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    Post count: 2368

    Hi everybody

    My contact Information:

    Mail –

    Skype – jiopdmaxopkuh

    Star Trek Online – Makhorkin@maxopkuh

    World of Warcraft – EU Grom, Horde(not playing now)
    Trying to be online every weekend, almost always in Skype.
    GMT +10(Sydney , Vladivostok)

    Post count: 2368

    I want to share my Leveling Exp too) I called it “my formula of Luck”
    1st Planet – 1 – 10(better 11lvl)
    Then Take second spec and leveling till 14lvl on 1st Flashpoint (Esseless for the RepublicansBlack Talon for the Empire) – this will give you a good gear(first modable gear and other sweet cookies) + on 14lvl you can take sprint ability, so the second planet will be much faster.
    Capital planet(CorruscantDroumund Kaas) I always leveling from 14 to 1819lvl there, nothing to explain, all solo quest and Heroic.
    Space missions – 1819 – 20lvl.
    3rd Planet – BalmoraTaris – the most important planet too me. I leveled all my chars to 25lvl and buy my first mount on this planet. The most important thing is the on BalmoraTaris you CAN earn this 40k credits easly, just sell some bluepurple loot on GTM, or take crew skill slicing and make easy money, but I never had any problems with training first level of mount on 3rd planet.
    After 25lvl all should be easy to understand without tiping.
    This formula already helped my RL friends who started playing after me, I hope it helps you too.
    After 50lvl, to earn easy money, just do Illum dailys.
    P.S. Remember to interrupt bosses chargin attacks on high levels !

    May the Force set you free…

    Post count: 2368

    Thank You Kara.

    Your information is very helpful and I will take this into consideration when levelling. One thing I have defintly noticed is to be careful not to rush into completing all the story line missions for the indivdual role you choose i.e. jedi consualr or jedi knight. I started to do this and realised that these missions were far to high for my level. I changed my tactic and are completing misssions that are for my level only, this way I will be ready to complete those harder missions.

    Really apreciate the tips Kara, these will be beneficial for all 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    That is interesting news, Thanks for the update.

    Would be great to have you play SW- TOR Flash, hope it works out that you can 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    It looks like this is the perfect opportunity for me to make my first post on the forum. As a player of many different MMOs in the past, differences of opinion will always arise, this is purely because we are all human and come from different backgrounds and cultures. One thing we do all have in common however is this game, and that is something that needs to be encouraged and celebrated.

    Davis, you were obviously before my time but, if you get a chance to read this, I will give you my own opinions thus far for what they are worth. I joined IDIC purely because of the name. As a long-time Trek fan I have always liked the idea of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. This means that, though we are all differently individual (as oxymoronic as that may sound), we should all we working with and encouraging each other. This is something that, to date, IDIC has shown itself more than capable of. So what if people do not always communicate the way others would wish? This is primarily because every member of IDIC is an individual and, therefore, plays the game in their own way. This also should be encouraged as it is this very diversity which gives us strength. Therefore if you disagree with elements within the fleet, I would suggest you remember this individualistic apect and learn to work around it.

    Above all, this is a game, so try to enjoy the elements of it that made you want to start playing in the first place. Whether you are a fan of MMOs or Star Trek or even, like me, of both, please take the time to chill a while and reconsider why you joined this game and fleet in the first place

    Post count: 2368

    Ok thanks for the update Kara. I didn’t have a problem with lag on Hyperspace Cannon so I’m happy to stay there. 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    From what i experimented so far, the game quality is not only about the connection latency, but also is about the server quality and, of course, is about your computer.
    For instance, i have greater lag on the european server (while having a 60-70 ms latency, light server load and only 9 peoples on the planet) that i have on the US server (at over 200 ms latency, standard server load and with about 60 peoples on planet). I guess that Bioware, as US is a bigger market, placed better servers for US and are more attentive to how those works.
    In this context, moving to a non-US server could be a mistake.
    If you have problems with the game-play, try one of the following:
    1. Upgrade your video board (this is actually the most important thing, as SWTOR is a very graphic intensive application)
    2. If the upgrade is not an option, lower your graphic settings as much as you can.
    3. Always run the game in full screen.
    And yes, i have a toon on the european server, which i barely wait to move on the US one where we all play. The moving will become available with the March major patch, see the post i did about it (
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    I don’t think we’re going to transfer to the AU server Flash. I think Kara was saying she was going to transfer her toon from the EU server she is on to the US Hyperspace Cannon when the transfers are allowed.

