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    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Warm Welcome! #7404

    A lil’ background… “R3” is my stamp because my first and last name both start with “R”, and both my father and
    his father share the same name. Now back in the day, we played a lot of “Ghost Recon”, mainly via Lan, and my
    friends were always shooting me… “friendly fire”! Because “R3” over my head wasn’t bold enough. That combined
    with the fact that games often have a minimum # of letters in your name, that exceeds (2) or they don’t
    allow “#’s”, so I stretched it into “Aurthree”… and this may be difficult to believe, but it’s never taken. =D

    I thought about it, and most of our members seem to actually be “veteran” players, and they give starting
    characters (2) sets of “modable” gear, which is pretty much self explanatory. And the vendors having what you
    need at the beginning of each new area… a “Gearing up for Newbs” post doesn’t seem as useful as I was
    originally thinking.

    “Zez”… I just noticed that you are also “Amm”, whom I definitely already recognize as a source of info in
    game. Enjoy “Dragon Age”, and I’m sure we’ll be chatting when you’re around. =)

    On a side note… “Promotions”, no not for myself, I was just curious if there was a policy for meeting certain
    criteria, or specific qualities that you look for? I’ve been in guilds that had distinct guidelines…
    (X) number of hours played each week, participate in (X) number of guild group runs, complete “this” run-
    “that” run- etc. and I’ve also been in real casual guilds, where people were basically just randomly promoted
    whenever for whatever. Both work just fine. The having “guidelines” doesn’t sound real “warm and friendly”,
    I know… but what it does do, is eliminate the possibility of hurting someones feelings. Now I recognize that
    I probably sound like I’m getting too deep, and I’m being overly concerned… I promise you, I’m not. I’m just
    searching for the information that I need to blend right in…

    Understanding people and recognizing the “not so obvious” things that motivate their emotions, is a hobby
    of mine. Example… what comes to mind when you hear or read the words, “It’s only a game”? We’ve all heard
    someone say this, and more than likely have said it ourselves… so give me your opinion on this in 5-10 pages
    and have it on my desk before “Thanksgiving” … lol I’m such a nerd!

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: New lvl 55 commando #7400

    Woo, congratulations Kara 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Resignation letter #7395

    Ive been in a few guilds leveling up and ours is by far the best in guild bank and help provided. That’s my view anyone that leaves will be sadly missed.

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    I’m happy for it to join the G.A. as a guild Kara.

    Lets give it a week for comments of the other GA members and then we will vote on it.

    I propose the vote take place on Sunday the 30th of November.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Warm Welcome! #7386

    Hey R3,

    On the topic of specs builds and rotations you can most definitely look up specs and rotations as they won’t be changing much in 3.0 as they will mostly be staying the same for the proper way they are used at the moment, which is to say you go up one specific tree and don’t “hybrid”. Now the build will be changing a bit with the introduction of utility points which will affect certain situations for example sins/shadows getting the option of adding a root to thier knockback. Gearing though will change a bit with they way they are adjusting stat distrubution specificlly with accuracy and
    alacrity, but that’s mainly an elder game focus. Anyway if you need help on anything, gearing or otherwise feel free to ask on here or if you see me in game although, Dragon Age: Inquisitions got its hooks into me deep at the moment

    May the Force be with you

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Warm Welcome! #7383

    It would be really great if you could update the info we’ve collected about the gearing up and leveling, with the new info about the XPak. Were you able to open the info I included as links in my previous reply? If not, send me a mail (my email address is and I’ll give you the original source of those posts (in *docx format), so it would be easier for you to update it.
    As for Kara, that comes fro my original toon name I used to have in STO, that is Iskara@Ishakar, combined with one of my favorite characters I use as background in SL, which is Cara, the Mord Sith, from the tv show “Legend of the Seeker”.
    The current name I use for online fun/gaming environment being Kara Atreides (the reference is obvious), especialy as most of my toons in SW:TOR have some Dune reference. Also, the RP backstory I started to develop in SW:TOR for my toons is somehow related with the old Bene Geserit Order ….. Amydoll name that I also use from time to time (or Amy for short) comes from an old and deleted toon I used to have in SL. She used to be a vampire, co-leader and princess of a pretty large vampire clan (Na Fola Croi – The heart blood, in irish) and when I came up with this name I had in mind Amidala, but as it was taken, I tweeked a bit around and resulted Amydoll …
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Warm Welcome! #7382

    Now isn’t the best time to be researching “specs”, “builds”, and/or “rotations”. Mainly because of the new Xpac
    coming out soon. One of my favorite things to do used to be creating posts… “Gearing Up for Newbs”. I would
    write them as I was leveling, as soon as I was sure my information was accurate, and I knew the details well
    enough to explain them to others. Problem here is… at level 8, I acquired a mentor, who has a handful of 55’s
    bought my speeder and training, makes the mods for my gear, and runs me through my class quests. And with the
    12x XP, the leveling is insane. So, needless to say, the information I’m taking in, is overwhelming… and
    naturally I’m going to miss a lot of information. But I may start a new character after the Xpac, then doing
    a post on gearing up would reflect the changes. Unless we already have one, and it ends up being a simple update
    is all that’s needed.

