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    Post count: 2368

    OK, I will propose something and please indicate if you agree or have an alternative.

    1. West Coast US
    2. PvP Server
    3. Whomever gets access first (as stated by their invite email when it comes) chooses the server. That person then posts it here for all to see and I in-turn will distribute it through STO, email, etc as quickly as I can.

    We should choose a server with LOW population to give us all a chance to join it as we don’t know if they will be locking the servers once they are full. We should also wait a little while once we have access to see which servers are filling up and at what rate.

    Also this if of lesser importance, but the first Guild we are planning is Empire (Dark Side) so if you start leveling an Imperial Toon first that will suit those plans, however if not, that’s cool as our Republic Guild will obviously be also on the same server.

    Post count: 2368

    I agree Flash that on the face of it the West Coast US servers would be the best to play on.

    Having said that, the Beta testing I did on East Coast Servers also had a pretty good connection.

    I think that as soon as we get our proper invites, the first to get connected should choose a server with low population and publish it here and then we can join the same server.

    Post count: 2368

    Also, for those of us in Australia / Asia I believe West Coast US servers provide the least lag.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 20 8-DEC-11

    Hi All,

    1. Season 5 Update

    As most are aware the season 5 update has hit Hollodeck and there have been several changes. Many of the senior staff were involved in the tribble testing and if anyone has a question please contact us.

    2. Fleet PvP Tournament

    The tournament has been a bit hard to resolve of late. I recognise that there are things going on with many of the finalists and they have other things on their minds which I completely understand. there is alot going on in real life for people at this time of year as well, so therefore I am cancelling the tournament, and will re-schedule a new one for early next year.

    This will give us time to properly re-spec to the new system as well and make for a fairer competition. I will be awarding 1 item to each finalist from the rewards tabs, please contact me for your prize.

    3. Recruiting

    Activity in the fleet is at a low, I’m positive this will pick up when the f2p goes live. Many inactive members will return and we we’ll have the opportunity to recruit new members from those coming into the game as those players cannot form fleets and will be looking to join.

    When the F2P starts we’in need of a fleet, please ask for an invite.

    4. Fleet Commander Positions

    Our rules stipulate that at the beginning of each season update there will be Fleet Commander elections. However since all of our active VA’s are currently fleet commanders this seems to be unneccessary at this time. Therefore I will keep all the positions as they are until the next update. If any member has an issue with this decision please let me know, it will be kept in confidence.

    5. Guild Alliance/Forum Sign-up

    Pleae sign up to the forums if you have not done so already.

    I’m hoping to have all of our Guild websites ready and updated before the TOR launch later this month. I will also be re-vamping the rules for each fleet/Guild and coming up with new rules for the upcoming guilds with the respective leaders.

    6. SW:TOR

    The time has elapsed for registering our guilds for the game launch so we will endeavour to create the guilds as soon as we are in-game. If you are planning to join our guild/s do not create your character until we have established which server we will be playing on. Please start some discussion on the forums about this as there is only 15 days theoretically until early-game access for pre-orders starts and the game begins.

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    New members

    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:
    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.

    Post count: 2368

    So, as for getting most of the “cool” equipment in game (on the FED side this time) you need now dilithium. I’ll describe a few easy ways to make it:

      1. “Investigate Officer Reports (daily)” mission (which means doing 3 foundry mission per day) will give you 1440 dilithium ore per day.

      2. Doing an “Explore the B’Tran cluster (vice-admiral)” while having selected also the “Chart the B’Tran Cluster (vice-admiral)” and “Explore Strange and New Worlds” will give you 2X1440 dilithium, meaning a total of 2880 dilithium for B’Tran missions.

      3. “Aiding the Deferi” will give you 1440 dilithium, ‘Emancipation” – 480 dilithium and “Rescue the deferi captive” – 480 dilithium so a total for the Deferi dailies of: 2400 dilithium.

      4. Also if during the above missions you carefully set assignements for your DOffs you will get an aditional 500 dilithium in average.

      To summarize: 1400+2880+2400+500 = 7180 dilithium per day

      -Besides that you can also find random missions that would also complement you with dilithium perks.
      -Bottom line is that if you want the most expensive piece of equipment available (which costs 22.000 dilithium) you can have it by doing those missions for 3 days in a row 🙂

    So, after all, is not that bad, isn’t it?

    Hugs you all,
    Vice-Admiral Iskara
    Fleet Commander

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings all,

    From my point of view, the choose of the server only have 2 things to be taken into consideration as a decision base:

    1. Will be that server a US or European server? Personally i would go for a US server, as from my experience those are more likely ready to receive more players and will be most probably more lag free. Yet, i would not go for one of the first servers from the server list, as, most probably, those will be the most loaded servers, because most players will just choose the first server they see in their hurry to start playing the game.

