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    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    I’ve been making some mini-poster art for our events. I’ll post them all here for those who may want to print and keep them.

    When I’m all done making them, I’ll post a .pdf with all of them as well 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Help with a build #1302

    Hiya, I think the Captain Retrain token is 400 C-Store Points to purchase.

    I would wait until you max your character and then use the free respec’s to do it. After I leveled my first VA I realised that it really doesn’t make too much difference for normal mission play, it’s when you start to PvP and STF that all this fine-tuning comes into play.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Help with a build #1301

    @-Plasma wrote:

    Select one of your weapons or device powers and the system will automatically show you which sliders affect that particular weapon type or power. There will never be enough skill points to max out every slider that affect a particular weapon or power, but using that as a guide you can then decide what to give more points to and what to leave a bit weaker etc.

    Excellent, thanks Plasma! I didn’t realize you could look at specific weapons and see which skills affect them. I will have to take a look at this when I’m able to log on.

    So with the advice given to me by Alanna and yourself, I’m thinking I’ll be better off waiting to respec. I was thinking I might want to do it now, so that I can purchase a bunch of new weapons for my new ship once I hit 40. However, it sounds like I have it a little backwards, and that I’ll want to wait and see what level 50 brings before I change everything up.

    What’s the cost of a respec if you’ve exhausted your available free tokens?

    Anyhow, thanks again for the advice, guys!

    I’ve been pretty busy in the last few days, things have been hectic here, but I look forward to seeing you all soon… I should be back on either tomorrow or the next day.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 30 26-May-12

    Greetings Fleet

    **** This is a SPECIAL FLEET MAIL letting you know about our upcomming Fleet Inaugural Anniversary Events. The fleet is almost 1 year old ****

    There are over 100million EC in prizes to be won and tons of fleet fun.

    Because of the limited size of STO Mail, I’ll start with some essential links

    1. Event Schedule

    You can access the events times/dates in several ways.

    a) Download the .pdf events schedule

    b) Visit the Events Forum we have set up viewforum.php?f=78

    This forum will contain information on several competitions such as the D’Kora raffle Entries, Fancy Dress Costume Contest and Dress Uniform Contest.

    **Please sign up to the forums if you haven’t done so and be sure you can access all the information**

    c) Keep a look-out in the in-game roster “Events” area for upcomming events.

    2. D’Kora Raffle Ticket Give-Away

    a) @CatStar (Cat) is running an event from **NOW** until the 1st of July where any member can win a ticket for the D’Kora Raffle.

    You can contact Cat at any time he is online to participate.

    b) @Ishakar (Kara) and myself (-Plas) will also be giving away tickets for the raffle so keep an eye out 😉

    3. Dress Uniform Contest

    @Ishakar (Kara) is running a Dress Uniform Contest from **NOW** until the 20th of June. Please check the schedule for more information.

    When enries close on the 20th, the entire fleet will have a chance to vote on their favorite design on our website/forums. The winning design will be worn during the **Fleet Awards Cerremony Event** on the 7th of July.

    There is so much to say and this mail is limited, please check out the schedules for full information or contact me via email at, or in-game mail @-Plasma, Private Message or ask on our forums 🙂

    Good Luck.

    Post count: 2368

    I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 29 20-May-12

    Greetings Fleet,

    We have some celebration events coming up in June and a full schedule will be posted early next week.

    1. ****FLEET RAFFLE****

    CatStar & Luna have kindly donated a Ferengi Marauder Ship to the fleet for a raffle. This is an extremely rare and expensive prize so please join in if you can.

    All members may buy tickets. Heres how;

    first donate 500k to the bank per ticket, then mail myself or Londi your name/donated amount/and numbers (you get to pick 1 number per ticket) the numbers will be between 1-100.

    We will post your numbers on the forums viewtopic.php?f=16&t=152

    If you have chosen a number that has already been chosen we will ask you to choose again.

    The drawing will be durring the finale of our anniversary events, choosen number will be done openly using Emote roll dice (d100), we will roll until someones number comes up. The winner will then be able to claim their prize.

