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    Post count: 2368

    Legacy of Romulas – Season 8


    Post count: 2368

    I forgot to post the link to the G.A. rules and current Charter just in case you haven’t seen this

    We’ll be having a GA meeting soon, most prob before the (R.R.) Romulan Republic Fleet comes online but after the K.D.F., =INTER-FLEET=. and U.F.P. meetings.

    Next week is the easter break but the week after will prob be the =INTER-FLEET= meeting with the IF leaders and Diplomatic Corps and the week after that the U.F.P. General Meeting.
    We also have to discuss the Joint initiatives across -I.D.I.C- that Kara, Londi, Ingrid and I have established over the last almost 2 years, i.e. =INTER-FLEET=, the Joint Diplomatic Mission, the Joint Tactical Operations, Joint website and the cross-faction Officer Ranks i.e that an officer in one fleet is an officer in the other etc.

    Also please remember that the forums are the Priority Point of Contactbetween all the guilds. All fleet mail, meeting schedules etc MUST be mirrored here.

    Woooo. Lots happening.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Romulan Patch #2186

    Sry, that was my fault. I kept saying it was the count down to the romulan stuff.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Romulan Patch #2184

    It was known as a countdown to the announcement from the beginning – the actual release was always scheduled for may 🙂

    I thought everyone knew it was just the announcement, sorry you were disappointed Luna 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Ok Happy about the new Andorian Fleet weapons. I love my “Andy” and even though I went out and loaded up on Fleet Phasers for my ship… I like the distinct blueish white of the Andorian weapons so I’ll be heading to the Fleet store soon as I finish typing this to buy new phasers. 😛

    NOT thrilled they lowered the stats on the Andorian weapons from the Dilithium store, since my Klingon and Caitian aren’t able to get the fleet weapons yet so both bought those, and hate to lose even a little but I can understand why they did it.

    Is it May yet?? Yes I am excited about the Roms. 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Romulan Patch #2185

    I don’t know why are you saying they lied. They said many times that new season will be released “somewhere in May” and in many posts they said “big May update”. And most of the announced features were already known, if you read ‘ask cryptic’ or dev blogs.

    Post count: 2368

    That works good for me I’ll be on during my usual times. Before work and after work. 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Hiroshi,

    If you are available on the weekend sometime, Plasma and I would like to chat to you about your new position in the fleet 🙂 I am in the process of writing your job description to ensure that you are aware of what is expected. Once Plas has looked at it and signs off on it, I will give it to you. It is basically what we have already discussed, however it can be adjusted if needed.

    Chat soon!

    Post count: 2368

    I would love that Plasma 🙂 just let me know when your available and I’ll meet you.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, thx for posting Hiroshi 🙂 nice to see activity on the forums 🙂

    I’ll take some hi rez shots of your main toon and make up a sig/avatar for you if you like 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Hiroshi 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Good luck with the KDF, Catstar 🙂
    All the best wishes in this endeavour!
    And welcome to GA board 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Welcome aboard CatStar 🙂 We look forward to working with you and supporting you as KDF fleet leader :mrgreen:

    Post count: 2368

    I agree to it, to do the best of my abilities to serve the fleet in this position, and work with conditions of the GA policies. I have a structure idea I will need to workout for rule number 2, so I can accomidate my staff and Dignitary guests alike, as my structure idea will provide a weekly wage for volunteers to my advisors council. For this I will rename my Embassy rank to GA Digitaries for our Vets. That way new members will know 3rd rank will be thier limit, as that is my council. Dignitaries will be allowed thier 2nd in command place and my council will work for them in my absence. The details will be typed out in open forums soon, bear with me as I intigrate into this position.

    Post count: 2368

    Give my regards to 7-of-9 from me 🙂

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