    2. The server name: which should be a simple one to be easy for most to spell and remember it :). In the interest of being as much lag free as possible, the server name should also be a common one, one that most players would not be very eager to choose, also in the interest of keeping the game as much lag free as possible.

    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Mission Revamp
    Season 5 also introduces a more streamlined way to play through the game’s episodic content. Captains will utilize the completely redesigned mission journal to find the latest Starfleet or KDF assignments available, including an option to transwarp instantly to the mission’s starting planet. If you are short on Energy Credits, or prefer to take in the surrounding sights of Sector Space, plot a course to the starting planet for a chance to access the revamped patrol missions. Also, the journal now includes a calendar that will lead you to special events that deliver new content and rewards.

    Lore Missions
    Along with the release of the Starfleet and Klingon Academy maps, an entirely new type of non-combat play is being introduced. Participate in daily events surrounding the game’s lore by venturing to these social zones and test your knowledge of the rich history behind The Path to 2409. Completing these will grant new accolades and titles that allow you to show-off your knowledge to your comrades.

    Economy Restructuring
    Many of the old currencies you have come to know have been converted into a single monetary-form known as Dilithium. Whether you are playing through episodic content, participating in Duty Officer assignments, or completing daily missions, earning Dilithium will allow you to purchase upgraded equipment that can help you more easily defeat your foes and bring you the ultimate bragging rights.

    For the first time ever, this update is going to allow players to acquire Cryptic Points without having to spend money. Participate in the Dilithium Exchange program by auctioning off your Dilithium to the highest bidder. Don’t have time to play as much as you would like to earn the Dilithium you’d like? You can now purchase and auction off Cryptic Points to those willing to buy them with this new, uniform currency.

    Season 5: Call to Arms is truly one of the game’s biggest updates ever! For a full recap of what is coming to a starbase near you, please visit Executive Producer Stephen D’Angelo’s Dev Blog series (

    Post count: 2368

    In this update, the largest class of Starfleet and Klingon Defense Recruits will be gearing up to join you in the fight against the quadrant’s greatest threats!
    Here’s some of what you can experience in Season 5:

    Duty Officer System
    Since the birth of the Federation and Klingon Defense Force, there have been countless unsung heroes that work in a vessel’s lower decks. No matter which department they are in, these officers have pledged their lives to their ship and fellow crewmates. For the first time ever, as their Captain, you will actively manage their activities as you delegate their assignments aboard and away from your ship. Along your journey, you can collect and trade these officers with fellow Captains to help you build the crew of your dreams.
    While participating in this new form of gameplay is optional, doing so will earn you special rewards, accolades, and even help you to advance your various ranks. As with any assignment, there are inherent risks, but the potential reward may outweigh the danger. Assign your officers wisely and don’t forget to check in with your First Officer for suggestions.

    The Borg Advancement
    For the past several months, Starfleet and the KDF have been confronting the Borg armada as they make their advance on the Alpha Quadrant. Recently, a Borg fleet was able to break through the Defari blockades in the Orellius Sector Block, land a probe on Defera Prime and begin assimilating its inhabitants. It is up to you to beam down and eliminate the threat of total annihilation of this important race.
    Meanwhile, in the Gamma Orionis Sector Block, the Borg have developed new strategies to keep the Federation and KDF at bay. Join a Special Task Force (STF) and attempt to rid the Sibiran, Vorn and Quadra Sigma Systems of imminent danger. Completing these missions will earn you special rewards, complete with new space and ground costume sets that grant special abilities.

    Klingon Gameplay Updates
    Season 5: Call to Arms enhances Klingon gameplay and introduces an improved way to level up your KDF warrior. Not only will your character start out as a Commander (level 21), you will experience a compelling storyline that will allow you to move more easily through the ranks by completing episodic content. It is a glorious day for battle!

    Skills Revamp
    Over the course of Season 5, the way you choose to specialize your captain will be updated. Phase One of these changes, the Space Skills Revamp, is now live and provides a clearer understanding of where to spend your Skill Points and which tree affects which innate and Bridge Officer powers. This update will also allow you to experiment with different ship and weapon types without having to utilize a respec token.

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 6: The Deadly Double-Cross

    Brainiac has been defeated, and the Fortress of Solitude purged of the diabolical machine’s evil influence. But the cost of victory might prove too much for even Superman. The rogue Kryptonian, General Zod, has betrayed the Man of Steel and Lex Luthor. He now seeks to capture the Fortress and topple all of Earth itself.

