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    Post count: 2368

    As long as those new peoples would understand the GA and IDIC concepts, I have no problem with bringing those into GA too, no matter what game they plays …
    It would be a plus, because this way, we may start casualy playing other games too 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Time-Zones #2770

    Personally, our usual time zone fits me wonderfully for weekends ….
    Yet, for the rest of the week, my normal play time tend to be in my evenings (that means somewhere between 3-4 PM GMT until midnight GMT).
    But is not a problem for me, as i can use the weekdays time for leveling and the weekends time for teaming up
    Also, lately, due to the latest recruitments, I’ve seen peoples being online even during my weekdays play times …..

    Post count: 2368

    As per how much was it used in the last period, I’d say “Ney”, because, except for some very few occasions it wasn’t used at all …

    Post count: 2368

    So …. my toons (still editing them … not final, gathering them from various servers):

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC

    Iskara@Ishakar -Fleet Commander (liberated borg, science officer, long range science vessel refit)
    Taraza@Ishakar -Fleet Commander (vulcanian, engineer officer, dreadnought cruiser)
    Irulan@Ishakar -Fleet Commander (joined trill, tactical officer, multi vector attack escort)

    Klingon Fleet: IDIC

    O’Drade@Ishakar -Fleet Admiral (klingon, tactical officer)
    Harishka@Ishakar -Fleet Admiral (orion, engineer officer)

    Star Trek Online – Tribble Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC Tribble


    DC Universe Online – PvP PvE PC Server

    Hero League: Dawn Star Order

    Taraza@Iskara -League Leader

    Villian Side


    SW:TOR PvE West Coast
    Legacy name: Atreides, Legacy Level: 50

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire
    Race: Human
    Class: Sith warrior
    Specialization: Marauder
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: DPS
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name: Iskara -Emperor’s Hand

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire
    Race: Rattataki
    Class: Sith Inquisitor
    Specialization: Assassin
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: tank
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name: Harishka -Dark Council Member

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire
    Race: Human
    Class: Sith Inquisitor
    Specialization: Assassin
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: mDPS
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name: Al’lune -Dark Lady – XO

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire
    Race: Human
    Class: Imperial Agent
    Specialization: Sniper
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: r-DPS
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 50
    Toon name:Cladda -Grand Moff

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire
    Race: Human
    Class: Inquisitor
    Specialization: Sorcerer
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: healer
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name:Ka’ni -Grand Lord

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire
    Race: Human
    Class: Sith Warrior
    Specialization: Juggernaut
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: tank
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 38
    Toon name:Shay’hulud -Lord

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order
    Race: Cyborg
    Class: Smuggler
    Specialization: Gunslinger
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: r-DPS
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name: G’anima

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order
    Race: Mirialan
    Class: Jedi Consular
    Specialization: Shadow
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: tank
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name: O’drade -Grand Master

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order
    Race: Cyborg
    Class: Trooper
    Specialization: Vanguard
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: tank
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 50
    Toon name: Ro’Laren

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order
    Race: Human
    Class: Jedi Knight
    Specialization: Guardian
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: tank
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name: Kwiisatz -General

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order
    Race: Human
    Class: Jedi Consular
    Specialization: Sage
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role:healer
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 53
    Toon name: Alfifa -Jedi Master

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order
    Race: Human
    Class: Jedi Knight
    Specialization: Sentinel
    Server: Harbinger
    Main team role: DPS
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 48
    Toon name: Is’kara -Jedi Master

    SW:TOR RP-PVE US-East Coast – those were made to test the RP servers environment; I still play those from time to time.
    Server: The Ebon Hawk

    Faction: Light / Guild: Sirenic Order
    Race: Human
    Class: Jedi Knight
    Specialization: Sentinel
    Server: The Ebon Hawk
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 55
    Toon name: Iskara

    Faction: Light / Guild: Sirenic Order
    Race: Human
    Class: Smuggler
    Specialization: Scoundrel
    Server: The Ebon Hawk
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 29
    Toon name: G’anima

