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    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 2 16-Sep-2011

    Welcome to all our new members.

    Because of the mail restrictions in STO mail I have written a welcome post at the fleet forums. Please sign-up and read the welcome letter: (updated link)

    Also a copy of the current fleet rules can be downloaded at: (updated link)

    Our website will be up soon, however please use our forums in the meantime. I’ll be adding some new forums and customizing things in the coming days.

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    New members

    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:
    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 1 08-Sep-2011

    Greetings Fleet, my name is -Plasma and I am the founder of the fleet and Fleet Admiral.

    First of all i’d like to welcome all of our new members to -I.D.I.C- This fleet is a new fleet created in the spirit of community and the ideals of the Vulcan IDIC philosophy. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.

    Our fleet First Officer is Londi Revan. You can contact Londi or myself through the STO mailing system, PM us, or by regular email;

    About -I.D.I.C-
    The fleet was originally envisioned as a collection of Admirals and Ambassadors, however we have decided to waive that restriction until the fleet has a sustainable membership. This being the case we are committed to helping lower ranking officers rank up as well as carrying out STF’s for the Admiralty.

    In order to familiarise yourself with the fleet our rules can be downloaded at
    The rules cover most things, however if you have further questions please contact us.

    We have several communications methods that the fleet can utilise. Besides the email and in-game communications mentioned above we also provide these alternatives.

    www.Our website is currently under construction and will be online soon. The website address is

    Forums.Our forums will eventually be incorporated as part of the website but until then they will be active as of the 12th of August at (Updated Link)

    Twitter. We have a fleet twitter feed that can be found at (Updated Twitter Link)- members are encouraged to join, however it is not compulsory. You can also joing our twitter feeds at:

    Beacuse of the mail restrictions I have to leave it there, however a second email is going out tommorrow continuing from where this one left off.

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    New members

    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:
    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Mini Review of SWTOR #968

    It ended …. unfortunately way too soon … πŸ™

    lol … well … it was nice while lasted, but i guess we will have to wait until the end of december for the whole thing πŸ™‚

    Just a quick update to Flash’s review, as last night i managed to test the space part a bit too. It does look pretty much as a dog-fight space game, at least as much as i managed to do for now, but with pretty good rewards for the missions (much more XP points then the normal ground missions) so it will be good for leveling.

    The flight is controled by your droid, you cannot decide the direction of the flight, but only can shoot the enemies. So not really a thrill. Except for the XP points, of course.

    And another good thing about the space portion: the ship you have is actualy your private place not sure yet if you can also invite your friends there.

    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Mini Review of SWTOR #967

    Wonderfull review Flash! And i also agree with everything is said there.
    I played so far both factions, as Sith warrior (jugganaut) and Jedi Knight until around lvl 15.
    What i would like to add is:
    1. the sidekick story line develops during leveling up as you get more sidekicks and you can get them doing “missions” by their own (like in the F2P STO you will do too. But the relation with your sidekick is more close then it is in STO, there is a story line there, and also options to consider, decissions to make.
    2. The game itself is a pretty heavy resource consuming program for your PC, especialy in terms of main memory and graphic card. Sometimes the lag you feel is actualy from your graphic card moving too slow for the game. They seems to work on that, as after the last restart they did the graphic performances improved alot.
    3. Unfortunately for me, the gameplay is very similar with the one from WoW, as most players there seems also to be. That means (for me at least) some lack of social skills to teh players and their focus for performance. What i liked in STO is that given the various ways one can get his toon equipped and trained there were no much fixed classes and roles, like are in WoW (i.e. tank, healer, damage).
    Bottom line, in my opinion, is that so far, STO remain the best MMO i ever played. SW:TOR have potential but there are things that they still have to do to achieve that.
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Mini Review of SWTOR #966

    I agree with everything you are saying Flash, this is exactly my experience with the game so far.

    Thanks for posting a great review.


