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    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Luna’s Funtime #1908

    I found something that will keep you guys entertained. A series of short cat cartoons on youtube. Search “Simons Cat” anyone who has ever owned a cat will get these joke. XD

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Ask CatStar #2444

    After much thought on the issue i have posted a reply :3

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Ask CatStar #2443

    Ok I posted a couple of questions. I await your imparted wisdom. 😀

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2455

    Wolf Star Defence Fleet Meeting – Summary

    Hi everyone,

    I would like to keep the officers updated with what has been happening with Inter-fleet and the meeting that Plasma and I had yesterday with Drago from Wolf star fleet.

    We informed Drago that we were not happy with the situation with team speak and the way that his members continue to ask why we are not using team speak. Prior to this we made an understanding with Drago and told him that many IDIC members are not comfortable using team speak etc… He respected this and told us that is not mandatory. On several occasions we have had many of his members and other fleets involved in interfleet continue to ask us strongly why we are not using team speak, as you can see in the other posts the conversation has not been friendly and this has become a major challenge and affecting interfleet operations.

    We have decided we are going to cancel everyone’s agreement and add another section. We want a clean slate and to ensure that the agreement is taken seriously. This is to protect IDIC and everyone. On this note we have asked drago to think about all that has happened and are at a decision whether they continue an alliance with us. Many of our officers in IDIC are not happy with the situation and want this resolved as soon as possible.

    Please note this will be resolved within the week and we will inform you of the outcome. If you have any questions or want to discuss this in private please send me or plasma a private message or email. Be aware that we want the best outcome for our fleet and we need to move with caution, whatever happens we believe in diplomacy and do not want to make enemies.

    Thanks for your continued support- you are all amazing 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2454

    record of officers meeting for Ingrid 🙂 – had to go off so had a quick meeting with those directly involved

    [1:27] -Plas@-Plasma: Have to have a word when your free 🙂

    [1:28] LawMarshall@LawMarshall: sure mate

    [1:28] -Plas@-Plasma: hiya Husker, you too when you get a chance

    [1:28] -Plas@-Plasma: ill be done in 4 mins

    [1:29] -Plas@-Plasma: please switch to command channel and be careful that you dont switch back while we’re talking 🙂

    [1:31] LawMarshall@LawMarshall: am rdy whenever u r plas

    [1:31] -Plas@-Plasma: ty 1 min to go

    [1:32] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: k

    [1:32] -Plas@-Plasma: are you here Tony?

    [1:33] -Plas@-Plasma: Cat are U free

    [1:34] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: no i come with a price :p ,sure what u need

    [1:34] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: K I’m all ears

    [1:34] -Plas@-Plasma: woops went to idic

    [1:35] -Plas@-Plasma: see easy to do

    [1:35] LawMarshall@LawMarshall: lol

    [1:35] -Plas@-Plasma: well this is the issues you may not be aware that there was some interfleet problems yesterday

    [1:35] -Plas@-Plasma: Ive posted the conversation on teh forums in the command section

    [1:35] -Plas@-Plasma: basically

    [1:36] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: quick catsave 😀

    [1:36] -Plas@-Plasma: we are having issues with Wolfstar and Skorn fleets, they are angry because people are not using the teamspeak

    [1:36] -Plas@-Plasma: basically they were being rude, crude and jerks

    [1:36] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: Not taking the hint that using Team Speak is an Option not Mandatory

    [1:37] -Plas@-Plasma: you’ll read this in the forum log anyway, but Im thinking that we will disassociate with these two fleets as its more trouble than its worth

    [1:37] -Plas@-Plasma: Ingrid will have more to say when she comes on, but just wanted to get my opinion out there for you all

    [1:38] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: That’s something I’m in total agreement on I’ve had a rather awkward run in with Drago a few months ago

    [1:38] -Plas@-Plasma: well I know that they are being rude on there anyway and yesterday they were being real jerks

    [1:38] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: from wat ive seen, hes an emotionaly controled wreck, and doesnt know what to do with his frusterations , so he takes em out on others

    [1:39] LawMarshall@LawMarshall: can u remove them from the interfleet chnl?