    Those unable to attend or stay for the finnally will have thier prize mail to them. Good luck everyone.

    2. Officer Positions

    I spoke with Fleet Admiral Londi the other day and we decided that I should send out a quick mail about officers positions.

    More detailed information can be found in our rules , but I will just make a quick summary here.

    The current positions are (Excl. Flag Officer/Fleet Admiral);

    **Command Officer: Operations**

    Executive Officer: @LawMarshall

    Fleet Ambassador: @Alanna_Boraz
    Fleet Advisor: @Ishakar
    Fleet Officer Attache: @CatStar

    **Command Officer: Tactical**


    **Command Officers under the Exec Officer are equally ranked – the difference being they have authority over their assigned duties**

    3. Absence

    Just a reminder for those that don’t know, X.O. Lawmarshall is on leave for a couple more weeks due to personal reasons.

    Best regards.
    -Plasma, Fleet Admiral

    Post count: 2368

    **Re-posted for LUNA**

    Just incase I am unable to get up early enough for the costume competition, here is a picture of my toons outfit I wish to enter. The formal uniform competition sounds ok, but this is what she always wears, with this level of style and class there is no need for improvment on this toon.


    Post count: 2368

    This topic has moved to these forums 🙂

    Competition Information




    Post count: 2368

    Catstar’s a slacker! Alrighty I shall finish this. Out in the Cold: Inside the Zaria mine, the last room near the purple plant. Cold Comfort: Top left corner of the big map, on the side of the door you will find a console to scan.

    Post count: 2368

    Heres my entry. I used this for Flash since he was the heroic type. Its basic black/white and trimed in gold, I tried for a nobility look that i think will compliment our fleet, since we should look diginfied and stand out. PLus the badge shuld have meaning too, like a rank. The one hes wearing will be for the leaders, the next down with the medal should be for senior officers. Jr officers wear decorated badges, and members wear plain badge.

    Post count: 2368

    Breen Series Lobi Crystals. Here are the first three. Due to time issue ill retype this with instructions tomorrow.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Help with a build #1300

    Hiya Localhorse, I’ve been a bit busy and haven’t had a chance to respond to your question properly. I’ll try and get something more meaningful to you asap.

    One thing to bear in mind real quick is when you are doing a respec have all the gear you are likely to be using on hand.

    For example choose your ship, your weapon type, your consoles etc, all the things you like best and then do the respec. Equip them all and then you will see a drop down menu at the top right of the respec screen.

    Select one of your weapons or device powers and the system will automatically show you which sliders affect that particular weapon type or power. There will never be enough skill points to max out every slider that affect a particular weapon or power, but using that as a guide you can then decide what to give more points to and what to leave a bit weaker etc.

    Hope this made sense.


    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Help with a build #1299

    Thanks a bunch, Alanna. So it sounds like I might want to hold off on the respec until a little later, so that I can get a better understanding of the weapon types that will be available to me. I’ll continue to look into this stuff in the meantime.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Help with a build #1298

    Hi There,

    Thanks for your message 🙂

    I am not an expert at these sorts of things, but can give you a few tips of what I have learnt in this area!

    I completly understand what you are meaning. I am always trying to improve on my builds and ships etc, it is a challenge. I suggest when you get up to VA experiment with the certain types of weapons you would like as some are not offered until you reach Vice Admiral. This might make it hard with the skill tree, but I have found for example the phaser beam arrays are a good energy weapon for the lower levels. When I hit VA I wanted Antiproton weapons as I felt they were better against the borg, it didn’t make too much difference with the skill tree.

    Have a look at stowiki, I have found this is very helpful in building the right type of ‘build’. I say keep experimenting to find the best build that fits your gaming style also.

    I am sure there are other folks here who are masters at this and can assist you further.

    Enjoy your day 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Here is a promo poster for the fancy dress event that Ingrid wanted. She came up with the idea and I jazzed it up.


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