas to share, but when I login my main goal is making EC. I have no idea about running a guild 😛

    Post count: 2368

    That seemed a bit serious there, I thought this was already decided? The last time I joined everyone at your normal play time was durring the winter event, I was so sleepy, but there where people on. I did remember having a fun time, even though I kept falling alseep at the keyboard, hehe. I myself, am a casual player, mostely because I can’t sit still for very long. I would love to have a boss position in this fleet, but I have to admit, I like to have the freedom to follow my whims in all things, and I hate responsibility its such a drag. Plus that old booger in the library has left my availablity even more limited, and my goody-good brother made me stop pulling pranks on her, even though she totally had it coming!! 😈

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Training #1985

    LOL i’d love to see that in real life.. 😆 If you do, post a shot of them 🙂

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