    The third and final chapter in the Fortress of Solitude Raid series pits you and seven friends against some of the most vile criminals in the Universe. Free of the Phantom Zone prison, and powered by Earth’s yellow sun, the hoard of Kryptonian villains released by General Zod will stop at nothing to keep their liberty, and conquer our planet.

    Topple General Zod and a wealth of new Kryptonian gear, weapons, and Marks of Krypton are yours for the taking. Do you have what it takes to overcome the Deadly Double-Cross?

    Insider Tip From The Developers!
    “Don’t shoot the medic!” We shouted this constantly while testing this Raid. You’ll find out why! — From Game Designer Jesse “Loche” Benjamin

    Post count: 2368

    Update Five: The Fate Of The Fortress

    The Fortress of Solitude stands on the brink of collapse. When it falls, our world, and what is left of Krypton’s legacy, will go down with it. Left with no choice, Superman must turn to his greatest foes for help, or else lose everything. But even a team of Kryptonians with their limitless power, and Lex Luthor, will not be enough. You and seven friends must join with them in an epic battle to defeat Brainiac. The Universe hangs in the balance.

    This latest Group Combat Raid takes you in to Superman’s majestic Fortress of Solitude where you will fight against a hoard of Brainiac’s devastating Sunstone-powered minions. Destroy them, and come face-to-face with Brainiac’s most powerful creation yet – the deadly Avatar of Meta. A wealth of rewards await those who can help turn the Fate of the Fortress.

    Additional Features:

    Now you can fight your friends to see who has the greatest skill. Use the action menu to challenge another player, or turn on Dueling Mode and allow anyone to challenge you.

    The Batcave Deathmatch PvP Arena
    Players can now battle against each other in a simulation of The Batcave. Look for The Batcave (2 vs. 2) under Arenas: PVP in your On Duty menu,

    The HIVE Moon Base Group Combat Alert Hard Mode
    The HIVE Moon Base Group Combat Alert is now available as a Tier 2 Hard Mode. Look for it under Alerts: Hard T2 in your On Duty menu.

    Post count: 2368

    Update Four: Enemies Unite

    Superman’s Fortress of Solitude, the last bastion of Krypton’s legacy on Earth, is now the site of our planet’s final stand. Brainiac now controls the infinite power of the Sun Stones and you and seven other friends must team with reluctant partners Superman and Lex Luthor to battle your way through hoards of Brainiac’s deadly machines to reach the Fortress itself.

    The Chasm, a new eight-person Group Combat Raid, introduces intense combat and amazing new Tier Three Kryptonian gear for you to earn. Take the fight to Brainiac now before he corrupts Krypton’s power and destroys the Universe.

    Additional Features:

    The Batcave Group Combat Alert
    Return to The Batcave Outer Caverns, this time in a four-player Group Combat Alert. Battle Brainiac’s minions, take on the Riot Control Protocol, the Twin Bat Sentinels and more for a chance to earn Tier Two Gear.

    Fortress of Solitude PvP Deathmatch Map
    Prepare to prove your combat prowess in a new, team-based PvP Deathmatch map set in the Fortress of Solitude. Use the power of the Sunstone Chamber to dominate your opponents, but act quickly or be overwhelmed and destroyed!

    New Tier Three Raid Armor
    Earn Marks of Krypton in the new Fortress of Solitude Raid series to acquire new Tier Three Gear. Suit up in the most advanced Kryptonian technology available in DC Universe Online!

    New Character Customization Features
    Game Update Four introduces 12 new character body styles – six each for male and female characters. Tower over your friends as a large Brute, skip around the world as a small Spark, or pick something more in the middle for your own unique look!

    Post count: 2368

    Update Three: Ra’s al Ghul’s Revenge

    The League of Assassins Springs Its Deadliest Trap
    Revenge is a dish best served cold, but DC Universe™ Online is turning up the heat with Game Update Three: Ra’s al Ghul’s Revenge. New challenges and amazing new rewards await for players of all levels, so grab your friends and jump in!

    Ra’s al Ghul Mission Series
    Bent on reclaiming the Earth from the “unworthy,” Ra’s al Ghul is performing a dark rite that threatens to wipe humanity off the face of the planet. Shocked by her father’s act, Talia al Ghul has sought out your help in preventing untold destruction. It’s up to you and three friends to enter this new four-player Group Combat Alert, stop the mad man and earn some of the top loot available in the game. Succeed in your fight, or suffer at the hands of Ra’s al Ghul’s well-trained assassins.

