Forum Replies Created

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    Post count: 2368

    Thanks alot for the info, but 🙂 this raises another question: how can I use the RSS feed? when I open it in Chrome, it displays in XML format, not in something intelligible….

    Post count: 2368

    Ok I just went through all the info for the forums I’m using and there is no function for reply-freshness as yet, only for posts. When and IF this becomes an option I will certainly activate it.

    Having said this, I notice that the RSS feed for the forum is ordered by reply order this should do what you want so please use this for now until it becomes a proper function of the forum. I have added the 2 RSS feeds on the menu for convenience until all the other sections are added.

    Also signatures are now using HTML not BB code on this forum so I hope you don’t mind Kara I remade your Sig in html. Please modify it to your liking.

    Post count: 2368

    Good question Kara, I noticed that too. I’m sure there is a setting somewhere, I will fix that asap.

    Post count: 2368

    Question: I found that you can find the latest posts by using the top menu “Forum” and then by selecting “Latest posts”. The question is: how do you order those latest posts in their freshness order?
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, Ill get all the Avatars and Sigs over soon as well. Welcome.

    Post count: 2368

    Loud and clear!

    Post count: 2368

    Hello all testing out new forums CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, Test away Kara. It’s a new toy for all of us to learn. I think I have it pretty close to the old forums now, Avatars, file attachments, Signatures.

    It’s not 100% the same, but I’ll keep working on it 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I want to thank Iskara, LawMarshall and Flint for coming along to the ceremony on Mt Seleya, Vulcan. I also want to thank those that took the time to message me and let me know that they would not be attending. We did not end up having the party on Risa, however I hope to schedule something in the near future where we can all get together again.

    It was a small turn out, however I appreciate that the time of day was not ideal for our U.S. members. I felt that although there were many absent people it was important to uphold the tradition and even the time of day as this has been our play time for many years now.

    I’m sorry if anyone arrived late and we missed you. Keep an eye out for the next party.

    Thanks and all the best,

    Post count: 2368

    In the tradition of our past events I have designed a poster to commemorate the occasion. This poster depicts one of my Alts -Audita relaxing on a Risian beach.

    Join us on July 6th 2014 at 5pm (GMT+10 Sydney) for the event. Set Phasers To Fun!!

    Attention all -I.D.I.C-: U.F.P, K.I.E, R.R and =INTER-FLEET= Alumni.

    Join us on the 6th of July at 5pm (GMT+10 Sydney) for the -I.D.I.C- Founding Anniversary Event.

    Our anniversary is traditionally the 7th of July, we will be celebrating on the 6th due to the weekend. After a quick ceremony at our Vulcan Embassy we will be warping to Risa for a long overdue catch-up and party.

    Only our -I.D.I.C- members need attend the Vulcan Ceremony, however friends can attend if they wish. We will warp to Risa around 5:30pm for the party.

    Since the fleet went into stasis earlier this year we have not had an opportunity to get-together, this is a chance to see old friends and reconnect with your -I.D.I.C- Comrades.

    Everyone is invited to the events and I’m counting on all of our alumni to spread the word to former members, =INTER-FLEET= and beyond.

    I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can muster.

    See you… Out There….

    V.A. Starfleet. United Federation or Planets. Caretaker of -I.D.I.C-

    M.G. Klingon Defense Force, Klingon imperial Empire. Caretaker of -I.D.I.C-

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Congratz – very cool 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve just passed over the 40K HP mark on my assassin dps …. below you can see she’s full stats:
    New gear
    And there is still a bit of space for improvements 🙂
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, this may be an occasion to finally get the Guild Alliance Website done, lol – it’s been a long time coming and I’ve promised to get it done so many times, lol.

    So many things have collapsed for many reasons, maybe its time to start again fresh and get it right from the beginning.

    I hope that the Guild Flagships do not end up a massive drain on resources like on STO Fleet properties. As long as its only a meeting place and not somewhere where you can get new Exclusive Guild-Gear it should be fine.

    As we all know too well the problem with the STO Star Base, Spire, Dilithium Mine & Embassy was that you can ONLY get the exclusive fleet gear from these areas, so giving the incentive to build them up. But for the smaller fleets this became an impossible feat.

    Post count: 2368

    That’s something I’m really looking forward to …..
    I always felt the need for a place for the guild to meet … this should make recruitment a bit easier 🙂
    And this way, the Guild Alliance will start having a brand new headquater 🙂

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