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    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: GAC Charter & Rules #7237

    I’ll be reviewing our documents coming up to the new year and hopefully we can have a meeting to discuss any outstanding business soon.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi there,

    I invited the new members to join our website. I know that you said that you would like to prepare some new material for the IJO section. I thought it might encourage activity here and they can get to know what it is about.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: This is your LIfe #7226

    I’ve been in SL a bit lately and took some pictures to prove it 🙂
    There they are 🙂



    All the best,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Is anyone there? #7225

    Yes, I’m still around, but I was a bit caught in the last week a bit in RL with some projects and didn’t had time to come online much.
    I’ll be around in the weekend 🙂
    Looking forward to see you,

    Post count: 2368

    Cool. No worries, i’m levelling my trooper ‘Sh’ian on the light side atm. Please find me there or message me in game.


    Post count: 2368

    Yes, that is a good idea. Also, for those I recruited, I tried to put a comment in officer note for it. But, they can now recruit themselfs, so, it will be hard to keep track exactly.
    We will have to start promoting the site too, but first, I would like to prepare some materials for the IJO web site section, so that, when they will enter, they will be able to read some basic info about us and about hoe we work.
    We shall talk soon about some other matters, but maybe we will find eachother in-game and we will do that there.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Kara,


    I have met a few of the new members yesterday. I think it would be a good idea for whoever recruits new members, to write their character names on the forums. Or, I am happy to oversee that and keep it updated.

    It can be hard to know who is new or not as we do not have an account name attached in game on TOR,thus that was something STO had.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: This is your LIfe #7204

    Love the topic 🙂

    Lol, Jedi Barbie :).

    I haven’t found anything to represent my Plasma toons yet, will try to soon.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Meeting GAC #7200

    Yup, council advisors equals, in our case, Council Deputies ….
    And yes, the rebelion generals lead because Luke was too young and still in training ….
    Plus, we’re not talking of Galactic Republic or any other political structure, we’re talking of a Jedi Order (Infinite Jedi Order). Which is established and may interact with other political structures at galactic level. But it is a Jedi Order and I find it only natural to be led by jedis.
    Also, those generals/marshals/admirals that we might have are not generals/marshals/admirals of teh galactic republic, but generals/marshals/admirals of the jedi order …. The purpose was not to define a structure that would accomodate teh whole galactic republic, but to define teh Jedi Order that we try to put together.
    As for leadership, no, I don’t agree with Plas on this one …. even if i’m leading, for teh moment this guild, this guild is actualy lead by a council and all opinion will be heard …. Also the decissions will be made by this council, not my one individual …. and this is also the jedi’s way 🙂

    PS: Law, if you see this, please make contact with any of us, to get an invite to teh guild. Today, I was trying to set your member’s note, mouse slipped and fallen on “remove from guild” option …. and there is no aditional confirmation dialog if you select that option …. Sorry for that, wasn’t intentional. I’ve sent you a mail about this and I hope you’ll read this too, to get back in the guild asap …. Again sorry for the slipping ….

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Meeting GAC #7199

    Hi All, I’m happy to go with an exception to the force-only rule and I agree with Ingrid’s points.

    Having said that, it’s always been the GAC charter to allow a guild leader to run their guild as they see fit, so I’m happy to acknowledge whatever rules Kara puts in place for the IJO and indeed the ISE as she is proxy leader there.

    Indeed at the time of the rebellion Mom Mothma and the Generals of the rebellion (the old republic as it were) led, while Luke Skywalker, the only remaining Jedi followed their plans and orders. In necessity both force sensitive and not can lead the way. We can call them council advisors, not directly on the council, but equals in merit in times of war as in SWTOR.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Meeting GAC #7198

    Thanks Kara, that’s interesting.

    I’d like to hear what the others also think about it too 😉

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Meeting GAC #7189

    Yes, you’re right, that is an issue that we shall address, at least for those rare cases when that happens
    I was thinking of a workaround for this, that could be at peace with the lore and also that would allow those of us that prefers playing firearm toons to be in the council. This case happened in the lore too: Mara Jade was originally a smuggler. And she became first one of the Emperor’s Hands to become afterwords, once she met Luke Skywalker a jedi master. Even after she became a jedi, she continued to use guns on occassions. Those being said, for those potential new members that have non-force class toons, if they would declare their allegience to the jedi code and if they would admit that they actualy uses force when they use their guns, I see no reason for them to not become jedi masters/grand masters, if they qualifies.
    Lets just say that we won’t encourage this path, but we could admit it as an exception, I think.
    What do you think?

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Meeting GAC #7186

    Discussion on the Jedi Council – IJO

    I have been thinking about the way the ranks are set out in our republic and empire guilds. I understand we are a casual & small guild and thus this is just something to discuss & think about. Regarding our Infinite Jedi Order guild, I do think it is necessary to have a Jedi council rank, even if it is for the RP aspect. The idea that each member in the council has to be a force user is an important standpoint and I get this is what the star wars ‘Jedi Council’ is about. However, across our guilds, not all of us who are on the council are originally ‘force users’. I speak for myself at this stage as I am not partial to this class and much rather the other classes i.e. smuggler, sniper (basically any class that uses blasters, pistols or rifles). Within a Jedi Council, I do think it is important to have the opinions of a non-force user, this will also assist in keeping balance etc.

    From a guild perspective and looking at the bigger picture, if more members join or we decide to grow larger and want others to join the Jedi Council, it might be an idea to consider the perspective that not all are partial to ‘force-user’ classes and/or they may not have created that type of class. On the contrary, I understand it is for RP and the pre-requisite to be on the Jedi Council.

    Let’s start this discussion and see what our thoughts are on the subject.

    Thanks all!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Meeting GAC #7185

    Thanks. Due to timezones, i’ll start the discussion up here. I will let law and Scotty know also that there is a discussion up for GAC.


    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: This is your LIfe #7180

    And how could I forget about Amy – the Jedi Barbie doll 🙂

    Amy - The Jedi Barbie Doll Amy02


    I should really wear more pink on this one, tho 🙂


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