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    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- K.D.F. Fleet Mail 6 1-JUN-2013

    Greetings fleet members, currently I will be working off and on leveling my Romulan, but when you are on and need another for help with a mission, or would just like a team mate, be sure to ask as i still promote not just team work in my fleet but also taking the time to get to know your fellow fleet mates. While this is just a casual fleet by design, i would also like to allow for our regulars to have active members to communicate and work with so we dont go stale from soloing. We have some good players amongst our ranks that deserve to enjoy themselves while here. If you havent signed up for our Forums yet, please do so, as this is how we communicate with each other for those who play at different times, its also where we post our fleets event and news information for those who enjoy taking an active part in our fleet and its success. On that note, we are currently working on completing our Tier 4 Star Base upgrade and could use all hands on board for this one, please give what you can, i only ask that each member run one Fleet mission everytime they login to help out with the needed Marks for our projects, so we can continue to provide you and your fellow fleet mates with all that fantastic Fleet gear. Your hard work is appreciated, i browse the news, roster and leaderboards every time i login to see who is putting in the effort and im pleased at all the hard work ive seen from our members, thank you, you have done a fantastic job and a great service to us all. Some of you have really gone above and beyond.

    Soon we will be having our Fleet Cup event, so I will need everyone who will be attending to check in, please head to our forums and in the thread “Catstaropolis” let us know if you would like to represent our fleet against the IDIC Federation fleet. Communication is vital to any guild so if you have any questions or comments please add them to our FLeets thread or you can contact me through ingame mail @cat_star.

    Post count: 2368

    Sounds great 🙂

    Excellent poster Plas!

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 34 6-Jun-13 – IDIC 2nd Anniversary

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 34 6-Jun-13

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. 2nd Anniversary

    Hi all, we are coming up to our U.F.P. 2nd anniversary on July 7th and to commemorate our achievements we will be hosting a couple of events for both our U.F.P. and K.D.F. fleet members.

    Last year we held a plethora of events, this year we are holding the second annual “Fleet Cup” during our celebration and I think the Fleet Cup will be a staple event for future celebrations. The event will take place on the weekend of June 22nd/23rd.

    We will also be holding a Party and Award/Promotions Ceremony on the weekend of July 8th/9th

    Please check the EVENTS tab in the fleet roster for details in your timezone and to R.S.V.P.

    IN ADDITION we will have a special forum section with all the event info and scheduling. You can access this at: viewforum.php?f=156

    Check this forum frequently for updated info.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.

    All the best,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: R&R Weekend #2448

    Woo thanx for being there Kara 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Luna’s Funtime #1909

    Nyancat overload…if you dare!

    …imagine the USS T’Paw colored like the General Lee

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: R&R Weekend #2447

    I’ll be on and off TOR this weekend Kara 🙂 I am really keen to have my sith levelled, not long to go now 😀

    Hope to see you there!

    Post count: 2368

    Pretty much what you said. Romulans could have more ship, something to choose from.

    About D’Deridex… I fly Fleet D’Deridex (with D’ridthau skin) while using both special consoles – gives +2 turn rate and some engine power. Unless you try to drive it like escort i think its enough turn rate. It’s good to get aux-to-dampeners or learn to cloak/evasive maneuver at right moment to make crazy turns. But its awesome ship and i love it!

    Another great thing are uniforms. At least for KDF joined romulan, they are pretty cool.

    Only bad thing I see is that no ship has hangars, suck to have ultra rare romulan scorpion fighters in game, but not be able to use them.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: R&R Weekend #2446

    Greetings everyone 🙂
    The weekend is closing by and I barely wait for another (but less intensive then last weekend) R&R weekend.
    I’ll be mostly playing on republic side, where i renamed my Jedi Sentinel toon into Is’Kara and which I leveled up to 51 for the moment. I’ll probably make the final push for 55 in the upcoming weekend.
    I’d also love to team up with those that would choose SW:TOR to play during the weekend with either Is’kara or with Alfifa (Jedi Sage in her early 30 😉 ).
    Also, on the republic side, I’ll be doing my dailies/weeklies on O’drade at some point.
    There will be also some time when I’ll play on empire side during the weekend, doing my dailies/weeklies on Ilum, Black Hole and Section X, with Iskara and Harishka toons.
    If any of you knows when will you be playing and would like to team up, please let me know in here, so that I can schedule my play times accordingly to be on the right faction/toon at those times 🙂
    If impromptu, there will be no problem, look for me on the toons listed above and if I’ll not be in certain heroics/ops, I’ll be more then happy to join you in your quests 🙂
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: CatStar Poll #2137 I found this, Doug Walker is a fellow reviewer, only he does mvies and has a better following. He has provided a public service for us.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2461

    This doesn’t seem right or fair for you Cat…. We have been teaming and been involved in other guilds together for 3 years, I know at times these have been hard and there have been many difficult people online. However, you have not at all contributed to what is going on in IDIC etc…. In fact it is quite the contrary, you are consistent, willing to help people and the KDF fleet is more active than it ever has been…. I am not sure why this person left our KDF guild, but it is obvious that we do not need people like that anyway.

    I would not want to see you step down or go on invisible, you shouldn’t have to feel like this. You are innocent in here and have always been a support to us all. What would we do if our friendly caitian wasn’t around? Things would not be the same, I agree with Kara. . .

