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    Post count: 2368

    I have come to the realization that this group is not for me. While I have no problem with anyone in the group, I did have issues under the following subjects, and I only list them here so that you can take note and use as a steer point for future initiates into your fleet.

    Here are the issues that I had…
    [*]Other then the moderators – noone seems to post on this site under the STO areas.
    [*]Noone ever seems to be on the Team Speak server, at any time. I have been on during the day, during the night, week days and weekends, during my own leveling sessions and during FLEET MISSIONS, and FLEET CONTESTS.. noone.
    [*]Other then 3 of the higher ranks, nobody talks to the lower ranks at all, and not for the fact that they are in missions or leveling themselves, as I have been on for hours, speaking at intervals and getting no answers.. however when someone of equal rank speaks on the channel, they everyone immediately responds.
    [*] In missions, you ask that as a fleet member we try to get fleet events as much as possible, and in today’s fleet event, it was not documented that shuttle crafts were needed, and people of lower rank may not have or can afford this item… Then during the next part of the mission, you all rallied together when one of the higher ranks had an issue getting the mission to start, but once that was all corrected, you all disappeared and flew off leaving again the lower ranks standing there with no idea where we are going or what we are doing.

    So I became frustrated with the lack of support under these headings, and do not get me wrong, Plas and 2 other people have been very supportive but when they are not about… this fleet goes into lock down.

    So I wish you all well… I will not be returning to review responses to this post. I would just like you to be aware of this insight, from a new comer to your fleet, and should you see fit, make some adjustments.


    Post count: 2368

    To any of our new or long-time members that may have read this post I feel that I have to address some of Davis’ points.

    First I’d like to say that I don’t mind you coming back to read our forums or to communicate with us in game. I’m sorry that you didn’t find what you were looking for in our fleet.

    I take all your points and will comment on each of them. I will say that you will find these problems in all fleets/guilds and they are not unique to IDIC.

    Forum posting
    Your observation here is right. It’s been a bit difficult to get people to read and post on these forums.

    Reason: The reason for this I think is a common complaint amongst ALL MMO players. That is that they would rather spend their time in-game playing then out of game on forums and websites. I have been given this criticism many times from various people and have come to accept it as the common attitude of most MMO players.

    The only thing I can do about this is keep posting here, keep advertising our forums and in-time hope that a larger proportion of members use them.


    Your observation here is also right.

    Reason: We originally were using a Ventrillo server provided by an old fleet member. The new Teamspeak server has been active for just over a month and a half and the uptake has been low because of people going away during the Christmas break.

    There will always be people that do not want to voice chat because English is a second language and we have a few people like this in the fleet. The Teamspeak has been more popular with our TOR Players and that can be seen by the TS3 Access – all of our TOR players have installed and logged onto it. I think because STO has an internal chat, players are turning to that for STO voice communications.

    As with these forums all I can do is keep advertising the TeamSpeak server and hope that in time members use them.

    Nobody Talks

    This I cannot speak for as I can’t know what is going on when I’m offline. One thing to realize with STO is the End-Game story-content is low, however this is where the High-End gear farming begins. When a player is in the new STF Season 5 system, they cannot play and type in chat, its an impossibility.

    As far as I’ve observed someone usually responds when a question is asked and when they do not I KNOW that they are engaged in their own game-play. Ultimately I cannot force players to talk, only encourage a greater level of interaction.

    If someone is a player that plays 5 hours+ a day you will definitely find times when people will not respond. In order for this to be fixed we would need a fleet with 200+ members spread across all timezones and while it would be great to have players in every timezone we do not want to go down the path of managing a massive fleet and the logistics of managing 24hours a day is something we would have to overcome.

    Also one major thing that may not be realized is that there is another game by Cryptic called Champions Online. This game uses a shared Chat Server with STO so you can actually chat between games. Sometimes when the senior members are online we will start talking to apparently noone as there will be few in the roster. This is because we are familiar with the habits of the Champs players and we know they are on line over there.


    As for last nights event all I can say on this is that it was confusing. There were several reasons for this.

    One thing I will stress is that most of the people that showed up DID NOT RSVP for this event. If this was a normal shoot-to-kill event with open instance that any number of people could go into then there would be no problem.

      As Fleet Admiral I should have refused non-RSVP players from joining. I take this error completely on myself.

