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    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Event Screenshots: Anniversary PvP.

    Law and Obi (FED) Vs Nei and Dlight (KDF)

    KDF triumphed and took home the prizes 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Event Screenshots: Party On Risa.

    Post count: 2368

    Event Screenshots: Starbase Gathering, Ceremony and Speeches.

    Post count: 2368

    Celebration and Tribute
    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire – 2nd Anniversary Event Round-Up

    We had a great time celebrating the 2nd anniversary for the I.D.I.C. Klingon fleet. We drank blood wine and raised a toast to our dedicated officers, Veena presented an honorable speech in Klingon, we partied and played Dabo at Risa and ended the night with a glorified PVP. Thank you to Veena for all the effort and organization, we appreciate this immensely. A special thanks goes to Nei for all the contributions to the star fleet base and the sacrifice and time spent on building it up. Thank you to Battle Cat ((B’Vat/Fang) for keeping the legacy alive and for reigniting the fire in us. We will miss you, however we know that you are not far away and that we shall see you again.

    Thank you to everyone who attended, with out the people, our fleet would not be what it is today.

    “Do not bring dishonor on us by abandoning your post. Go when you must for all must heed their own personal call to battle, but do not forget your brothers, for it is cold in space without you”(Veena, October 13th. 2013).


    [attachment=0:2ucu5cau]kdf shot party.jpg[/attachment:2ucu5cau]

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, it’s at 6pm (+9:00 Sydney)

    I’ve put together an event schedule mostly with Events I’m planning to run, you can access this from the link above in the txt header ‘Event Schedule’. Most of the dates and times are in there for all GA events. Currently its only October but I have planned all the way to January.

    With the Starfighter Expansion on TOR and Dyson Sphere Expansion on STO the events will prob be modified between now and January.

    If you or anyone would like to run an event please let me know and I’ll add it to the schedule 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    At what time this event will be?

    Post count: 2368

    That’s a wonderfull news 🙂 If i can help you with anything, if you need me do anything at all, just let me know 🙂
    And I like Aussies too, as it seems that my play time overlap on Aussie usual play time more then it does with the US one.
    Thanks for the initiative,

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, the text doesn’t have to be this, but I wanted to make a start on it.

    Basically every Star Wars movie, game, tv show etc, they all use this iconic Star Wars title crawl.

    So our website is going to be using the same WordPress template as I have used for the IDIC website. The beauty of the sites title page is that you can set still images or video as the background for the main page and you can also have these change etc.

    So with this ability I want to have an iconic Star Wars crawl as the first video in the sequence of the site background, paying tribute and continuity with Star Wars as well as a promotion for us as other Nerds will be awed by this, lol.

    Now for the text I chose ‘The Old Republic’ being the medium where the action is taking place. Then I chose ‘The Infinite Saga’ trying to not specifically name the IJO or the ISE as this will be a joint website.

    For the first paragraph I used a quote taken directly out of the game backstory information ‘Decades of war have divided the galaxy between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and now a fragile peace is falling apart . . .’

    From there I just made up a quick story trying to incorporate both the ISE and the IJO. If there are any changes please post them 🙂

    I have used a couple of lines too much in my version so It can be cut down if needed, but it cant really go longer and still fit into the crawl i.e be readable and match the music.


    The Old Republic


    Decades of war have divided the galaxy between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and now a fragile peace is falling apart . . .

    After the defeat of the false Emperor Malgus on Ilum, Darth Revan, a descendant of the Revanchist has set himself upon the throne as Infinite Emperor.

    In his eagerness to crush the Republic resistance he has sent his apprentice Darth Iskara and her minions on the offensive across the galaxy, pouring their malice and hatred into all their dark deeds.

    In response, the Jedi Order, guardians of The Old Republic wage a ceaseless battle against the Imperial aggression.

    The Jedi Council has sent Master O’Drade, with a picked team of patriots on a secret mission to safeguard the very heart of the Republic from the Dark Lord’s tyranny.

    Together with the free peoples of the Republic the Infinite Jedi order fights to restore peace and unity throughout the galaxy . . .

    Post count: 2368

    Cute indeed 🙂 I love it 🙂
    Yet, we shall work a bit on the text, perhaps …. can it be changed?
    If so, can you post it in here, so that I could adjust it a bit, pls?

