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    Post count: 2368

    I havent PvP’d in a long time. Kinda gave up on it. But if u need and extra ill be there. Just let me know, work permitting.

    On another note, this might be an oportunity to allow some of our unknowns and rarely active members to join in and be come part of our regulars. Perhapse we can assign wing commanders, they can take a few under thier…wing, and train together for such engagments. COntests between each other can also help ready us for other fleets and who will represent us. Thats my thoughts on it, if u decide to.

    Post count: 2368

    I agree that we need to update and hone our skills in regards to PvP. I have been flying ships that I like rather than ships that are capable of dealing massive damage. I think that we should move to a stronger PvP posture.

    In my case as well I have many toons at VA, however it pays to choose 1 of your toons to hone into a Space PvP main and 1 for a ground PvP main, focus on getting the STF MACO etc gear for them first. When accepting challenges make sure you are using the right toon for the right job.

    Also I think we should have a game plan for all STF’s and run them in that way everytime. What to attack first, what percentage to bring something down to etc. A complete streamlined guide to the STF’s, that we follow. Until now my attitude for NORMAL was, well it doesn’t matter on normal, but recently I have been thinking that we should set a high standard even at normal, make the STF efficient and quick.

    On the 7th, Junker will be promoted to the command under Tactical and I am also thinking of Nick as a possible candidate.

    Post count: 2368

    I will wait for a full consensus from the fleet leaders, Plasma Londi and all the other command staff before i attempt this because this idea this plan will require all of your input and your ideas

    Post count: 2368

    Below, the characteristics of my main liberated borg toon.

    Post count: 2368

    wow 🙂

    That looks pretty cool. I will assist with anything needed!

    It might be good to create teams in the fleet and each team can work together to find and collect the gear needed.

    For example:

    Team 1
    Data Cards

    etc… etc..

    Post count: 2368

    CatStar, Kara and myself have started construction of the fleet starbase on Tribble. Here are some screenshots of Tier 1. As you can see even at Tier 1 its quite large.

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya Rage,
    Welcome and thanks for connecting with us on our forums. We look forward to joint-fleet operations too.

    The STO UFP forum section has a diplomatic section as well where we can post about inter-fleet stuff. viewforum.php?f=79

    You can contact me in several ways if you need me. These are the main;

    STO In-Game: @-Plasma
    Twitter 1:
    Twitter 2:
    Email 1:
    Email 2:
    Email 3:

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks I’m excited 🙂

    It sounds like the meeting went well. I look forward to setting up some events with SAW. I think our first event will comprise of a PVP.


    It can be organized after our anniversary events have been concluded..

    Let me know what else I can do Plas 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I signed up just to post the meeting transcript. You all don’t have to sign up, but their forums are open so you can take a look if you like.


    Post count: 2368

    Nice, good to have more for STF’s run, and maybe not only for that.
    A question, tho, as I didn’t understood well from the chat transcript: Are we suppose to sign up in their forum?

    Post count: 2368

    wow 🙂 This is something to look forward too

    Can’t wait ^^

    Post count: 2368



    Post count: 2368

    Thanks heaps for this detailed information 🙂

    It is great to have you apart of our fleet, please ask if you need any help or assistance!

    Enjoy 😀

    Post count: 2368

    I run as Flint, I am currently a level 50 Vice Admiral on Star Trek Online. My alt is Eisenhauer “Ike.” but I haven’t played this character since the game went free to play. I made Ike when the game first came out, and was a subscription based fee. You can call me Flint or Jerry if you like.


    I am an accomplished Game Master / Dungeon Master in table top Role Playing Games. I run a game about once a week with a group that varies in size from 4 participants to 9 participants. I prefer the Sci-Fi setting to fantasy.

    I’ve played a good many mmo’s for a long time.

    I was in when Dark Age of Camelot first came out, I had 5 level 50’s , and played it out until Trials of Atlantis came out. I ran with the guilds Alea Iact Est, Riot Control, and the Alliance Knights of the Round.

    I played WOW for a few months, nothing to write home about.

    I played Dungeons and Dragons Online before it was free to play. I came back later when it became free to play. It just doens’t measure up to my table top experiences. No offence to the game or anyone that plays it. Its just not the the same or any better for me.

    I played City of Heroes, and stopped playing shortly after Villains came out. I was happy for a while, but it wasn’t attention grabbing enough to keep me hooked.

    I played Eve Online for a couple of years, and I ran an Arms Dealer named Dillon Chronos. I was in a massive alliance that was pounded into temporal dust and sprinkled out of existance a long time ago, before the rise of BOB or the Good Squad. I stopped playing because it ruined my everything after BOB formed up and spanked my corporation out of existence. The Alliance I was in crumbled after that, because the corp. I was in was a mining corp, and we were funneling the resources to the other member corps in the Alliance. It was a rough time. I came back for another year long tour of duty, and had a good go at it. This is the longest running toon I’ve run on any MMO I played to date. I see many similarities to Eve in STO, and thus far I am liking STO better.

    I played Guild Wars for all of 2 months, lost interest.

    I played Star Wars Galaxies, I had a max level Scout Master. Just before Jump to Light Speed came out I quit the game, and realized that I had never really enjoyed playing it. I had tried so hard to like that game. It was designed terribly, the effects were ludicrous, their efforts to keep the events in cannon were laughable. And the ppl that designed the planets needed to have some serious lessons given to them on the topography of the worlds in the movies. (lakes of standing water on Tatoine, for instance.)

    I played Champions Online for a shorter spell than city of heroes, just couldn’t get into it. Didn’t give it enough time to be running with an super group worth mention. I played it when it first came out. And then I got back into it for about a 2 week period when it went free to play.

    I was all over Mine Craft for a time, and in its way, I consider that phenomenon to have been an MMO in its own way. I haven’t played it in a bit, since every time that Notch patches the game, I have to restart on servers and single player game from pretty much scratch. Frustrating experience.

    I played Star Wars Online for 3 months. It was not what I expected it to be, so I quit. I was the treasury officer for the guild The Black Bisectors. Star Wars Online was the last MMO I have played before I got into STO.


    Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that this communication is satisfactory and answers any and all questions. If you need anything further, please don’t hesitate to send me an ingame email to Flint.

    Post count: 2368
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