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    Post count: 2368

    It’s Phlash. Unfortunately Flash was already taken. I wonder why the game doesn’t allow you to add friends that are not online.

    Post count: 2368

    Hey Flash,

    Yes I believe both have to be logged into add.

    I am not sure when i’ll be on SW_TOR next. What I will do is post when I am in game next, so we can all team up etc..
    What I will do is in the next week I will post an event for the jedi guild so we can all add eachother etc and know who is in the guild from STO…

    Thanks and Enjoy

    p.s whats ur toons name on jedi side?

    Post count: 2368

    Erg…i’ve been trying to add Qualeesh as to my friends list but it says you don’t exist. Do you have to be logged on for me to add you?

    Post count: 2368

    Infinite Sith Empire Ruling Council

    Londi Rivan: Grand Lord of the Infinite Sith Empire
    Plasma: Grand Dark Councilor
    Iskara: Senior Dark Councilor
    Allana_Boraz: Grand General
    Caradepapa: Grand General
    Ziyal: Dark Councilor

    Infinite Sith Empire Philosophy

    The Dark Legacy of Darth Revan continued on through his teachings left behind for others to follow. The followers of Darth Revan can be masters of the dark side and the light side of the force. Darth Revan’s ideals to be carried on by his followers light side or dark side. The ideals of the Infinite Sith Empire are carried on by anyone willing to believe that there ideals are similar to Darth Revan which was able to master the ways of the Jedi and the Sith. Londi discovered his heritage through visions of the Force and felt that he needed to carry on his legacy and let the rest of the galaxy know that the story of Revan will not be forgotten.

    Post count: 2368

    Thats great Flash 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    That’s awesome news. You can add Phlash to your ranks when I finally get on next week, or if I’m lucky this weekend.

    Post count: 2368

    What an odd looking ship, it looks very futureistic, but not quite star trek.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Kara 🙂

    Will inform asap

    See u there

    Post count: 2368

    yeh Im not sure when the new patch is coming out, will try and find out.

    Excellent, will be good to have u with us Flash =)

    Post count: 2368

    I’m definately in for that 🙂 Just let me know when and where and i’ll try to be there 🙂
    See you in-game 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    No not yet! My new hard drive is in the post and my quota ticks over Thursday next week so then I will start rebuilding my computer and downloading the game. Hopefully by the week beginning the 12th March I’ll be back on.

    I’m not sure when this 1.1.5 patch comes out. Maybe next week.

    Post count: 2368

    WOW that sounds great Flash. I never new this crystal vendor existed.
    This can defintly be good for the fleet. i’ll take a look at the website for more details.

    p.s. Does this mean u are playing SW _Tor now 😉 Hope so 😎

    Post count: 2368

    @CatStar wrote:

    Hi Makorkin, good to see u =^.^=


    Post count: 2368

    email –

    STO toons –
    Space Hunter, Duke, Maverick, CatStar, Agent Phoenix, Caitian Picard, Flash Dashing, Phoenix, Viper, Typhon

    Champs –
    CatStar, Flash Dashing,Trixie FireCracker, Battle Cat, Adventure cat, Viper, Sonic the hedgehog, Weapon X, Darth Catnip, He-Cat, Ranger, Super Cat, Bat-Cat, Cauliflower McFuzz, Jedi Cat, Maverick

    Dungeons and Dragons mudd client – Snake_Charmer (Rum) hes a Bard, Yuan-Ti

    U can find some of my art work on Deviant art and my videos on You Tube, look for “CatStarSTO”

    Ive been invited to try out Diablo 3, Ive been given a guest pass. 😀

    Post count: 2368

    a guy dressed as a butterfly, female master chiefs, and another in a dog suit….:O

    I liked when that girl was complaining about the game to the creator, the expression on her face when he went off on her was funny XD
    …they remind me of the old days playing dungeons and dragons, online with people with much the same personalities.

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