    Special Event: Poison Ivy vs. Swamp Thing
    The Swamp Thing makes his DC Universe Online debut in the latest Special Event for all players. Heroes will join Swamp Thing and help him stop Poison Ivy, who seeks to strengthen her powers and increase her mastery over plant life. Villains will aid Poison Ivy in her mission, and both sides will clash in the fight to control Gotham City’s citizens and vegetation.

      Collect Seeds: Grow your collection of items by collecting Seed Pods, but beware the dangers of fighting rampaging plants.

      New Appearance Items: Use Seed Pods to dress in new, festive seasonal gear.

      Snack on Nature’s Goodness: Need a boost? Use Seed Pods to grab a bag of fruit snacks to temporarily buff your stats.

      New Collections: Find seeds throughout Gotham City and Metropolis to unlock a brand new item.

    Additional Features:

    Oolong Island Group Combat Alert: Hard Mode
    Chang Tzu and T.O. Morrow are at it again and threatening to take over Oolong Island. You and three others will battle your way through robots, Metaloids and various other enemies in an effort to save the scientists.

    Two-Face Mission Series Duo
    If you thought The Penguin was tough before, grab a partner and return to his dark lair to earn some new rewards. Assist the twisted Two-Face and take on new enemies, such as the intimidating Gotham City villain Clayface, and experience a new boss battle against The Penguin.

    Post count: 2368

    Update Two: Heads or Tales?

    What Does Fate Have In Store For You?
    Hope you’re feeling lucky! With its second update, DC Universe™ Online offers a new set of challenges and opportunities to players willing to try their luck on new adventures, episodes and intense combat missions.

    Two-Face Mission Series
    The Penguin has created a vast smuggling operation bringing together some of the most notorious criminals in Gotham City. Two-Face, aka Harvey Dent, has enlisted you as muscle to put the Penguin out of business. Will Two-Face help or hinder your progress with the flip of his coin?

    The Batcave: Brainiac Sub-Construct Raid
    You and your teammates will fight even deeper into the heart of The Batcave where Brainiac has entrenched his horrific technology. It will take a legendary effort to rescue Batman from the OMAC Virus (twisted technology designed to stop meta humans), defeat the mighty Avatar of Technology and topple the Braniac Construct itself. This level 30 raid promises to bring a brand new challenge to your League and the opportunity for awesome loot!

    Special Event: Mxyzptlk’s Mischief
    A mysterious prankster from the 5th Dimension, Mr. Mxyzptlk is up to his old tricks in Metropolis.

      Collect Luck Tokens: You don’t have to be lucky to get these tokens, but will have to endure the constant shenanigans of Mr. Mxyzpltk.

      New Appearance Items: Use tokens to dress in the finest Celtic clothing available!

      Drinks on the House: Have a round on Mr. Mxyzpltk! Special drinks available for purchase with tokens will temporarily improve your stats.

      New Collections: Chase a new Four-Leaf Clover collection and unlock a lucky reward.

      New Race: Run races like never before! Dodge distractions and pranks requiring cunning and concentration.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 19 19-NOV-11

    Hi All,

    1. Forum Sign-up

    Please go to and sign up to the new forums. Please sign up with a name that will be familiar to us. Because of spam
    posts I will have to aprove your sign-up & will try to do that within 24hours.

    There is also a forum (at the top) where you can register the toons & games you are playing so that we can all find each-other.

    I will be compiling a mailing list from the forum sign-up’s so that we can more easily inform our members about events and news. The STO mail is
    very limited and obviously only reaches the STO members.

    2. DC Universe Online League

    Taraza (Iskara, Kara) has set up a DCU league for our Guild Alliance & you are all welcome join us over there.

    The League is called: Dawn Star Order (dawnstarorder) & there are already a few people to team with. Please sign up to the forums mentioned
    above & register your toons so that we can meet up in game.

    3. STO PvP Ground Tournament

    Because of some players leaving the fleet & some problems we had with un-matched players, I’ve decided to only count the matches that have currently been completed & I apologise to those who’s matches I have cancelled. Because CatStar has left the fleet I have given his position in the tournament to LawMarshall who was his original opponent in the first round.

    The next round match-ups for the PvP tournament are;

    Ingrid Vs Londi
    LawMarshall Vs James

    The winners will progress to the final and the losers will PvP for third and fourth place. Please contect each-other to arrange a time to carry out your matches. Please let me know the results.

    4. SW:TOR

    TOR is launching in about a month so please contact us asap if you would like to join our Guilds. There is information about this on the guildalliance forums too so join up 🙂

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    New members

    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:
    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 18


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