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    Post count: 2368

    Before I decide on whether or not I’ll buy this, I’d like to know what the gameplay is like. Is it like STO or is it more like the traditional MMOs? By this I mean is it like a third person shooter or turn-based with you pressing one of the number keys to activate an ability while you watch what’s happening?

    Use your dulcet tones to convince me to buy this.

    Post count: 2368

    You, uh… You really want me to spend all my money, don’t you? I’m not made of stone Plasma, why you gotta seduce me with this beauty?

    If I bought this, I wouldn’t have enough money left afterwards to buy even a month of game-time. 😥

    Post count: 2368

    On the 27th of December I held a Holiday party event at Q’s Wonderland and on ESD. I managed to see quite a few fleet members and gave away tons of pets to all that attended.

    Here are a couple of the images I took of Santa -Plas. More screenshots can be found on the IDIC website here

    For those who missed out, please contact me so I can send you a pet 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, there are still copies of the Collectors Edition being sold at Amazon.

    Post count: 2368

    That’s awesome!

    I’m so, so jealous. I absolutely love Collector’s Editions and hardly ever get them. I either get interested in the game too late, or I forget to pre-order.

    Can’t wait to see what other cool goodies you have.

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Mister Wiles
    Main Contact Email:

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC


    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 22 03-JAN-12

    Hi All,

    Fleet Bank

    For those of you who make use of the fleet bank you will have noticed a few changes over the past month. I just wanted to send out a quick explaination of how it is now set up and how it is supposed to work.

    Please be aware that the KDF-Side bank is set up in exactly the same way and is just as well stocked, so ask for an invite 😉

    There are a few changes to note;

    1. The main fleet bank slots only contain items RARE (Blue) and above (Purple). Also we only keep items MK IV, VI, VIII as they are the highest MK for each of the lower ranks. All items with MK in between or that are not RARE or Very Rare are sold and the credits re-deposited into the bank.

    2. The space and ground items for MK IV VI VIII and MK X XI have been combined into a single tab each. This is because there was very little use of these tabs and I have made room for other items.

    3. The two Fleet Rewards tabs have been combined into a single tab. Excess items have been moved to the KDF bank.

    4. Crafting Resources tab.

    The crafting resources tab has been non-accessible over the past few weeks as I was saving mats for the fleet rewards. We are all still getting used to the new crafting costs and I wanted to stock the fleet rewards tab asap. Costs for purchasing rewards items have at least doubled and I am not able to re-stock items as easily as before Season 5 as much of the cost came out of my personal credits.

    Now there are two tabs, the Bank Crafting tab will still be restricted, however the General Crafting tab is available to everyone. The overflow of one tab will feed into the other etc.

    Also you may have noticed that I have provided a starting amount of unreplicateable materials, if you have spare dilithium at any stage and want to donate unreplicateable materials please do.

    1. Droff Offs (Unlimited Deposit – No Withdrawal)

    -You can drop off credits or ANY items (except food) into this tab. As stated above non RARE or V-RARE items and items of lower MK will be sold for credits. Please note you can drop off Crafting Resources (Traces, Schematics, Data etc) and Doff Supplies (Commodities, Tribbles, Prototype Plans, Doff Packs) straight into those tabs.

    2. Fleet Rewards (No Deposit – Withdrawal Fleet Admiral and XO)

    -This tab contains rewards that are given away for Fleet Competitions. All of these rewards are V-Rare items and may also contain novelty items such as Party Popper’s etc. These tabs are limited to withdrawal only by the Fleet Admiral and the Executive Officer.

    3. Fleet Admiral’s Reserve (No Deposit – Withdrawal Fleet Admiral)

    -This is a special Tab set up during Q’s Wonderland event to house specialty items for the fleet intended to be given away as commendations, rewards or to be re-sold for fleet credits.

    4. MK IV VI VIII Space and Ground (No Deposit – 2 Withdrawals Daily)
    5. MK X XI Space and Ground (No Deposit – 2 Withdrawals Daily)

    -These two tabs contain rank-specific space and ground items. These are checked and re-stocked daily and will vary. All these items are RARE or above.

    6. DOFF Mission Supply (Unlimited Deposit – 10 Withdrawal Daily)

    -This tab contains Commodities, Tribbles, Schematics and Duty Officer Packs intended to help those who are starting out with the DOFF system and those who need commodities for recurring missions.

    If you make use of this tab, when you achieve a full roster and begin to have spare DOFF packs, schematics or commodity rewards please restock this tab.

    7. Crafting Resources (Unlimited Deposit – 5 Withdrawals Daily)

    -This tab contains Particle Traces, Schematics, Data Samples and Unreplicateable Materials.

    8. Bank Crafting Resources (Unlimited Deposit – Withdrawal Fleet Admiral and XO)

    -This tab contains Particle Traces, Schematics, Data Samples and Unreplicateable Materials.

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    New members

    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:
    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.

    Post count: 2368

    Closing this thread as the game has launched and all that are concerned are in.

    Post count: 2368

    Everyone has access now, so closing this thread.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Players Guide #1106

    I think this topic of forum will bee the best…
    Today was my first gank experience in SW TOR. So, how escape PK(or like on MMO slang “gank”).
    In SW TOR, like in other MMO, on PVE servers we do not fully protected from atacks of highlevel players from other side of war. So, to understand how escape it, need to know, how do it. Many MMO gamers know that, but for news it will be important. Activate PVP flag on your toon, then run to lowlevel enemy player(Jedi in my case), he see that you higher level and do not atack you. Wait until Jedi use AOE skill, if that AOE touch you when your PVP flag on, then it hit you and enemy will be flagged to, and you can PK(gank) him. So if you’ll see enemy player, higher level than you in PVP flag on(green name in SW TOR) Do not use AOE atacks. Also if you want some gank fun, them use that guid agains enemies of the Empire)
    May the Force soft you well…

    Post count: 2368

    Hey everyone) If you need any help with leveling. flashpoints and HEROIC missions in SW TOR, you can contact me in the game. Also I can craft good lightsabers parts for upgrades ^__^

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Sithishe
    Main Contact Email:

    SW:TOR PvE West Coast Server: Hyperspace Cannon

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire (pending)


    Post count: 2368

    Yo fleeties guildies etc 🙂 i’ve finaly managed to get my SWTOR setup the name of my character will be ishmael not sure how to contact people and such yet.

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Secrinatum
    Main Contact Email:

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC

    James@secrinatum -Fleet Commander

    SW:TOR PvE West Coast – Hyperspace Cannon

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire

    ishmael -Guild Officer

    Post count: 2368

    We are not going to be a strict role-play guild, however for the purpose of setting up the command structure of the Guild we have a back-story (I shouldn’t have said role-play as such). More information on this will be posted to the forums and to our guild site over the next few weeks.

    Post count: 2368

    I absolutly agree) About Revan it’s the official position of the Empire) True history of Revan under darkness of mystery. Also if this role play guild, do need to know and understand the Sith Code to join it?

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