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    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 18

    Content Restructuring

    Many Challenges, Duos and Alerts have had their difficulty tiers increased in order to offer a smoother progression and a full range of content availability. In addition, a number of new challenge modes are available! These higher tiered instances now offer upgraded loot and level appropriate rewards.

    Challenge Improvements

    Challenge modes can now be accessed through the On-Duty menu. The missions associated with challenge modes have been removed and are no longer available.

    Bonus Awards

    You will now receive a Weekly Award box the first time you complete a Tier 1 through Tier 3 challenge, duo or alert within a week. This award box offers a random level appropriate item as well as additional Marks of Triumph. Furthermore, Tier 2 and Tier 3 raids will award a Monthly Raid Award box. This box includes a random raid level item and additional Marks of Triumph.

    Currency Unification

    Marks of Distinction, Marks of Momentum and Marks of Krypton will no longer be awarded and can no longer be used to purchase items. All Tier 1 through 3 items are now purchased with Marks of Triumph. Content that used to award Marks of Distinction, Momentum and Krypton now award Marks of Triumph. The number of Marks of Triumphs awarded and the cost to purchase items increases with each tier.

    Match and Duo/Challenge Bosses

    Many Challenge and Duo mode bosses have learned some new tricks! Many will now use familiar weapon combos as well as Block. Their attacks may both inflict and be vulnerable to counter attack mechanics such as Blocking, Interrupt and Block Breaking.

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 17

    Mental and Gadgets Powers Update

    The Gadgets and Mental Power Sets have been improved. Each Power Set has received upgraded functionality, visual, and audio effects. A few abilities have been shifted to the Iconic Tree, while some older, less popular abilities have been retired and replaced with all new ones!

    Ace Chemicals Map Exclusive for “The Last Laugh” Owners and Legendary Members

    Legendary members and owners of “The Last Laugh” will now be able to play the Ace Chemicals Legends map as an Arena.

    Map UI Update

    The in game Map has been given a complete visual overhaul! Players can now enjoy a more dynamic map system, allowing them to see and track with much greater detail! Beyond improved navigation, players are now color coded and waypoints can be placed on group members to make them easier to find!

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 16

    Summer Event! Tides of War!

    During the summer, the seas become restless and churn with dangerous storms. Ocean Master, Aquaman’s conniving half brother, has rallied a force of mutineer Atlanteans in an attempt to usurp the throne of Atlantis! Their civil war has breached the waters of Metropolis, a crucial piece in the plot to rule the sea.

    NEW Moon Legends Map!

    Exclusive for “The Last Laugh” and Legendary members, the Moon Legends PvP map is now available! You’ve won victory on Earth, but can you survive the moon?

    NEW Items in the Vault!

    Three new military style gear set appearances (Logistics Officer, Sharpshooter, Aeronaut) now have a chance to drop in the vault! Collect them all!

    Bludhaven Alert Update!

    The toxicity of Bludhaven has decreased slightly over time, resulting in enemies that are less threatening in some areas. Bludhaven has been rebalanced!

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 15

    NEW Arkham Asylum Arena Map!

    Exclusive for “The Last Laugh” and Legendary members, the Arkham Asylum Legends PvP map is now available as an Arena PvP map! Jump into the insanity with your own characters. Will you find victory in the asylum?

    Re-Spec Device Update!

    The Re-Spec Devices in the Hall of Doom and the Watchtower have undergone a serious upgrade to allow everyone more choice, information, and convenience! You now have the ability to reset just your skill points, just you power points, or both. You’ll also be able to see more information on what each option costs and your current cash balance. You can easily find the Re-Spec Device by going to your HQ and checking the map UI.

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 14

    Task Force X & Suicide Squad PvP Matchmaking

    Prepare to be enlisted by Amanda Waller into Task Force X and the Suicide Squad, the black ops division of her agency! Under Waller’s directive, heroes and villains can be placed on the same team in PvP Arenas.

    The PvP Matchmaking system has been updated to always try to place you with members of the same alignment (Heroes with Heroes and Villains with Villains) but when the PvP Matchmaking system runs out of options, it will allow for players to be temporarily assigned to a team with the opposing alignment until the PvP match is over.

    Promethium Lockboxes: “The New 52” Inspired by Gear and Auras!

    We’ve added new items to Promethium Lockboxes! Now you can collect new Gear Set style items inspired by DC Comics “The New 52.” We’ve also added seven different color Auras that your character can now wear as an Accessory!

    Tier 3 PvP Gear!

    Marks of Tactics have replaced Marks of Conquest, and new PvP armor is available in the Watchtower and Hall of Doom!

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 13

    Spring Seasonal Event!