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for the big effort in getting that bank slot for us 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Temporal Ambassador #2518

    Temporal Ambassador Part 9

    Time is right and the coarse is set, Thomas, now commanding the Pastak, a Wells Class time ship, heads back to the future to report to their superiors. In the mean time, he has set himself to work, tireless in his efforts to reverse engineer all the collected data and technology he had acquired. Overwhelmed at the advancements at his disposal, he allows his imagination to manifest for yet further use. The ability to create a photonic and self contained A.I. for the bridge officers and security can become a more advanced personal combat system for real officers too. Imagine being able to replicate tools, weapons, food and shields on demand on ones person! After what seemed like 10 strait hours of work, he took a manufactured wrist band and attached power pack and Tholan tricorder, a reduced in size version, and attached it to the wristband then placed it on hiding it under his cuff. Then takes another wristband and attaches a modified version of the holoprojectors to the other, and attaches it to his other wrist, then covers it also with his jackets cuff. His head sore and his eyes heavy, he gathers himself for a moment. “This needs to be tested…computer, energy shield!” Thomas orders as he raises his wrist with the holoemitter on it. Suddenly a force shield activates, “excellent. Computer disengage shield.” The shield disappears. “Computer initiate Emergency Medical nanites!” Suddenly a slight fog of green hovers around Thomas, revitalizing him, allowing him to clear his head from the exhaustion. He then begins to test several other assorted field tools and devices. “Excellent, I believe we are set, what are your thoughts on this?” he asks the time key. A stern voice quickly thunders out to Thomas’s surprise, “I am merely a passport, a gateway through time!” “What or who are you?” Thomas asks. “I have been around since the beginning of time, I am my own beginning, I am my own end. The timeline is being altered from both dimensions, to stop this disruption, you must seek out your other!” “So I’ve noticed, how bad is this disruption?” Thomas asks. The Guardian goes silent. Suddenly M’ress calls him from the bridge, “Sir Thomas, we have arrived…” “It Admi…never mind, i’m on my way.” As Thomas arrives on the bridge to his horror, he see’s the Temporal headquarters have been surrounded by Tholians. “Report?” He asks. One of the ship ranking officers approaches him and salutes, “sir, we have scanned the area, Tholians have not just surrounded the Star Base, they have penetrated it.” “They have complete control of the facility?” He asks. “We don’t know, our scans of the interior are being blocked by some sort of Temporal Shift.” Another bridge officer adds. “Can we beam down there without being detected?” Thomas asks. Everyone looks at him like he’s crazy, even the Photon officers. “Sir?” A few of them ask. “Look we have to find out whats happened, and this base will be our best lead right?” Thomas adds. “yes, sir, but its suicide to waltz down into a Tholian infested area.” Thomas smiles, with a confidence of hope they weren’t expecting from their situation. “It’s all about the risk, a great man once said, and if i’m to get you kids home safe I need to know what happened and how to fix it, yes?” They all looked at him stunned, then stutter out, “..ay…uh, aye sir.” Thomas walks over to M’ress’s console, and uses it to scan surrounding ships. Then uses it to pan the screen to a small shuttle entering the area. “Two Tholian lifeforms aboard, perfect! …beam me to their ship, then clear the area and wait for orders…” He punches in coordinates on the console, “, if i’m not back in 4 hours.” M’ress jumps up, and holds his arms, “sir please don’t..” “Observe your station Lieutenant!” M’ress sits back down blushing. Thomas raises his arm, computer MACO Tech 1, activate!” Suddenly a fully armored environmental suit encases him resembling the one, the photonic security officer wore. Everyone gasps in amazement. “Transport!” M’ress looks down hiding her fascination and further blushing of him as he vanishes. His sudden appearance onto the Tholian shuttle sent the two occupants into a screaming alert of panic, “Computer, Force Field dome!” Suddenly the Tholians are pressed against the hull of the cockpit, too tight to move or scream further. “I can see we are all pressed for answers to our situation.” Thomas says with a triumphant laugh, he then quickly takes the controls and continues to pilot into the base. Keeping them alive and assured that any scans of the vessel would still show it was occupied by two living Tholians. His new armor, made of a photonic ablative mesh, would block any detection of his biological presence. The shuttle enters the facility without causing any suspicion. Thomas had waited until they moved in close enough to give their clearance code, or so he had hoped. His gamble paid off. As he docks, he removes the Force shield and then quickly bashes the one with the pommel of his sword, as he kicks the other against the wall again, following through with a quick spinning slash to finish it off, The other Tholian shakes off the stun from the first attack just as Thomas pounces on him with a slamming blow that knocks him down, he then twirls his sword in a figure eight and brings it down in a thrust to finish the creature off. Now that he’s inside the complex he can also use his rifle without the other Tholians detecting his energy weapon discharges, alerting reinforcements. Thomas sets the energy source from the shuttle to overload, by causing an inner-mix implosion set to go off in 60 seconds. He then sheaths his sword and un-slings his rifle as he opens the hatch to exit, taking full caution as he scans the area for