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    Post count: 2368

    I very much enjoyed this. thanks for posting! i’d never read them. :geek:

    Post count: 2368

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Londi (You can call me this across all games)
    Main Contact Email:
    Time Zone:

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC

    Londi RevanFleet Admiral
    CyclockeFleet Admiral
    Gabriella RevanFleet Admiral

    Klingon Fleet: IDIC

    ????????Squadron Commander

    Champions Online

    Ryu Hayabusa
    Darth Revan
    Fulgora Goddess of Lightning

    SW:TOR PvE West Coast Server: Hyperspace Cannon

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire

    Londi -Guild Officer – Founder
    Cylocke -Guild Officer – Founder

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order

    Shadowalker -Guild Officer – Jedi Council

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 24 26-JAN-12

    Greetings Fleet,

    1. Welcome to our New Members

    – Please equip your Uniform & Fleet Patch ASAP. Please let me know if you need Credits to do this.
    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules & regulations can be found at:
    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.
    – Please go to and sign up to the new forums. Please sign up with a name that will be familiar to us. Because of spam posts I will have to aprove your sign-up & will try to do that within 24hours.

    The forums contain up-to-date information that may not yet be updated on our website(s).

    There is also a forum (at the top) where you can register the toons & games you are playing so that we can all find each-other.

    I will be compiling a mailing list from the forum sign-up’s so that we can more easily inform our members about events and news. The STO mail is
    very limited and obviously only reaches the STO members.

    2. Command Meeting

    A Command Meeting of the senior staff for this Sunday (my time). All Fleet Commanders are encouraged to participate. Please RSVP ASAP. I have started a discussion forum about the meeting agenda here please take a look and comment, this is encouraged for those not attending the meeting. Please join the forums if you have not yet done so, thanks.

    3. Fleet STF Runs

    Law Marshall one of our key Battlemasters has scheduled a weekly recurring STF event. Please take a look at the Events schedule for more info and to RSVP. Yesterday’s events were great and had a good turnout, thanks for participating.

    4. Website Updates
    Rules, Welcome Letter, Uniforms, everything has or is being updated as we speak.

    5. 2nd Anniversary Event Info

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 23 23-JAN-12

    Greetings Fleet,

    1. Welcome to our New Members

    – Please equip your Uniform and Fleet Patch ASAP. Please let me know if you need Credits to do this.
    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:
    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.
    – Please go to and sign up to the new forums. Please sign up with a name that will be familiar to us. Because of spam posts I will have to aprove your sign-up & will try to do that within 24hours.

    The forums contain up-to-date information that may not yet be updated on our website(s).

    There is also a forum (at the top) where you can register the toons & games you are playing so that we can all find each-other.

    I will be compiling a mailing list from the forum sign-up’s so that we can more easily inform our members about events and news. The STO mail is
    very limited and obviously only reaches the STO members.

    2. Free To Play

    As most are aware the Free To Play update has hit Hollodeck and there have been several changes. If any returning or new players have questions please feel free to contact the senior officers.

    3. Command Meeting & Fleet Commander Promotions

    I have made a coulple of Fleet Commander promotions and have scheduled a Command Meeting of the senior staff for this Sunday (my time). All Fleet Commanders are encouraged to participate. Please RSVP ASAP.

    4. Fleet STF Runs

    Law Marshall one of our key Battlemasters has scheduled a weekly recurring STF event. Please take a look at the Events schedule for more info and to RSVP.

    5. Fleet Bank

    Please follow this link for the up-to-date fleet bank info viewtopic.php?f=6&t=37&start=20#p197

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    Post count: 2368

    It feels the same here too. For me i guess is mostly because of its outmost resemblance with WoW (which i didn’t liked at all) especialy at the higher levels (after lvl 25-30).
    The damage-tank-healer model for group missions is just dull but as most of the SWTOR players are former WoW players, they just embraced it. And because of that, when you join a group for a common mission (heroics or flashpoint) all you hear is the lithany: damage-tank-healer, without any involvement within the game story line, just technicalities, made for win. That is the reason for what i gave up doing any heroics/flashpoints, at least until we will be able to gather more STO players with less “damage-tank-healer” obsession in their heads with whom to gather together for those missions.
    Another reason could be the server-oriented models which practicaly only puts you in contact with like 10-30 players at a time, at least for some levels. It happened to me many times to only see like 3-5 players on an entire planet which is pretty lonely.
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    I tried playing last night but I struggled so I cancelled my sub this morning before it kicked in. 🙁

    I might subscribe again in the future but I’m just not into it at the moment; I would rather play STO. Let me know if you guys plan any events or anything as it might give me an excuse to play again. Until then I look forward to seeing you all in STO. 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’m feeling a bit like that too. For me its the size of the universe, and not having a lot of people around that I know when I’m playing. Also I feel that the STO toons are more connectible because we can customize them so much and all the gear is easily viewed and laid out.

    I think that TOR does need that teaming aspect more than sto. I can quite happily play with STO by myself and not worry about it, but TOR I enjoy more when there is a team around.

    I’ve done the per-month sub too, just in case.

    Post count: 2368

    I was excited for this, and then I read what they did with Revan. What the Hell? My favourite Star Wars character ever, and he spends most of his time captured and then he gets beaten by some little kiddies. The man who was called the Heart of the Force, pretty much one of the most powerful Jedi and Sith ever, and he gets taken out like that?

    I liked it better when he traveled to the Unknown Regions to fight an unknown and almost unstoppable enemy. At least that had some dignity to it.

    Post count: 2368

    Most excellent indeed!

    Post count: 2368

    Mine did, so yes I think all versions do. You have to put in a payment method still to be able to play like STO.

    Post count: 2368

    Important question: Does it come with a month of free gametime?

    Post count: 2368

    So, like traditional MMO gameplay. Damn it. I’ve never greatly enjoyed traditional MMO’s for the same reason I greatly dislike the Final Fantasy games and JRPG’s in general, It’s more watching a movie than playing a game.

    I’ll still probably try it, just to see what it’s like.

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 8: Research & Development

    Since Brainiac’s arrival, scientists and engineers have been working tirelessly to learn everything possible about the Exobytes Lex Luthor released into the atmosphere. Though many of the Exobytes have found their way to human hosts, more have gone dormant and begun to decay. Game Update 8: Research & Development introduces a new system, brought on by breakthroughs in nanite technology, that will allow Heroes and Villains to find and utilize these unclaimed Exobytes and create powerful Equipment Mods and Consumables.

    Beginning at level 10, players can begin utilizing the Research & Development system to give them an edge in battle.

    •Gather the Exobits and Exobytes scattered throughout Gotham City, Metropolis, and Central City.
    •Some gear that you collect from fallen enemies will be able to be deconstructed at Research & Development stations, providing additional components.
    •Acquire Plans for the Equipment Mod or Consumable that you need in the course of your adventures, or purchase from a vendor.
    •Find a Research & Development station in a Safe House or in the Hall of Doom or Watchtower to create your new item.
    •Equipment Mods can be socketed into gear for powerful benefits, and various Consumables will lend you bonuses for short durations of time.

    Post count: 2368

    Flash posted a review here a little while ago, check it out

    The controls are a lot like STO, I could almost play it straight away without adjusting any button assignments. bank, inventory, exchange etc is similar to STO. We have about 6 fleet members over there so far.

    Post count: 2368

    🙂 It does hurt the wallet a bit that one.

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