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    Post count: 2368

    Ok here is the Events Schedule – Please look it over and feedback asap as we need to get this out really soon πŸ™‚

    This is an A3 .pdf document, just reduce the size if its too big for your screen. there are still some links I need to add to forum posts for the Dress uniform contest etc, but you will get the general idea.

    Post count: 2368

    It may take place after June 1st, until June 15th, so we would have it on 17th ….

    Post count: 2368

    It won’t be for the party. It will be on forum.
    The ideea is to find a ceremonial uniform for us to use for the award ceremony.

    Post count: 2368

    I have a Dress Uniform for -Plas, but never made it official for the fleet. It’s a good idea but it may be a bit much if it’s during the party. Im not sure how long people will be willing to stay around. I’m hoping if everyone stays an hour it will give use time to do all our party stuff.

    Post count: 2368

    As for formal wear, i managed to put together a cocktail attire πŸ™‚
    Pitty indeed that they don’t have long skirts …

    Post count: 2368

    I was proposing a ceremonial uniform contest πŸ™‚
    So that we would use teh new ceremonial uniforms at the Fleet Awards Even …

    Post count: 2368

    I thought our fleet uniforms where our formal wear? Thats why i save mine for meetings and events. But the fashion contest was a good idea, im sure Alanna will come up with a cool theme, im here if u need me I will even assemble some prizes and have a few games and surprises available to make it memorable…just please no ribbons on my ears =T.T= …Luna.

    Post count: 2368

    A possible new event proposal, given the end of the event series: a fleet ceremonial uniform contest, that should end also around June 5th. This way, we will have some ceremonial uniform to wear for the Fleet Award Ceremony.
    What do you thing?
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Cat I think we should have your tickets event around the 17th to fill up the gap in events, let me know if this is do-able :), thanks very much πŸ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    I think with all these prizes we are over 100million EC in prizes if not much more. I’ve already put aside all these prizes so we are good to go.

    Events Schedule

    Running Events

    1. CatStars ticket give-away.

    [*]Participate in Cat’s Event to earn a ticket for our raffle. This event will run right up until the 1st of July.

    2. Fleet Dress Uniform Contest

    The fleet Dress Uniform contest will run from June 1st to June 20th. One entry will be chosen to be the new fleet Dress uniform and the uniform will be worn at our awards ceremony on July 7th. The uniform will be voted on from June 20th in our forums.


    Event 1 Holodeck Adventures -June 2nd

    The Entrant must complete 3 missions of Plas’s choosing and answer a series of Holodeck related questions (could be from the TV Show’s/Movies or STO) and be the first to mail me the answers and key items. As soon as the correct answers & items come through the game is over. You can use google or whatever to get your answers if your knowledge on trek is low.


    Winner Will Receive:

    Photonic Officer
    Photonic Tribble
    Holo Emitter: Undine Nicor
    Holo Emitter: Space Transport
    Holo Emitter: Jem Hadar Heavy Escort

    2 Runners-Up Will Receive

    Photonic Tribble
    Holo Emitter: Space Transport

      Event 2 Tribble In Paradise – June 10th

      The entrant must participate in a series of missions and be the first to bring me certain items. Treasure Hunt Style Thing.

      More Details will be given on the day……

      Winner Will Receive: Rare & Very Rare Tribble Set – All available, non-bound tribbles (except Riv, Borg & Fluidic)

      -Winter(Q’s Wonderland Food Item)
      -Gamma (Ketracel White Food Item)

      2 Runner-Up’s Will Receive:


    Event 3 Costume Party – Events Finale – July 1st

    a) Best Costume Competition

    1) The successful candidtates will be judged on the following:

    Common Theme?

    2) The successful candidates will be judged on the following:

    The Awards will be given to the 3 best costumes created. After the candidates have presented their costume, Ingrid and Kara will discuss each costume and make the final decision. The award ceremony will take place straight after the decision has been finalised

    1st – 1million EC + DS9 Costume Pack + 3V ery Rare (Purple MKXI, XII) items from the fleet bank
    2nd – 750000 EC + DS9 Costume Pack + 2 Very Rare (Purple MKXI, XII) items from the fleet bank
    3rd – 500000 EC + DS9 Costume Pack + 1 Very Rare (Purple MKXI, XII) items from the fleet bank

    Absent Candidates

    Candidates who wish to participate in the fancy dress costume and cannot attend the competition on the day have an opportunity to enter and will be judged fairy on the costume presented. Please email your screen shots to Ingrid and Kara by June 30th: Please state in the ’email subject area’
    ‘Fancy Dress Competition’ screen shots and the name of your toon.


    b) Raflle Tickets Give-Away
    [*]-Plas will be giving away tickets.

    Raffle Tickets

    c) D’Kora Raffle
    [*]Drawing of the D’Kora raffle.

    1st – D’Kora.
    2nd – Holo Emitter: D’Kora + Set of 6 Ferengi Officers (Very Rare Purple) 3 Females + 3 Males, all Careers + 10 Gold Pressed Latinum Boxes
    3rd – Holo Emitter: D’Kora + Gambling Device + 5 Gold Pressed Latinum Boxes

    d) Door Prizes
    [*]A door prize will be awarded to the 3 highest rolls of the dice.

    Each winner will receive;
    1 Fiery Party Popper + 1 Holo Emitter – Model CH-12703 Space Transport + 1 Gekli Pet + 1 Polytrinic Acid Horta + 1 Danube Runabout Pet + 1 Dilithium Horta Pet.

    e) IDIC Fleet Foundry Mission
    [*]-Plas will announce the Fleet Mission, the most creative review will win a prize (to be drawn on the 7th of July (see Below).

    Aegis Set (3 items) + 3 Very Rare (purple) Officers + 1 Borg Prosthetic – Maintenance Drone Mk X [CritH]x2]

      Event 4 Fleet Awards Ceremony – July 7th

      -Plas will be giving away special prizes to many in the fleet.

    Post count: 2368

    Second Wave: Run up to the top floor of Quarks bar and scan this console.
    Operation Gamma: In the background you can plainly see the starting point where you meet the Ferengi, turn to your right and head to this satelite for your Lobi.
    Thats the conclusion for this week, so lets get out there and win some Lobi, hugs and kisses everyone!

    Post count: 2368

    This weeks Lobi hunt is hosted by the beautiful, sensational, gaming genius; Luna. Ok so heres the scoop on this weeks rerun locations.
    Bodly they Rode: Kneel at the alter in the Bajoran chapel. Facility 4028: The console my toon is staring at behind the security terminal. After freeing Miss Wishy-Washy. Of Bajor: After beaming to the planet, run around behind the teleporter building and scan, it will lead you by a pillar, kneel down and scan the fishy, he has the Lobi.

    Post count: 2368

    lol yeh true it is you found out my secret πŸ™‚

    It was fun all the same lol !

    Post count: 2368

    That is just english words using the Russian alphabet sounds, lol – Would have been more impressed if it was actually in Russian πŸ™‚

    After I saw that it was in english I could read it easily enough πŸ™‚

    Catch ya.

    Post count: 2368

    @Alanna_Boraz wrote:

    Yeh πŸ™‚

    Lol nice picture there Bran hehe

    Haha, I started using that as kind of a placeholder pic for my Facebook account, as the profile pic was the only one that was publicly visible when doing searches, etc… just got into the habit of using it when I sign up for things.

    When I have some time later to log on, I’ll make an actual picture of my character. πŸ™‚

    EDIT: Just realized I do have some screenshots taken already that I can get to from my Linux installation! Better?

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