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    Post count: 2368

    When I’ll get home I’ll get online and I’ll look for you (and I’ll add you as friend on all my empire characters); that means in about 3-4 hours from this post date. This way I’ll see you when you will be online.
    As for the US servers, I’m in europe too. And I tried to play on european servers too, BUT …..
    Is true that you have better response time on network, yet, for me, even if i have about 300-350 ms, it still works well on US servers.
    EU servers have, for me, a big issue … the players. I had the unpleasant surprise to discover that the environment on EU servers is … childish, to say the least. The behavior range from childish, rudeness, hectic to aggressiveness and threatening. Maybe it was just me, but I never felt comfortable on EU servers. The EU server I used to play on is “the red eclipse”.
    And as in the end, the difference between around 300 ms response time on US servers and under 100 ms response time on EU servers wasn’t much noticeable, I choosed to stay on the US servers.
    The lag you might experience now is mainly because of the starter planets you’re now, which are laggy most of the time and also because of the double XP weekend and to the “Thanksgiving” holiday that is in the US. Much more players entered online in this period. But normaly, from EU you can play normal on US servers.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Its Neithy, lvl 12 sith assassin. But still not sure if ill stay on US servers, I have 4x latency compared to EU. But Ill try.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo would be great to have Nei there 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’m online now, but on various toons, mostly on my new one, Al’iya (empire side). (my other toon names and their sides you may find in my signature)
    But please post your toon name here and I’ll look for you.

    Post count: 2368

    Ok, Ill make it now. Empire right? Is anyone online right now, so i can guild invite?

    Post count: 2368

    We’re playing on “The Harbinger” server, West-US.
    Looking forward to meet you in-game 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Can you tell me again on which server are you guys playing? I might start a new toon there this weekend.

    Post count: 2368

    I too have become inactive or at least low activity on STO recently moved to SWTOR, but would like to stay in the fleet. There still may be a point in the distant future that STO will become less Stale and we will rise again but for now that time isn’t here. Have many friends on IDIC, and that has translated to SWTOR(actually it’s friends i met on STO that finally got me to join SWTOR).

    Post count: 2368

    I made myself a new toon last night (as in my last night) on the empire side; she’s a bounty hunter called Al’iya; to have something to level this weekend 🙂
    Hopefully I’ll catch someone around soon to get an invite into the guild with her. She’s already at lvl 13 (this double XP is really amazing) in just 3 hours 🙂
    See you soon!

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, I may do some leveling on my Jedi tonight 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    awesome, thanks Kara… I will certainly take this opportunity to level 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Betor’un and Vette on Balmorra he’s nearly done with this wretched world.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Jim for all your efforts and hard work. You are a great leader and one that will be remembered for many years to come!

    Post count: 2368

    Hi all, just a reminder that the Solanae Tribble is only available until the 27th of November 2013 so please go and pick up yours before its too late 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I had the honor of viewing ‘The Day of the Doctor’ in 3D yesterday and also watched it a second time on the television. This was an adventure of a life time, we were taken back to the heart of the ‘Time Wars’ where three doctors came together, contemplating how they can save Gallifrey. The idea was brilliant, saving Gallifrey by freezing it in time. Good old favorites re-appeared, some as completely different characters, although there were little hints along the way and we knew at the heart of it they were similar in their original personality.

    Soo…. if you haven’t had a chance to see it, or if you aren’t even a ‘Dr Who’ fan, check it out anyways as the story is epic and thrilling. Plus it is all about science fiction, and this is what we are here for right? 😉

    If I had to review and judge it I would give this 4.5 stars!


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