    Running with you guys was real comfortable. I’m glad I didn’t embarrass myself, but I definitely have room for
    improvement, and I’ll get there. Just FYI… “Kara” is the character name of one of my closest friends. It’s
    actually “Karalia”, but you would know her as “Kattria” in our guild. =)

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Warm Welcome! #7343

    Welcome again R3 & Thanks for the chat yesterday.

    I created a GA RaidCall group as well based on our previous Vent and TS3 servers.

    For those that want to chat, Channel Id: 9967124

    Program Download:

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Warm Welcome! #7338

    First of all, welcome aboard 🙂
    Is nice to see you in here too, on the forum.
    As for the group content we’ve explored together, I could not say that you’re that new around SW:TOR … you did it well 🙂
    Here are some links, to some posts I’ve wrote some time ago, that might help you with leveling and gearing up: Leveling tips
    and Gearing up.
    The posts refers to teh old item rating based on levels, not the new rating system, I’ll probably have to re-write them, as the new expansion is coming up.
    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
    I, especially, appreciate a good smile 🙂 …. after all this is a game and we have to have fun 🙂
    Looking forward to see you in game,
    Kara (aka Amy’doll)

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Hello #7333

    Thank you for the welcomes. I actually wasn’t sure where to post this lol and if you want to link my stream feel free

    Post count: 2368

    This is a copy of the letter I have been sending.

    Welcome to IJO – Join our site/forums A.S.A.P.

    Hi All.
    I’d like to welcome our new members to the guild as well as update older members on our website & forums.
    Because of the lack of a Guild Management system it is essential that members join our website. This will give you access to Guild News, Event Schedule & Forums.
    Please Visit & register an account A.S.A.P. Please choose a name we will refer to you by.
    We are in the process of updating our content so please bear with us.
    All the best.

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Hello #7331

    Hi Zez,

    Welcome 🙂

    Post count: 2368
    in reply to: Hello #7321

    Hi Zez, welcome to the guild and the Guild Alliance as a whole. I’m glad you found your way to our site and forums. You have a lot of experience which is great.

    I’m impressed that you picked the right forum to post in as well, lol – this shows you have an attention to detail that many don’t. The site is still in the process of being finished as I am amalgamating several sites we’ve had into the one.

    The Guild Alliance as we call it has been around for almost 3.5 years and the goal here is to establish long-term gaming friends. We are/were involved in several games and are a multi-game player organization.

    I am always looking for new original content for the site and would love to link to feature your twitch streams or any other content you want to contribute.

    Thx again for signing up and we hope to have more guild-specific details on the site over the next month. feel free to chat to us here anytime or even go through past convo’s and comment as the forum is our main communication.

    Also as you add Alts to the guild please update us on the names so we can keep track of which characters are you.

    See U in game soon 🙂


    Post count: 2368

    Hi all.

    I think we should have a meeting before Xmas season to discuss a few things.

    I have a few things I want to suggest for the new recruiting drive. if I go over something that has already been said please forgive me.

    1. I think that we should try and keep track of who is who for the sole purpose of getting to know people. You have already been doing this Kara, but just want to mention it for the sake of information to all.

    – Obviously the Officers Note is important to keep updated like we did in STO. We need to list of who recruited who, if they have any alts we know of etc. it is important to ask if they have alts and whether they are in the guild. It is also Important to get a name for the member that they would like to go by. Adding alts without a clear name to tag it to is just silly.

    – I am happy to take a screenshot of our roster every so often and post that too. Under that we can post amended information as well.

    2. I think that we should draft a short email message for new members that we send out.

    – Obviously this is an annoying thing in SWTOR as there is no Guild-Wide mail. This means mail has to be sent individually. I propose that for the sake of communication we keep a standing email that we can sit down one a month and mail out to everyone individually. This make take us a couple hours to mail out but will be worth it I think.

    I think if it is agreed this should be the procedure for both the IJO and ISE. This is pretty much the same procedure we had on STO, but more of a headache on SWTOR without a guild-mail system.


    Thanks for listening all.

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