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    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: New IDIC REAL Patch #2120

    I want one, it looks so cool. Will first have to begin getting a uniform to put it on but I would wear it proud to represent this wonderful fleet.

    Post count: 2368

    I am very honored to be bestowed this promotion. I have been working with Ingrid for a while now. I think it is an honor to work with her. I have always enjoyed playing alongside her and the other members of this fleet and am glad I’ve been able to help 🙂 I will continue to do so with my customary Hiroshi enthusiasm

    Post count: 2368

    Just a heads up on the ranks, if you feel your ranked incorrectly, send me an ingame mail, and I will have a look, incase I overlooked something. I will need to go over this weekend and list all of the toons and thier players names to create a list for this thread of when they started and how much they donated, then place it next to thier name. This will be displayed on a jpeg so only members can see this. It will help u to see your progress if your wanting to move up in rank. The totals for all toons will count for the donations part of earning a higher rank. If you have a questions on this matter send me an ingame mail on it.

    My KDF Fleet webpage: ok, I realise not eeryone reads theis form anymore, but as I said durring the meeting (incase you havent read the transcript yet) i will be posting updates on the daily message, fleet mails, this forum and on my webpage, to ensure u have 4 locations to check, 2 ingame, 2 out of game. Plus remember to check the events once a week to see if anything comes up and please also RSVP to let us know if your in or out of an event. We currently have a reacourring event once a week so we can teamup and get to know one another again. -Cat

    Post count: 2368

    Wooo new Tomb Raider is out 🙂

    For more info please visit:

    Tomb Raider: [UK] “Day One” Trailer

    Post count: 2368

    lol, nah, just time on my hands. Without my wife I need to pass the time, lol.

    Post count: 2368

    Cool the fleet cup sounds fun.

    Post count: 2368

    yes I know 🙂 I tried it out, was pretty cool…

    lol u are such a geek 😆 :ugeek:

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve also posted my specs here on my profile page

    I like these mats
    I think the 9HD model would be cool

    Expensive mats tho.

    Post count: 2368

    Awesome! I’m getting similar setup for sure. Just waiting to get out of school and get my own place.

    And where’s your mouse mat? You should get goliathus or similar.

    Post count: 2368

    Check the events section, every week at saturday 1am my time (chicago) I will be leading a raid, for eather an stf or a random mission. This is to get us started to working together, and get familiar with our klingon toons. I will be looking for a team in the near future to train for the Fleet Cup. Of the volunteers, the best player amongst them who also has a knack for leading can try out for our general, he leads to teams and will be allowed to choose the raids and what will be done durring this event, he will also lead the team durring the Fleet Cup.

    Post count: 2368

    Our first meeting I layed out some plans for what I would like to do, check the transcript. Some of it was rushed and does need a few touchups. I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter, and those would like to volunteer to work to the position of council member, your help would be appreciated.

    See the ranking structure above to see the 4 available positions in the council, i will be handling all of them until they are filled, but neithy will get first choice of the StarBase position as it was his before the change.

    Post count: 2368

    I have created a formal uniform, it will be used only for meetings and formal gatherings. Only Honor Guard on up is required to wear them. Casual and growing players wont have to if they dont want to. But I would ask for our ranking officers to set an example.

    Shirt colors: TOS Uniform D1/A10/C12
    TOS Belt D1/C12/C12/D1
    Pants: Standard F16
    Boots: Male>Bulky Tall = D1 / Female> Boots 1 = D1

    Post count: 2368

    Here is the ranking system I came up with for the KDF fleet.

    Post count: 2368

    I would also like to add, that positions for my assistants are available, but Neithy will get first pick if he wants to continue in his position. Until positions are filled I will be filling them myself. Communication is critical, members and leaders alike require this to ensure we are not only on the same page, but are aware of what is going on. That is why when you take one of positions on my councel, I would ask that you report your progress to me once a week, by game mail.

    Thank you, to all that attended. Those who couldnt make it, have a look at the transcript and add in any questions or comments you may have.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Double XP Weekends #2177

    Thanks Kara – these weekends are very helpful, I am glad they created them, I am going to be using these double XP weekends to level my toons 🙂 I’ll be off and on during the weekends if i’m not needed on STO 🙂

    See you there!

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