more enemies. Immediately he notices several Tholians coming to greet his companions from a moment ago, and slips off with his personal cloak active. From a distance he begins to hear their screams as they find them dead, then a sudden thud and a terrible sound of tearing metal and crumbling, then nothing. He moves on further into the complex, Tholians seemed to be working to penitrate it further, as if to still be studying the place, they must not have had control of it for long. A silent warning comes up on his visors screen, “detection imminent” The Tholians scans have picked him up, they scream and turn weapons drawn looking for the intruder. Thomas leaps up onto a platform above them and aims for his first as he disengages his cloak and pounces down on the creature, while firing at the others. The screams intensify and they open fire at Thomas. He ducks and dodges, firing back. “Computer, energy shield,” a force shield appears absorbing the energy attacks and he aims for a power-shot taking down one then rapidly fires at the others wearing them down until they all fall. He moves in to inspect what they where doing, “computer, scan their traces and give me a readout of all trans-dimensional activity.” The Computer speaks, “scans where taken of a compressed energy signatures within the structure, each device is cloaked and impossible to directly locate, it appears to be a defense system.” “Computer activate micro probe and scan the facility further.” A probe replicates before him the size of a baseball and hovers down the corridor further. After about 10 meters a high intensity phaser beam fires and destroys it, Thomas quickly takes aim and fires at the spot it originated, the explosion de-cloaks the device and alerts the whole bases automated security systems, the fluctuation momentarily drops the cloak for a fraction of a second due to the sudden energy output on a unkempt base. Allowing for his continued scans to pick up the rest of the anomalies and target them. “Computer, activate auto playback of anomalies and add them to my visors display.” The computer then responds, “there will be a 98% accuracy rating for playback of recorded anomalies.” “It will have to do.” Thomas cautiously takes to the corridor firing at the targets on his visor, destroying each security turret as he makes his way down, he comes upon an anomaly on the floor, and takes a step back, then fires, a huge explosion rocks the corridor knocking him off his feet. The computer then adds, “Personal shield down 10%.” Thomas groans for a moment, as he looks at the small crater on the floor, “mines…” he gets to his feet clearing the traps but then suddenly is hit by a powerful phaser blast from behind, slamming him against the wall. he quickly rolls to aim at the source but it had already re-cloaked again, “personal shields down 45%” the computer adds. “Ill fix your little wagon!” Thomas exclaims. “Computer, activate transphasic bomb, set timer for 10 seconds!” Thomas then leaps as far as he can further down the hall, and tumbling-sault, dodging the next high powered phaser blast, then the bomb goes off disabling the turret, “there you are!” Thomas laughs as he takes aim and blasts it. Suddenly a warning comes up on his visor, as he moves further into the complex. Temporal Disruptions, imminent. “Computer, locate the source of these disruptions.” The signal skips for a moment and the computer delays. “Working.” It says. “The distortion must be close if its messing up my circuitry this bad.” Thomas Thinks to himself, trying to decipher how to proceed. He looks over the situation, not daring to use any more from his equipment then is necessary, his battery reserves are already below half, and he still needs life support for the rest of the trip. His movements seemed to be getting slower too. He soon comes across sealed doors, “I would bet there are more traps around that door, and I still need to get into it. knowing hes taking a chance, he fabricates an energy shield and approaches the door. Ready to open fire at what ever appears, suddenly several mines begin to go off around him knocking him around, he begins to gasp for air, the read out on his visor is scrambling, his vision fading from lack of oxygen, he can barely make out that there are 3 breaches in his suit and he has less then 20 seconds before he passes out and dies. The mines where subverted by the Temporal Distortion, he didn’t take the full brunt of the hits but its still hit with enough force to give him a slow death. He shakes his head trying to clear it, but not even realizing he was already on the ground and had begun to expire from the effects of decompresson, his vision begins to go white and then…it all begins to flash before his eyes, his entire life within an instant. As a young child he was small, labeled a useless runt. Rejected by his family, a tribe of warriors and hunters. His brother and sister where larger then he, even though they where all around the same age. But no weakness was to be allowed to continue to breed or make use of the supplies that their tribe needed to keep themselves fed and strong, this weak gene needed to be purged from the bloodline, he was cast out of the village by way of death. Tossed from refuge cliff, only to be beamed aboard a slavers ship and live under cruel bondage of these aliens strange to him, with technologies that made them appear to be gods. How he suffered, the days of beatings and torment, the tears that rolled down his face, mocked at every whimper, lashed at every cry. Until several years later, he was sold to Ferengi who planned to use him labor, though he was small, his time under bondage had made him strong and he was a hard worker. Sometimes anti-gravity devices didn’t work and someone had to do the heavy lifting. A quick wit and a fast learner, he observed how to negotiate by watching his owners in action. But even this changed the day Vega