    Faction: Light / Guild: can’t rememeber, i’ll check
    Race: Human
    Class: Sith Warrior
    Specialization: Juggernaut
    Server: The Ebon Hawk
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 44
    Toon name: Logno

    Toons under this line were either made for testing the european playing environment or were just moved from Harbinger to make room for new toons (those from Jung Ma), in any case, i don’t play those anymore; I used Jung Ma as storage for toons that I don’t play anymore, but didn’t want to delete …

    SW:TOR PVE Europe
    Server: The Red Eclipse
    Guild: ?? Can’t remember as I haven’t connected on this server for more then an year 🙂 I’ll check and fill in if there is a guild for any of those toons.

    Faction: Light
    Race: Human
    Class: Jedi Knight
    Specialization: Santinel
    Server: The Red Eclipse
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 46
    Toon name: Cladda

    Faction: Light
    Race: Human
    Class: Jedi Consular
    Specialization: Sage
    Server: The Red Eclipse
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 31

    Toon name: G’anima

    Faction: Dark
    Race: Human
    Class: Sith Inquisitor
    Specialization: Sorcerer
    Server: The Red Eclipse
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 32

    Toon name: Is’kara

    Faction: Dark
    Race: Human
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Specialization: Mercenary
    Server: The Red Eclipse
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 20

    Toon name: B’ellanna

    SW:TOR RP-PVP US-West Coast
    Server: Jung Ma

    Faction: Dark
    Race: Human (?)
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Specialization: Mercenary
    Server: Jung Ma
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 37
    Toon name: Shay’hulud

    Faction: Dark
    Race: Sith pure-blood (?)
    Class: Sith Inquisitor
    Specialization: Sorcerer
    Server: Jung Ma
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 31
    Toon name: Logno

    Faction: Dark
    Race: Sith pure-blood (?)
    Class: Sith Inquisitor
    Specialization: Assassin
    Server: Jung Ma
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 50
    Toon name: Is’kara

    Faction: Dark
    Race: Human(?)
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Specialization: Powertech
    Server: Jung Ma
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 18
    Toon name: Harishka

    Faction: Light
    Race: Human (?)
    Class: Jedi Consular
    Specialization: Shadow
    Server: Jung Ma
    Lvl at the moment of editing: 42
    Toon name: Iskara

    Post count: 2368

    Guild Alliance Committee Hall Of History 2011-2013

    This is a listing of current and former GAC members and the positions they’ve held over the years.

      -Plasma (-Plas)
      Founder: Star Trek Online (STO), -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets, Starfleet (U.F.P.)
      Founder: Star Trek Online (STO), =INTER-FLEET= Alliance
      Leader: Star Trek Online (STO), -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets, Starfleet (U.F.P.)
      Leader: Star Trek Online: -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force (K.D.F.)

      Iskara (Kara)
      Leader: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Jedi Order, Republic
      Founder: DC Universe Online (DCUO): Dawn Star Order, Hero (D.S.O.)
      Founder: Star Trek Online: -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force (K.D.F.)

      Londi Revan (Londi)
      Founder: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Sith Empire, Empire
      Leader: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Sith Empire, Empire
      Leader: Star Trek Online (STO), -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets, Starfleet (U.F.P.)

      Alanna Boraz (Ingrid/Alanna)
      Founder: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Jedi Order, Republic
      Leader: Star Trek Online (STO), =INTER-FLEET= Alliance

      Leader: Star Trek Online: -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force (K.D.F.)

    Post count: 2368

    Amendments to the GAC Members Rules Of Conduct

    Meeting Amendments 27th Sep 2013

    *e) A committee member may be a member of a non-GA guild as long as it is not in the capacity of an Officer with the condition that ALL characters owned by a given GAC member have been disclosed by account, name and guild.

    These details must be posted in this thread, GAC: Committee Members Character Guild Disclosures

    Please be advised of the changes to the sitting committee members as of 27th of October 2013.