    The Spring Seasonal Event has returned! Poison Ivy is wreaking havoc with the people of Gotham’s allergies and it’s only getting worse. Luckily for the innocents, Swamp Thing is calling for help in thwarting Poison Ivy’s plans. Relive the events from last year or, if you missed them, don’t miss them again!

    New Tokens of Merit!

    You’ve worked hard, and it’s time you got credit! You can now turn your unused and excess Marks into Feats, and watch your Feat and Skill Points shoot up! Tokens of Merit vendors are now available and can be found in the Watchtower War Room and the Hall of Doom Pit areas. Tokens of Merit can be purchased using all existing PvE, PvP, and Seasonal currencies. These can be consumed and used for new Tokens of Merit feats!

    DCUO Raid Teleporters!

    We have added teleporters outside the boss fights for Raids, where applicable, to allow players an extra 15 seconds to enter the boss fights after the boss fight door closes.

    Collections Update!

    Listen up! The Collections system has been updated to give players a fuller experience with Investigations and Briefs! We’ve begun adding audio effects to the voice recordings of Collections to exhibit the source of the recording; from CB radio, to TV, to Satellite, to even Magically transmitted recordings! In addition we have visually supported this by adding a UI element that helps reflect the newly processed transmission with special icons in the Communicator window.

    PvP Changes!

    Many changes have been made to PvP in preparation for the upcoming DLC4, including the addition of Counter Attack Immunity, health and toughness tweaks to PvP armor, and more! To see all the details, make sure to check the forums.

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 12

    Since Game Update 11, players have seen the addition of several exciting new features!

    Amazing NEW Legendary Membership Benefits:

      •500 Station Cash (PC) or 500 Loyalty Points (PS3) each month for recurring Legendary Memberships
      •150 Replay Badges each month for all Legendary Memberships
      •Unlimited unlocks of the all new Promethium Lockboxes for all Legendary Memberships
      •Click here for full details

    Hot NEW Marketplace Items:

      •Replay Badges allow all players to reset their loot lockouts on instances and replay them for full rewards
      •Volatile Promethium Keys allow Free or Premium players to unlock Promethium Lockboxes and use the incredible new gear found inside
      •Click here for full details

    New Bank UI!
    We’ve improved the overall look and feel of our Bank UI. Along with better manageability and messaging, the Shared Bank is now located on its own tab. Players also now have the flexibility to split stacks of items within the Bank UI that they once only had within their Inventory. We’ve also included the ability to quick swap items into your Bank or Shared Bank! With one click (Right mouse button on PC, X on PS3) you can instantly move items over without the need to pick items up and drag them to an empty space.

    Alert Teleporters!
    Our Alerts have gotten the new Duo treatment. We have added Teleporters outside the boss fights for Alerts, where applicable, to allow players an extra 15 seconds to enter the boss fights after the boss fight door closes.

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 11

    Bug Fixes!
    Game Update 11 contains an enormous amount of bug fixes and quality of life improvements for players. Virtually every aspect of the game has been touched in this round of improvements, from PvP to powers to content balance, and more! For a full list of changes, be sure to check out the update notes on the forums. PC Changes PS3 Changes

    New teleporters have been added outside of the boss fights in Duos. This will allow players an extra 15 seconds to enter a boss fight after the door closes and will prevent a misstep from forcing players to go it alone. Never get locked out again!

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 10

    Along with a host of bug fixes, Game Update 10 continues the matchmaking improvements begun in Game Update 9 with a completely revamped On Duty User Interface. The system and interface have been rebuilt from the ground up with greater flexibility and convenience in mind so that players can group up and get playing faster.

    New On Duty UI!
    The new On Duty UI reflects the Mission Journal in design, providing all the information and options you need to queue for instances in one simple window, including the ability to queue for any combination of instances you want. You’re no longer limited to one or all!

    Character Background Selection!
    Legendary players and players that have purchased at least one DLC pack will have the option to change their Character Selection Background on the Character Select Screen!

    Post count: 2368

    Woooo Tauntauns – If you have a TT mount please post a pic of it here 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Due to a problem with the forum database some of this thread has been lost.

    Post count: 2368

    Part II

    As an Eagle swoops to take its prey, talons sharpened, it’s powerful wings cut the wind and it’s beak ready and poised for the attack, so too the Kahless seemed to the crew of the Artemesian. The fist officer weighing the situation in her mind spoke to the Captain ‘shall we raise our shields Sir?’ ‘negative Commander’ the Captain spoke ‘the Klingons are here to help, until that changes we are on a defensive footing’. ‘Blue Alert’ The First Officer made the announcement and all hands snapped to their duty stations, not tense but ready for whatever may come.