colony was attacked, his owners killed and assimilated. In terror he hid and ran for his life, to afraid to look at the creatures that invaded, not knowing what to do. He watched as others arrived to assist, but fell as well. Then something clicked in his mind, as he watched the young and old, cry the same tears he had for so many years…”NO, no more! The suffering must stop NOW!!!” He cried as he took up a dropped phaser rifle and began to fight tooth and claw, with a built up rage that had been building up in him for most of his life, for 2 days he fended these never ending machines. Exhausted and badly injured he finally was the only one left standing. He crawled, his rifle still strapped to his back…hours went by then he finally gave out. He awoke to the sight of humans tending to him, after a sudden startle of these strange creatures he suddenly felt relaxed and they treated him for his wounds, fed him and showed compassion, a gift he had never been given before. One of them took off their jacket and covered him in it to keep him warm. He felt comforted and allowed himself to lower his guard around his new friends. His rest was short lived as the firefight that broke out, had awoke him in a panic, as the Borg suddenly beamed into their checkpoint and overran their position. He clinged to the rifle that had saved him before, fear gripped him, but when he peered around the cover he took, he seen those nice people who had care for him and helped him, begin to die. He fell back into that rage once more and began to fight them. When the battle was his once more, he looked around only to see all of his new friends where gone. He fell to his knees and began to cry bitterly that he couldn’t save them. The strange metal object chirped on his jacket, he grabbed it in curiosity. A voice came from it, “Bravo team report, whats your status?” It said. “Whats a status?” he asked. They beamed him up thinking he was the lone survivor of that team, the ship they came from already destroyed, they assigned him to theirs for the time being. He didn’t know what was going on or who they where, thinking he was in shock they dismissed him from active duty to recover. After the incident, the rank on his jacket was still Commander, so due to a error in the data base from the chaos of the Vega colony incident, he was reinstated or so they thought as a Commander ranked officer in Star Fleet, never once going to the academy or even seeing it. Soon he met a half Vulcan Counselor named Alanna T’Par, who became his best friend. She discovered Thomas’s situation and helped him to learn technology and quickly got him up to speed in a few short years.. During this time, Thomas also taught her a few things about fighting skills and they both grew off one another, being as close as family. Then a commission came up, as Jean-Luc Picard was to be promoted and given the assignment of Ambassador to Vulcan. Alanna’s recommendation assured that Thomas was able to be promoted to Captain and command the USS Enterprise E, he in turn choose Alanna T’Par as his ships Counselor. Thomas spent several years, exploring, sorting out Diplomatic and first contact missions, and even countless engagements in combat. The whole time, still using that same rifle…constantly upgrading and fine tuning it to suit the new challenges, until his design of the Battle rifle was accepted by the MACO division as the official design. But while a mission to meet up with representatives in Fluidic space, Alanna T’Par was taken and assimilated, CatStar resigned from Star Fleet and used the T’Par’s Science vessel, refit for Borg combat, he also dawned the classic navy outfit he’s became famous for wearing as he hunted Borg relentlessly for years until he finally found Alanna and rescued her. the wounds where deep and he cared for aboard his vessel until she could return to her work again, Star Fleet was only too happy to have him back and he was once again assigned to the Enterprise, where they both served until the day of his promotion to Admiral, the very rank he holds today…and so the story continues up until this point where he gasps with his final attempt’s to gain a breath, but none of them successful, and then everything goes black.

    To Be Continued…

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks to those that have reviewed so far.

    I think that having a clearer picture of yes/no where possiblewill benefit the meeting when it comes along as we will already have an idea of which way a motion will go and we can move onto more ambiguous questions that clearly need further debate.

    Having said this sensitive questions may come up in the future where it not appropriate or people may be unwilling to openly state their opinion, this might be in voting for a chairman, or even voting someone out or into the committee. These sorts of exceptions and protections need to be added to our constitution/charter as we develop it.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi all,

    I have also edited my post and where I could added if I agree or disagree to the original version, some were grey areas and thus it was hard to state a yes or no… I hope that helps with sorting out the business Plas 🙂

    Cheers and see you all soon!

    Post count: 2368

    Heya 🙂
    I updated my answering post with the yes/no answers, where it was possible ….
    And I perfectly agree with the Robert Rule Order, i used before and worked out great 🙂
    On a personal note: I finalized the travels i had and now i’m busy with the new university year start, but this goes pretty well so far, so i’ll start being more around starting with saturday (my evening, as during the day i still have to do some house chores that i neglected as well with all my travels 🙂 ) …. I also listed in my signature all my alts as well and their affiliations 🙂
    All the best,

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