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    Post count: 2368

    In all seriousness I would say BattleCat for a couple of reasons.

    1. In STO the Feresan race is a fully integrated species in the Klingon Empire. The Romulans are just using Fed or Kdf to train and build up their forces and are not a fully integrated race in the KDF. Romulans in essence are their own faction even if aligned one way or the other. So I would say that a leadership toon should be a Klingon Character or a full KDF allied species.

    If this was a fleet conceived as a Rom-KDf fleet then by all means a rom leader would be appropriate.

    2. We all associate your characters with a feline and from my perspective I don’t feel that needs to change.

    That is just my opinion.

    Post count: 2368

    Wow decided to power through Halo 4 the other day. 323 did a pretty good job with keeping it all looking and feeling consistent with the Bungie games.

    With the Forward Unto Dawn, web series and Infinity, Spartan Ops CGI series the Halo 4 experience was pretty cool overall. Looking forward to Halo 5 and the Spielberg Series that he’s producing.

    Best part of the game, lol, sorry girls.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: DOUBLE XP WEEKEND #2483

    I am glad the double xp is happening again, I will certainly be taking advantage of it. It has been taking so long, I plan to get P’andra to level 55- fingers crossed.


    Post count: 2368

    The super awesome ones are my favorite 😀

    Post count: 2368

    Don’t forget super awesome fleet engineering consoles!

    Post count: 2368

    We have begun a new Tier system for our Fleet, this one will provide us with new Warpcores and dilithium discounts. Have a look at what is to come next time you login.

    Post count: 2368

    Before this weekend activity comes up (Fleet Cup), i would like all hands to report in and let me know who is able to join us for this event. Please RSVP and let us know, due to times zones its understandable if you are unable to attend, but I need to know how many we will have to work with this year so we can put together some strategies.

    Also, in respect to our newer members, i will be having a fleet meeting the week after the Fleet Cup, I would appreciate any who can attend. I plan do discuss a few new changes (nothing drastic) and would like a chance for us to get to meet each other.

    EDIT: The meeting has been canceled.

    Post count: 2368

    Happy birthday, I didnt bring a cake, but I did bring the entertainment. From one videogame fan to another… 😎

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks very much 😀

    Post count: 2368

    Lol 4 came out last year 🙂 – I have several posts about it 🙂 – I love the Master Chief Cat 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Would have liked to come along, damn time zones. It’s Admiral -Plasma day today too so ill be on later tonight for sure 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Halo 5? What happened to 4, I bairly heard rumors of 3 :O

    Post count: 2368

    I had a few drop by to enjoy my event at Star Fleet Academy, even charles from Nova fleet 😀 He even remembered to perform the picard manuver. It was Picard Day today, and for 2 hours once in the morning and again in the after noon I entertained people, I was there to tell of RP adventures of my toon and answer questions for those who wanted to enjoy some fun and be entertained.

    Post count: 2368

    oh no 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve run into a bunch of trouble with my laptop, when im able to actually get on, it isnt for very long before the (server Not Responding) counter comes up, so i dont know how much i will be available. Im unable to actualy play it seems due to sever lagging and unresponsive controls when i am in game. This is why i was asking for assistance lately, ive been unable to get my foundry reviews finished because of technical errors.

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