    CatStar has resigned as Star Trek Online -I.D.I.C- Klingon Imperial Empire Leader and has declined to take part in GAC business. As a non-permanent member and under the circumstances we have no choice but to remove CatStar from the GAC.

    Please be aware of the motions brought forward in the meeting 27th of October 2013.

    1) That GAC members should not be allowed to join non-GA guilds.

    2. That First Officers (Guild Executives) be given the right to join the GAC as non-permanent members.

    3. That GAC members must disclose their characters and the name of their guild if in non-GA guilds.

    4. That the DC Universe Online, League of the Dawn Star Order be removed from our guild list and placed in the casual-teaming category

    Sitting Guild Alliance Committee Members during this period.


    Meeting Amendments 10th of March 2013

    *d) Only 1 (one) GAC member can be a Leader in any Guild/Fleet/League at any one time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The exception being that there is no other *suitable person willing, qualified, able or acceptable to the committee to undertake the leadership of a guild.

    Leader defined as fleet Leader/Guildmaster. Each guild is free to govern as they see fit, i.e. using multiple leaders as in a council, however powers of fleet ownership must be in the posession of 1 GA individual.

    Please be advised of the changes to the sitting committee members ratified at the last GAC meeting 10th of March 2013.

    CatStar has become a member of the GAC and has been granted Leadership rights of the Star Trek Online, -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force (K.D.F.) Fleet.

    As an existing GA fleet we have asked CatStar to stipulate his acknowledgement of the GA Rules and the Conditions of fleet ownership and he has done so here: viewtopic.php?f=77&t=502

    Sitting Guild Alliance Committee Members during this period.


    Start-Up Phase

    Sitting Guild Alliance Committee Members during this period.

    Post count: 2368

    With these meetings concluded I am closing this thread.

    Post count: 2368

    Please note that with the resignation of CatStar as the -I.D.I.C- K.D.F. Fleet Leader, the fleet has been handed back to the GAC chairman (-Plasma) as per the agreement set forth on March 14th 2013, pending a decision on the leadership moving forward.

    We thank CatStar for taking good care of this fleet during his time of service and wish him all the best.

    This thread is now closed.

    Post count: 2368

    This meeting has been superseded by the business of the current meeting found here.


    Post count: 2368

    Jim Manavis (-Plasma)

    Star Trek Online

    Account Name: @-Plasma (Lifetime Primary)

    All my STO characters are in an IDIC fleet or in my 2 bank fleets.

      -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. Faction


      -I.D.I.C- K.D.F. Faction


      -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets U.F.P. Faction PERSONAL BANK FLEET


      -I.D.I.C- Diplomatic Corps U.F.P. Faction PERSONAL BANK FLEET


    Account Name: @plasmacoolant (F2P Secondary)

      No Fleet


    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Account Name: -Plasma (Subscriber Primary)

      Infinite Sith Empire Imperial Faction


      Infinite Jedi Order Republic Faction


    Account Name: plasmacoolant (F2P Secondary)

      Infinite Sith Empire Imperial Faction


    Post count: 2368

    This isn’t the last Matt Smith one, that one will be the Christmas Special. Should be good tho.

    Post count: 2368

    I can’t wait for this.. Although It will be sad, so bring your tissues.
    Matt Smith was a wonderful doctor, my fav was Amy, Rory and the DR – they had epic adventures together 😎

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for playing with us all in Star Trek Online over the last 2.5 years and for being our Ambassador over the last year and a half. The fleet will not be the same without you.

    I miss you being there and I’m sure everyone else does too.

    Post count: 2368

    My new Blaster Based Characters.
    Agent Tiratina’Nor Chiss Female loyal to the Empire.
    Smuggler Yori’Ginash Mirialan Female loyal to only herself and nobody else.

    Post count: 2368

    Teshira finally is no longer shackled to using exclusively the Transports between planets she now has her own Wraith Class Starship courtesy of her Master the ever deceitful Darth Zash.

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