    [1:39] -Plas@-Plasma: I had an arguement with the skorn leader as well as Drago and another one of them that I dont recognise

    [1:39] -Plas@-Plasma: I can, just want to let you all know whats going on before we do that

    [1:39] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: i think we should be careful how we handle this too, we have a rep to keep

    [1:40] -Plas@-Plasma: also they have taken the first step as far as ive learned by removingt me as admin of the Team Speak

    [1:40] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: :O

    [1:40] -Plas@-Plasma: wich was one of the things we agreed on

    [1:40] -Plas@-Plasma: as part of the alliance

    [1:40] -Plas@-Plasma: anyway no matter, thast all I wanted to say before I have to go

    [1:40] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: sounds like they broke the agreement, and voided thier charter

    [1:41] -Plas@-Plasma: Ill add this convo to the forum log so Ingrid is up to date

    [1:41] -Plas@-Plasma: well they have

    [1:41] LawMarshall@LawMarshall: fair enough mate..will back that decision up

    [1:41] LawMarshall@LawMarshall: no room in interfleet for that sort of behaviour

    [1:41] -Plas@-Plasma: I dont like to lose Obi and good people, but its hard to discriminate when youyr dealing with whole fleets

    [1:42] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: but to keep from having any loose ends, maybe we should hear an explanation as to why they did this too

    [1:42] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: i agree cat their actions as of late clearly have violated one of the points in the interfleet agreement

    [1:42] -Plas@-Plasma: This is the thing cat, I was having a private convo with drago before this all came onto the teamspeak chat

    [1:42] -Plas@-Plasma: he was complaining that people are not using TS

    [1:42] -Plas@-Plasma: so I said

    [1:42] -Plas@-Plasma: basically

    [1:43] -Plas@-Plasma: we cant force people and if he thinks its a waste of his resources then he can shut the IF portion of it down and thats cool with us

    [1:43] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: From what I read he said taht we aren’t being social and have been unkind to him and his fleet

    [1:43] -Plas@-Plasma: as the chat channel is teh main thing anyway

    [1:43] -Plas@-Plasma: yes

    [1:43] -Plas@-Plasma: he takes people not using TS as unkind and unsociable

    [1:43] -Plas@-Plasma: which is nuts, lol

    [1:44] -Plas@-Plasma: frankly

    [1:44] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: hmm, one from our end to remember is how we handle this situation will reflect on us, we dont wanna be seen as pushovers or pushy eather

    [1:44] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: We all know this

    [1:44] -Plas@-Plasma: true cat, thast why I didnt go onto TS yesterday, thats playing their game not ours

    [1:44] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: im considering current allies and future ones on this

    [1:45] -Plas@-Plasma: sure, I think Tear and the other fleets will stick with us

    [1:45] -Plas@-Plasma: and we will know better than to link up our resources with others next time

    [1:45] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: No matter how we tread and how carefully we cut ties with them, they are going to try to bad mouth the fleet and the Alliance

    [1:45] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: one pot can have too many hands anyways

    [1:45] -Plas@-Plasma: better to keep our assets in our control – I mean we have our own teamspeak anyway

    [1:46] -Plas@-Plasma: if we use it or not is not a big deal, thats teh difference, its an option not a requirement

    [1:46] -Plas@-Plasma: anyway, back to your gaming, thanks for listening, just want everyone to be informed

    [1:47] LawMarshall@LawMarshall: ty plas

    [1:47] Hiroshi T’Nall@Husker_Adama01: NP always happy to hear you and give help when I can 🙂

    [1:48] Caitian Picard@Cat_Star: this will work out, just remember to keep our cool

    [1:48] -Plas@-Plasma: thanks all, as always you good people make all the stress worth it

    [1:48] -Plas@-Plasma: ok must go for about an hour and a half, see you later on – pls tell Ingrid to read the forum to get up to date, will post this now

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2451

    I wasn’t involved though I might have been on at the time, honestly Drago is over reacting about the lack of use dealing with TS, and for him to tell you Plasma that nobody in Interfleet is being friendly with his fleet is very much not true.

    Post count: 2368

    lol, ahahahahahaaha – I needed that, wow they added that as an accolade, cool 🙂

    If I can reset anything for her on the forum let me know.