    ‘The Klingon vessel is hailing us Captain, a General Veena’ said the Tactical Officer. ‘On Screen’ The Captain signals, sitting straighter in his chair.. A beep, a flash and the Klingon bridge was on the screen. Several Klingon officers were going about their duty, however in the center of the screen an Orion officer, powerful, beautiful and unmistakably in command raises herself from the command chair and moves closer to her view-screen. ‘Captain” she begins ‘I am here at the behest of J’mpok the Chancellor of the high council. We have been ordered to cease hostilities and to consult with you on the attack on Atalas VI’.

    ‘General’ the Captain began with an air of skepticism ‘perhaps you should beam aboard the Artemesian, I’m curious as why an attack on Federation territory has peaked the High Council’s interest and why this gesture of cooperation during a time of war’. General Veena ‘All will be made clear soon enough Captain, I accept your invitation and await your transport coordinates’, another beep and the view screen returned to the view of the Kahless.

    Captain -Plasma talking to the intercom ‘Science team Alpha how is your analysis coming’.. a crackle from the intercom ‘We’re still trying to get accurate readings Captain, there is a radiation here that we haven’t encountered before, we should have something within the hour’. ‘very well’ the Captain closed his eye and in the darkness came a shock of pain through his body, focusing his thoughts he brought the pain under control and opened the one eye. he raised his hand to the eye patch covering the other. ‘Commander Andoria’ the captain spoke to the intercom. ‘Yes Captain’ the no-nonsense first officer responded’, ‘please greet our guest in the transporter room, oh and have LATA join you’, ‘Lt Commander LATA is checking the meta-shielding Captain’ the Exec began, ‘It can wait’ put in the Captain sharply ‘I don’t foresee any more planets blowing up today’.

    After beaming aboard and met at the transporter room by the first and second officers, General Veena was shown to the ready room where the Captain was awaiting her arrival. ‘Please sit’ the Captain offered looking the Orion officer over with curiosity. Veena sat in the opposite chair across from the table and explored the features of her host. The eye-patch first, then the rugged features, the beard and finally gazing into the eye of Captain -Plasma. ‘Why the patch Captain?’ she began ‘surely Federation technology can provide a prosthesis for you!’. ‘We are here on serious business General, not discuss me’ The Captain put off by the question and the pressing business at hand. ‘Yes important business indeed’ Veena continued ‘however it is always best to know your adversary. I am here at J’mpok’s request not by my own will, I bring you important information, however I will use my own discretion as to how much I reveal and how much I keep secret. Tell me your story, 10 minutes will not help Atalas VI and I’m assuming your investigating is not yet concluded, we have time and it may be of benefit to us both’.

    Captain -Plasma confused by the request and strange attitude of his guest thought to himself ’10 minutes wont change the situation, humor her, its been a long time since a Klingon and a Federation officer spoke cordially to one another’.

    The captain launched out on his story ‘where should I start, what should I leave out,.. well, there is a city on Earth called Corinth, on a continent we call Europe. In days gone by one of the countries on that continent was called Greece, home to the Hellenes. The city of Corinth is ancient, but has been rebuilt in the last few hundred as it suffered great damage during our last world war, before the United Earth Government and the Federation were created. Although many of the Hellenes treasures or Art, Architecture and writings were lost over the thousands of years, there are still those that call it home. This is where my story begins…..

    To be continued……

    Post count: 2368

    Oh well, thanks anyway, I’ll spend some time and reconstruct the report over the weekend 🙂 – Thanks very much for doing that, I appreciate it a lot 🙂

    I’ve just gone thru and fixed up most of the forum sections and everything seems to be working right.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Fleet Holdings Report 48-57 – Saturday the 10th of August 2013

    ImageImageImage Image

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    The Report is Coming Soon

    There are a few things to report for the last couple of month so bare with me while I compile the report over the next day or so. For those interested in the meantime I have posted the leaderboards and token tally’s for your viewing.

    Thanks for being patient :)



    Statistics: Posted by -Plasma — Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:52 pm

    Edit: Just noticed its only first post you did, any editing doesn’t go through RSS. But those image links still work.

    Post count: 2368

    I have a list of posts on our facebook page that I can go thru and pick out any essential topics to re-write however not the content.

    What I think is essential is the last StarBase report would have been August 10th (I Think), if you have that one in your RSS archive please send me the whole thing to or post it and I can re-edit it 🙂 – Thanks Nei

    Also I had posted part 2 of my IDIC prologue story, if you have this that would be great as I don’t think I backed this up 🙁

    There was a new conversation on GA business that was pretty essential too, but unfortunately that is not part of the RSS feed..

Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 1,791 total)