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    Post count: 2368

    Just an update on the HoH: I currently have questionnaires back from;


    Please participate in the HoH feature, ALL former and current members as well as allies of a Guild Alliance Guild/Organization (i.e =INTER-FLEET= Alliance) are welcome.

    Post count: 2368

    Sure please invite your friend over. I am not playing NW at all, originally there were a few people playing from the Star Trek Online guild because NW was a Cryptic game and the chat was linked etc. Also we had friends and allies from other guilds in STO that were playing back when it launched.

    I don’t think many are still playing from the GA, but the more people that want to participate in here the merrier, I’d welcome some NW news.

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Just an update on the stronghold..

    We have just unlocked the last section (outside) of the Republic Guild Stronghold. I am also streamlining the decorations a bit and adding the Jedi themed decorations I have requested (there is an updated list below). Much thanks to all those that have donated to the bank.

    In the hangar/garage section I would like to have a selection of reputation and super-rare speeders and the larger items like the tanks and fighters. If anyone has a reputation speeder they would like to add, please unlock that for the guild 🙂

    I have collected several items from the want list above already so here is the updated list.

    1 X Holocron of Ancient Masters OR donations of 25 x Recovered Relics, 10 x Universal Prefab Mk-3

      Core Worlds and Deep Core Explorer Pack

    Banner: Jedi Temple “As many as we can get– but at least 2”
    Commemorative Statue of Satele Shan 1x
    Jedi Library 10x
    Kel Dor Jedi Master 1x
    Temple Chair (Ornate) “As many as we can get– but at least 4 more”
    Temple Chair “As many as we can get– but at least 4 more”
    Temple Clock 2x
    Temple Sconce 7x

    Post count: 2368

    No worries, did you download the questions
    Please mail or Skype them back to me when you’re done 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Starting to answer the questions a second time, for some reason my first attempt ‘went walkies’… Will have it completed shortly Plas.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All, just an update on our Republic Stonghold decorations situation.

    We are currently maxed out on hooks and have done really well so far. We still need to unlock our outdoor area which will give us some additional hooks for decorating. This will give us enough room to finish off the cargo/shuttle bay and the outside.

    I am still looking for a few items from the list above, as well as some new items released the other day. As those who keep an eye on decorations packs would know the latest pack included many Jedi Temple themed items ad I want as many of them as we can get. I will add a list here and the basic quantities that would be good to get 🙂 – I have some ideas to replace several items in the current set-up with new ones that will give us additional hooks as well 🙂

    1 X Holocron of Ancient Masters OR donations of 25 x Recovered Relics, 10 x Universal Prefab Mk-3

    Core Worlds and Deep Core Explorer Pack
    Banner: Jedi Temple As many as we can get
    Commemorative Statue of Satele Shan 1x
    Jedi Library 10x
    Jedi Small Council Table 1X
    Kel Dor Jedi Master 1x
    Meditation Chamber 1x
    Meditative Padawan (Female) 1x
    Temple Ceiling Light 1x
    Temple Chair (Ornate) As many as we can get
    Temple Clock 2x
    Temple Sconce 12x

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, you can download these questions as a word document and fill them out there 🙂 Thanks.

    Post count: 2368

    A question about this: how do you wish us to send you the answers? As a reply on this one or in an email?
    Thank you 🙂 ,

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for running this event Kara and to those that came along for the fun.

    Post count: 2368

    Here of some shots of General Veena in a Kobali/Klingon hybrid uniform.
    Also Admiral -Plasma is checking out the 3D consoles in ESD OPS as well as the new memorial on the Mezzanine Level.

    Post count: 2368

    And here are a few shots of my WOW character Plasmona.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo Some Destiny (XBOXOne) Screenshots of my Warlock Guardian and Some of her Ships 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Honoring Leonard Nimoy!

    Post count: 2368

    After the server maintenance today they have added the new Nimoy memorials to Vulcan and New Romulas. They have also added memorials for other Star Trek actors who have passed away at all home bases.

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