    I am sorry if the IF issues have placed any stress on you or contributing to this. I understand if you are needing to take a break from all this stuff that is going on regarding IF. Please know though, I value your support and the wisdom that you impart… I don’t want to see a good cat down. Pull up your boot straps and keep your chin up high, things are going to get better 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2460

    That’s nonsense …… honestly.
    What we care is more about our community then the “spoiled” STO community, at least in my opinion.
    And if that person didn’t joined because of you, I’d say that’s his loss ….
    Be yourself and stop having doubt about who you are …. you’re fine by me and by many others and those that appreciate you matters.
    Also remember that we appreciate the quality not the quantity 🙂
    Personally in online community I try to be myself and to gather with those that appreciate me for who I really am. I have enought of having to cope with various personal frustrations of others in RL to have to do that in online environment too. Appreciate those that appreciate you and stick with them, and ignore the sicophants chorus that will always be there ….
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2459

    Another issue has come up once again, it does half way fit in the inner fleet project. As you guys know, my name and toon are hated by many players out there in the STO community, just the other day we lost a potential new member because of me, once he learned that I was fleet leader he left. I think me being in a front position like this would cripple our guilds good standing in the sto community, something must be done and im will to discuss all the options including, removal or playing on invisible…not talking in chat. I dont wanna be the cause of anymore bad PR for our guild!! If you still keep me to oversee the fleet, id like to assign a PR person to speak on my behalf for dealing with members and potential new members, as for inner fleet, i think having me named may loose us allies should we encounter another anti-catstar group/player. So i will get with neithy to stand in my place until I can find a spokesman or KDF based ambassidor….yes they will also answer to Alanna as shes the official Amb.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2458

    Thanks for your ideas. I think they are all worth discussing and considering. I appreciate the support that IDIC staff have given us with IF. Overall it has been a successful organization, we have had some really great times teaming up and hosting events. I am not going to give up on it, however I do believe something needs to change, yes the interfleet agreement could be tweaked and I think that is a good idea to ensure everything is covered.

    Plas… Please do not blame yourself with what happened with accepting drago’s team speak offer. We did not know this would happen and we trusted them, as good people do we give people a chance… I am thankful for your support and don’t want this to become a stressful thing for u.

    I also think in the future we should not let any ally have control of any aspect in IF, whether it be a team speak server or a website. They will be given operator status in the chat channel, however I am reviewing this too… Sad thing is we trusted drago’s fleet and was honored that they wanted to assist us. We didn’t know this would occur.

    I’m at a stage where I do not know what to do, where to go next or what is the best decision. I agree things do need to be reviewed and until then we wont be recruiting any new allies until this has been discussed.

    I am happy to consider all ideas and would like to chat to the IF staff on the weekend if that suits everybody!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2457

    I think the problem here is that I allowed them to convince me that they were making a Team Speak server available to the entire Interfleet free of charge with all the admin rights etc, etc. and I believed that they were sincere.

    Because I’ve been involved with the multiple fleets and projects under the GA it was nice to hear that a like-minded fleet was willing to donate their resources to us, under OUR terms and it was something that I didn’t have to oversee believing that they were sincere.

    I’ve learned that as time-consuming as it is I should have known better and have undertaken that service myself and not allowed the agreement for the TS in the first place. Nor will I be engaging in cross-fleet ventures in the future as it’s too unpredictable.

    The thinking behind inviting fleets rather than individuals is this;

    1. Inviting fleets gives us multiple users at once rather that seeking out single people. I think this is the main reason.
    2. We cannot be accused of trying to poach members from other fleets. If we invited individuals and their leadership got wind of it there may be problems. Obviously what channels are on individuals lists is private but you never know.
    3. The fleet standing is promoted throughout the community as leaders and do-ers, I think it gives us a bit of prestige that other fleets lack.

    I don’t think we’ve quite got it right as Cat has said, but I think if we persist with it we will get there.

    Better knowledge of who exactly is on the channel is needed for sure and I’m hoping we can get our IF officers to start cataloging who is from where and to update that from time to time. This will be an ongoing issue, however since we plan to have a set number of alliances, not an unlimited number, once we achieve a certain amount of activity we can then take time to get to know everyone and we will notice new people that should not be there and make enquiries about them.

    I think it needs supervision and our IF officers must be prepared for that if its going to be administered properly.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: IF arguement #2456

    I think the whole project needs to be relooked at before we go ahead further. Something more solid and stable then to allow outsiders to run wild and do as they please in our terriory. I understand that not every player has a dignified sence of respect for his fellow gamer, but that doesnt excuse these actions nor should we be forced to be put into a position to be forced to tolerate them. I think the interfleet project should just be players from outside our guild who (are friendly) thier entire fleet isnt really needed in this situation, as we are just looking for active people who will play when our guild isnt on or too busy to make themselves available. As i have said in the past about other issues, “if there are no consiquinses for ones actions, there is no though for them eather!” Allowing someone to cross the line will only embolden them to take another step each time they get away with it, until they evenually take over and chaos ensues. Since some of the players are members of our fleet too, lets get together and discuss this situation with them (after we get ourselves together) then we can start trying to gain solid ground again to build off of. This is not a loss, just a bump in the road. I havent gotten achance to talk to the guy yet, he never responds to me when hes in the chat channel. But from what I have seen hes seems spoiled and a bit selfcentered, I maybe wrong as some of you have chatted to him and got to know him more, but this is the impression hes given me. Lets draw a line in the sand and informed there will be certain limits as he is a guest.

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