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    Post count: 2368

    Very impressive LoL. Good job. Выражаю благодарность! Спасибо за проделанной работу, ваши старания не были напрасными. Родина вас не забудет. Makes sense in English

    Post count: 2368

    Yeh 🙂

    Lol nice picture there Bran hehe

    Post count: 2368

    Sounds like a lot of fun!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Role Playing Events #1200

    LOL, it’s a good look for you, Cat!

    Post count: 2368

    Cool, thanks Plasma! I’m downloading these right now.

    Post count: 2368

    Unfortunately, my EVE and SWTOR accounts are currently inactive, but I will likely be playing again in the future.

    EVE Online

      colonel mode
      tee wrecks

    SWTOR (Ajunta Pall server)







      Roger Brannigan

    Klingon Empire:


    I also develop software for fun and profit, and I especially like to integrate programming projects with certain games. My brother and I wrote a skill monitor for EVE for the N800/N900 series of Nokia internet tablets/phones. It integrated with the CCP provided API and used live character-specific information from the EVE servers. You can find it here, if you’re interested:

    I am particularly interested in the out-of-game Jabber/XMPP chat available on gold STO accounts, and I am toying with the idea of making some kind of bot that can be accessed in-game (not a bot as in cheating, but rather a tool to look up – using the chat system – quick little bits of information, perhaps from STO Wiki or Memory Alpha). Of course this is just a vague idea at this point and I won’t even be playing around with that until I’m able to get gold.

    That being said, if anyone has any sort of out-of-game tools they’d like to see developed (along the lines of skill planners or frankly anything that would help people play the game or make the fleet run smoothly) that do not currently exist, I’d love to hear about your idea!

    I also have a webpage, non game related, and there isn’t much on there now, but if anyone is interested, feel free to have a look. (Hopefully posting links to other pages is not frowned upon in this forum.)

    Post count: 2368

    Thx Mak 😉 – I’ll be updating my chart with the Gamma and IDIC Tribble Soon as well.

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Dont thank me, just pay me. I am a professional adventurer after all, finding treasure in a game is my specialty! :mrgreen:

    Post count: 2368

    In Coliseum, the Lobi box is glowing in plain sight on the way to the cave. In Cutting the Cord, CatStar and Makorkin teamed up again for another adventure 😀 The last staiway before the boss has a crate to scan for your last Lobi. Good luck and have fun =^.^=

    Post count: 2368

    This weeks Lobi Quest is in the Reman rerun. In the Vault, look under the thaleron radiation generator after talking to the reman boss. there are crates just underneith with your Lobi. Luna helped with the next two. In Mine Enemy, in the cavern with the Horta, scan the egg Luna is standing next to. IN the episode Frozen, check the minimap so you rin the room shown, and scan the console Luna is standing near. Thanks Luna for your help.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for this information 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 28 10-May-12

    Greetings Fleet,

    1. Welcome to our New Members

    – Please equip your Uniform and Fleet Patch ASAP. Please let an officer know if you need Credits to do this.

    – Please read the welcome letter at:

    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:

    – Feel free to browse the fleet website and to contact us if you have questions or require any assistace.

    – Please go to and sign up to the forums.

    **Please sign up with a name that will be familiar to us**

    Because of spam posts I will have to aprove your sign-up & will try to do that within 24hours.

    The forums contain up-to-date information that may not yet be updated on our website(s).

    There is also a forum (at the top) where you can register the toons & games you are playing so that we can all find each-other.

    2. Facebook and Twitter

    The fleet has official Facebook & Twitter accounts. Please take advantage of them as information from all our guilds/fleets is syndicated to them. I run these myself and try to keep them current. (**Double Underscore**)

    3. Fleet Events

    Our officers schedule weekly events ranging from STF’s, role-play to general teaming missions. Please take a look at the Events schedule for more info and to RSVP.

    4. Guilds/Fleets Websites updates

    I will be refreshing all of our online content over the next two weeks leading up to our Fleet-versary so please check back to read updated rules etc.

    5. Ansence

    I will be absent from STO from Friday until next Tuesday the 15th May.

    A new fleet mail from me will go out on the 15th, safe travels.

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail 27 21-APR-12

    Greetings Fleet

    **Fleet Command**

    For those that may not be aware we are currently in the middle of a shake-up of the fleet command.There have been fleet mails about this and you can catch up on those by signing up to our forums.

    Fleet Mail Archive: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=37

    **A few of the more important points to be aware of are these**

    1. Londi_Revan has been promoted to Fleet Admiral in equal command as myself.

    2. LawMarshall has been promoted to First Officer and will be in command of the fleet when Londi or Myself are not around. Any decisions that Law makes in our absence will be upheld.

    3. All Officers below first officer will be demoted on the 21th of April. On the 22nd all of the continuing and/or new officers will be promoted.


    All of the current Officers have had the opportunity to comment on the forums and to contact me about their positions, unfortunately only about half have done so and as a result I will only be re-appointing those people who have done so.

    Any person that is demoted will still be ranked as a full member at the highest non-officer rank.

    **We are also instating a new Officer Rule Restriction, being that anyone who is an Officer in another fleet may not serve as an officer in IDIC. This is to avoid conflicts of interest and cross purposes.**

    If you have a fleet on one of your toons for banking reasons and are a fleet of 1 (one), then this rule does not apply to that.

    I will be sending out another mail in the next few days informing you all of the new officer appointments and positions. If any ‘Officer First Class’ members would like to apply to become an officer please contact me asap.

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral, Founder

    New Members

    – Please read the welcome letter at:
    – In addition our rules and regulations can be found at:

    Post count: 2368

    Dilithium Gathering Tips:

      “Turn over Contraband”, it takes 3 “Contraband” and gives you 2000 dilithium, for a lousy double click!
      “Dilithium Mining” useful for lower level players
      “Dailies / Special Events / Doff Assignments”
      “Dismissing Doffs” gives XP plus 75 dilithium
      “Daily Lore Mission” 480 dilithium for FED & KDF (academy mission)
      “Daily Foundry” 3 missions for 1440 (console missions expedite this)
      “Daily Cluster Exploration” – 1440 for 3 missions (fastest with 3 scans)
      “STFs” elites give 1100 for completion for 20 to 30 mins of play with loot possibilities
      “Fleet Actions” 1440 dilithium each
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