    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Testing server name #962

    Well … as promised i made myself a “light” toon too.
    Server: Uphrades East Coast
    Name: Iskara
    I’ll be playing this toon on sunday, most probably …

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Testing server name #961

    Oh sorry Kara I thought you were Republic. Ok that makes sense now, thanks for letting me know.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Testing server name #960

    I think you’re on the light faction on that server (Dart Bandon), as i tried to send an email to you and they said that i cannot send an email to the different faction ….
    I guess i’ll make myself a Jedi toon too on one of the servers you’re playing on.
    See you,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: DC Universe Report #935

    Thanks Kara, this was a really helpful comparison.

    Like you say, it’s free so why not try it out πŸ™‚


    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    Started testing today and the game looks very good. I’ll post some screenshits below and my impressions as I go. The screenshots function has been disabled in the beta, so i had to do the old print screen and past into photoshop. The resolution is a bit low because my PC was struggling a bit so I had to lower it.

    1. Server Selection & Beta Toons

    Obviously the game is still in Beta and the toons we create will be deleted before the launch. One thing I found interesting is that the game did give me my Pre-Order color stoneitem to use for the beta. This arrived via the game email system.

    The server selection was a bit of a shock to me as the games I have played until now have fairly simple server options. There were alot of servers to choose from both in the US and EU.

    One thing to keep in mind is that for those of us who want to be able to play together on the same server, the most safest way to achieve this is to join the ISE guild. When the game launches the Guild will be placed on a server and all of the members will all be placed on the same server as well. Please keep this in mind, as there is not an option to change servers once you initially choose (or are assigned) a server.

    2. Character Creation

    After playing Star Trek Online, I find the character creation options in TOR very limited. It is akin to DCUO, very simple options. The good news is that you will be able to play both Republic and Empire toons on the same account if the Beta is an accurate representation of what the final release will be.


    This screen allows you to choose your career in the chosen faction.


    This screen allows you to customize the look of your toon. I chose Jedi for this one.


    The game then goes on to display a video cutscene relating to your chosen faction and career.

    More to come soon………

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Testing server name #959

    Wow Kara, Level 11 already ;), I initially chose another server as I hadn’t seen your post when I first logged on.

    I am on;

    Uphrades East Coast Plasma. I have reached Level 6 so far with a Jedi Knight, but have only played for about 4 hours.

    Darth Bandon East Coast Plasma, but I cannot find you in the friends list Kara.

    Ziost East Coast Plasma, I’ve created an Imperial toon here. I Have friended Londi who is also on this server.

    I will be posting some screenshots later today.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Testing server name #958

    I’ll call it for the night, to catch some hours of sleep; however the game is thrilling πŸ™‚
    Stopped at lvl 11 for now.
    Enjoy yours and maybe see you around tomorow πŸ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    If you have issues with errors during the update, use the following steps, as it might solve the problem:

    1. Click the start button and navigate to the command prompt (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt)
    2. Make sure that you right click on the command prompt application and choose “Run as Administrator”
    3. Type in the command “ipconfig /flushdns”
    4. Close the Command Prompt window
    5. Download the latest installer from
    6. Run SWTOR_setup.exe
    7. When asked if they want to run the installer again, select Yes
    8. On the Select Install Type screen β€œRe-Install (restore defaults) will be selected, select Install
    9. Select Finish when the installer completes
    10. This will repair the launcher, but will NOT remove asset files, etc. from your disk
    11. When you run the launcher it will update itself once and you should be able login normally

    If still does not solve the errors, follow the other instructions that you may find at this location:

    Best regards,

    PS: For me going through steps 5 to 11 only solved the problem, but be careful as the new update is rather long again.

    Post count: 2368

    I just received to day the beta testing program invite myself πŸ™‚
    I downloaded the game client (also around 18 gb) now the question is … when the testing event will start?

    Post count: 2368

    Finished downloading the game client πŸ™‚ – now the wait for the Beta event starts. The download ended up being 18.5gb

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