    Post count: 2368

    Luna filmed her toon for us doing that new fan dance, I posted it on youtube if you wanna see it. Although I need to inform you she is unable to log into her mail, so she cant access Star Wars or this forum, im not sure what happened but her password was reset and gave her a new one but what ever caused this reset her hotmail account one too.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2453

    Just to clarify, some of the comments there are from zone chat and some are private tells ie Londi to me etc. I just posted this to have a record while I could as I had visitors over at home and didn’t’ have time to sort the comments.

    Before this occurred, Drago was PM’ing me, I was privately talking with him about the TS server. He was asking me pretty bluntly why no one was using the TS and it was a big waste of time him setting it up, so I said people are uncomfortable using it and if he thought it was a waste then to stop running it and its all cool, then he said he feels like people are not being friendly and sociable with his fleet. And I said, where can he see that?, if he’s judging that because no one is using the TS then I cant do anything, I cant force people to use it.

    What sparked the argument off in the IF channel was one of them posted by mistake (Delon@Tanabriel) lol, he must have forgotten to change channels. I don’t recognize the name, Ingrid so you know who this is?

    And then I literally lost it and wanted to tell them all to @#!^ themselves, lol.

    This one fucked me off to no end:

    D’eran@Ztrl: Wow that was really immature
    -Romula@-Plasma: theres no guns to anyones heads
    Ril’all@BlkBugHunter: not as imature as you last night

    That is a fleet leader saying shit like that to a fellow fleet leader. I’m sorry I’m cheesed off as Drago and I had an understanding about the TS and uses and how any split would be handled.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2452

    It played out a bit more after Plasma left, but we did finaly have some order restored. I do think some leverage should be available since there will be times of tension, but abuse should have penaltys. No one wants to come on here and be shouted down infront of everyone. We need to have a sitdown and explain to our officers and allies involved in this project and go over exactly what its for, and thier limits. Demanding that the head of Guild get himself to voice chat imediately for a chewing out is disrespectful to that member, our guild, his rank and our alliance system. Being mad is no excuse to take out your anger on someone, issues should and must be abserved by in private by representatives from affected guilds, and monitored by our own as this alliance is our charter!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2450

    This is a very hard situation. Firstly, I am sorry that I wasn’t on when this occurred, I understand this was a stressful time and I wish that I could have been there. I have been very busy with RL things recently which has affected my game play. Thank you to all the officers who assisted with this matter.

    This team speak subject continues to arise and I am getting frustrated with this situation. Plasma and I have discussed team speak with Drago and we informed him a long time ago that our fleet is not comfortable using it and that it is not a mandatory requirement for playing a game. He told me on the ‘voice chat’ that it is not mandatory and people do not have to use it if they do not want too.

    Above all we are all here to have ‘fun’ and nothing in a game should be mandatory at all lol…

    We have set up =Inter-fleet= on the basis that if we can not get a full team in our own fleets first we will use the inter-fleet to fill the team. They have misunderstood this even though Plasma, Hiroshi and myself have ensured that all information was clearly given in the -Inter-fleet- agreement. For that person to say they are not getting anything out of ‘inter-fleet’ is unbelievable and completely not what =Inter-fleet= is about…

    I am in the process of finding a suitable solution to resolve this issue and will be discussing this further with our =inter-fleet= staff and our KDF leader as it affects all factions.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2449

    I cannot hold myself for not commenting a bit about this …. even if i’m the farest involved in this:
    1. While reading it, i felt the urge to write some thing to that guy with his TS maniaco-depressive issue
    2. I’m so happy that games have the “ignore” feature for those kind of individuals
    3. I’m also happy to be able to stay away from TS, especialy when i see peoples like those using it
    4. @blueice80 is romanian. “Neatza” is teh short for ‘Buna dimineata” which is Good morning in romanian
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: R&R Weekend #2445

    Hi Kara,

    Thank you for the information. I would be keen to learn more about the sniper class and how to maximise the best fighting techniques for the advanced levels. Unfortunately I don’t think I will be on TOR as much this weekend as I am planning to check out the romulan legacy faction on STO and will most likely be start levelling there. If I do plan to come on TOR I will send you an email so we can meet up 🙂

    Cheers and all the best!

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, welcome back Kara 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    ill be on in about 6 hours 🙂 – I did the pre-patching last night, hopefully that saves some time for me. Woo, have fun all.

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