    The fact that it was an event involving a foundry mission meant that there had to be teams of 5. When people decided to join from out of nowhere we did our best to accommodate everyone, but it was very confusing. Unfortunately the less experienced players may have been neglected and I apologize.

    In the future for complex role play events we will have a guide to what is going to happen -where we are going, what gear/ships are needed and which areas/arenas/foundry missions are involved etc.

    If you feel like you want to give the fleet another try don’t hesitate to contact me.

    Have fun with STO Davis 🙂

    Best Regards,

    Post count: 2368


    Just a few thoughts Regarding Davis’s message last night!

    I was sad to see him leave IDIC fleet and the way it happened it was very fast & surprising.

    However, I believe that there are many online games that have these challengers. The lack of communication in any game is a factor that cannot always be improved. As we live in different timezones we will always be on at spazmotic times which means there will be countless hours of minimal talk in the STO chat channel and team speak. Regarding team speak, it is an optional extra to the game and I understand some people may not feel comfortable using the voice chat, it also may taint there role playing experience. It is absolutly fine if you do not wish to use Teamspeak, it is your personal choice.

    Regarding last nights mission, I think we all tried the best we could. As Plasma mentioned we were not aware of how many was going to turn up and yes everyone is always welcome to join, if possible it is important to RSVP prior to the event commencing. This enables the person leading the mission to plan and prepare and makes it a smoother run for everyone involved. As it may not have worked out as planned, we must remember that alot of effort was placed in creating the story line and I believe as we work together and communicate what needs to be improved it will be a ‘winner’ in the future. Let’s try not to be hard on one another and keep moving forward:)

    Another observation from last nights mission. Regarding any future fleet event it is very important all fleet members read the specifications on what the event entails. The fleet event stated that shuttles would be used. As we understand people may not have a shuttle, we are more than happy to try to assist fleet members aquiring one. Plasma is always willing to help anyone in need of gear, he has made it very clear that the fleet bank is there for all to enjoy.

    I am very honored to be apart of this fleet, I have been in many fleets and by far IDIC is the best fleet I have ever been apart of. We really have some great people here, so thank you to everyone for being apart of it.

    Let’s enjoy teaming, socialising and having fun. Please ask if you need any assistance, I am more than happy to help you out.

    Kind Regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, thats what we are about. Not everyone acts or thinks the same. But the main reason we are here is to have fun. I think disagreements are always inevitable from this, but a chance to be ourselves and find new people to game with that are like you, are too. What carries over from real life tends to get in the way, that extra baggage can sometimes spoil our moods. Remember when the last time you got frusterated or upset, nothing was ever right everyone was an annoyance, without an outlet you dwelled on your frusteration and eventually unleashed it, usually on those around you. It seems to happen alot to people these days, its easy to stomp your foot and walk away, but remember, where ever you go, there you are.

    I guess my point is like everything new we explore and try out, it is similar to a new pair of shoes; at first they are restrictive and uncomfortable, they can make you sore and irritable until your broken into them, then once they fit your needs they can carry you anywhere you need to go and you forget about the ajustments you made to something new and carry on with your activities. Give things and people a chance, before long you will know more people and be involved in many things here. Take time to get to know us, the more you invest into something the more return you get.

    -CatStar =^.^=

    Post count: 2368

    It looks like this is the perfect opportunity for me to make my first post on the forum. As a player of many different MMOs in the past, differences of opinion will always arise, this is purely because we are all human and come from different backgrounds and cultures. One thing we do all have in common however is this game, and that is something that needs to be encouraged and celebrated.

    Davis, you were obviously before my time but, if you get a chance to read this, I will give you my own opinions thus far for what they are worth. I joined IDIC purely because of the name. As a long-time Trek fan I have always liked the idea of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. This means that, though we are all differently individual (as oxymoronic as that may sound), we should all we working with and encouraging each other. This is something that, to date, IDIC has shown itself more than capable of. So what if people do not always communicate the way others would wish? This is primarily because every member of IDIC is an individual and, therefore, plays the game in their own way. This also should be encouraged as it is this very diversity which gives us strength. Therefore if you disagree with elements within the fleet, I would suggest you remember this individualistic apect and learn to work around it.

    Above all, this is a game, so try to enjoy the elements of it that made you want to start playing in the first place. Whether you are a fan of MMOs or Star Trek or even, like me, of both, please take the time to chill a while and reconsider why you joined this game and fleet in the first place

    Post count: 2368

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