    Post count: 2368

    Hey guys,

    Is there any update on the release to Asia Pacific, like server names and what not? Also, do you think you will transfer characters and guilds? I might give the game a try again when this happens.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Jedi Guild update #1180

    Such a good news! 😀 Well … one of the features that will become available with the March update is the posibility to move toons between servers. So, I’ll be happy to move the toon that i made during holidays on the european server to Hyperspace Cannon to be able to join the new guild. Her name is Cladda, is level 45 Jedi Knight and i’ll move her as soon as this feature will became available.
    Talk to you soon,

    Post count: 2368

    I thought your last few role-play events were very successful Cat, in addition I know that you are a first-class Battlemaster and either of those roles would suit you. Also no matter what role you undertake you are still able to run STF’s etc, there is no restriction there, I only ask that priority is given to whatever role you choose over the other possible duties.

    Post count: 2368

    You guys are spead out alot, im not sure I can keep up with you. Star Wars sounds awesome, but I bairly have time for champs, or the klingon fleet. PLus ive burdened myself with a dozen toons…I like variety :P, But dont get me wrong, i’ve been having fun, and there is always someone to team with, the Fed fleet works out great. But I never know how much time ill have in game, sometimes I can have a busy life. But try to be there for the Fed fleet, im not sure what role would suit me, as I am kind of a casual player, I try to make the most of it when im online, especially for humors sake.

    Post count: 2368

    I have received very little feedback from the Fleet Commanders that did not attend the meeting so I am just going to take what has already been discussed into consideration when deciding on the new structure.

    I just wanted to say that there are single-game players and there are multi-game players in our guilds, we want to accomodate everyone and because of this things seem a bit complex at the moment.

    The idea with the guild alliance is that like-minded players who have games that crossover-players can be under one organisation and find support and people to play with no matter what game they are playing. This is the goal of the guild alliance. Through this we hope to also bring players from other games across to all the games we play and our respective guilds. No one is abandoning any game, our goal is to have the opportunity to play multiple games.

    I am driving through some reforms with the IDIC-Fed structure because we are coming up to our 1 year anniversary in July and by that time I want a structure that will stand up over time and take the fleet through as many years as the game is online. Im also working on creating one home-site for all the games so that there is a one-stop place for all the information guild members need.

    In addition I realise I cant run all these things alone, which is why I’m glad that several senior members have taken command of several guilds. I am an organiser of information at heart and am content to keep the look/feel of our sites and information current, however having leaders that can take charge of the actual gaming guild is a big relief to me.

    Likewise I’d like the new STO structure to be manned by people that will follow through with their roles. With our different timezones it is essential that we all carry out our roles where possible.

    These are the new positions;


      Junior Officer

      Officer Second Class

      Officer First Class

      Officer First Class -Tactical Command-

      If you hold this rank please add the appropriate text to the beginning of your description for ALL of your fleet toons (please replace the GMT with your own GMT timezone):

      GMT+930 Battlemaster

    In charge of PvP and STF events

    Officer First Class -Operational Command-

    If you hold this rank please add the appropriate text to the beginning of your description for ALL of your fleet toons (please replace the GMT with your own GMT timezone):

      GMT+930 Fleet Ambassador
      GMT+930 Role-Play Co-ordinator
      GMT+930 Recruiter

    Fleet Command

      GMT+930 Flag Officer
      GMT+930 Fleet Admiral
      GMT+930 Executive Officer

    Officers Currently Assigned

    @Allana_Boraz – Fleet Ambassador

    Fleet Ambassador

    Post count: 2368

    I was there and had to rough him up a bit. They even had an unannounced test of it a few days early, i found the jester in the middle of the city and began to show him my cats paw style. Even took down Clarence the mech teddy alone, he was over a million HP. My youtube clip of me fighting him the first time is amongst the first few pics on that clip. If you wanna see it, look up my youtube channel: CatSarSTO.

    In champions online cat dresses like Goku, so i guess one of these times ill have to make a video comic episode of him in action…maybe call it “Fuzzball Z?”

    Post count: 2368

    Game Update 9: Assemble for Battle

    Heroes and Villains from all walks of life have more opportunities than ever before to get in on the action. With that in mind, Game Update 9: Assemble for Battle introduces two new features: Novice Raids and Role Optional Alerts.

    Novice Raids

    •Get into the fight sooner with alternate versions of all three Fortress of Solitude, the Batcave, and the Kahndaq raids.
    •Experience the same epic storylines and all the action of Expert Raids in a more forgiving format.
    •Earn the same kinds of rewards (though in lesser quantities) so you can continue to gear and grow your characters.

    Role Optional Alerts
    •Queue faster for Alerts and form groups with any combination of roles.
    •Utilize the Team Buff to make up for whatever role or roles your group is lacking, as long as you stick together.
    •If you don’t have a Tank, everyone will take less damage overall.
    •If you don’t have a Healer, any Controller or Damage character will trigger a small amount of regeneration when your health dips below a certain point. If you’re a Tank, you’ll always have some regeneration.
    •If you don’t have a Controller, everyone will get varying amounts of additional power periodically.

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