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    Post count: 2368

    As some of you might already know, in the last weeks I’ve had some issues (again) with my laptop (which burned out again).
    For now, I play from a backup laptop that I don’t know how long will last.
    The good news is that as I’ve spoken with Dell representatives, they will replace my laptop with a new one. In few days, they will send me their proposed configuration for the replaced laptop (as the model I have is no longer in production, they will give me a new one that should be superior in performance compared with the one I have). If the configuration they will propose will be satisfactory, I’ll have to send my laptop for replacement and I’ll receive the new one in 4-8 weeks from the moment I sent the old one to them. In that period I’ll only be able to play from the backup laptop, which so far worked well in low video setting, but I’m not sure for how long this will last.
    So if you’ll see that i’m not around for more then a few days, you should know why that happens …
    But all is for good, as I’ll receive a newer generation laptop for free :))
    Wish me luck,
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Glad they are finally giving you a new one as this issue has been going on for quite some time for you. Woo will be an updated system too which is fantastic 🙂 – post us the stats when you receive it :).

    Post count: 2368

    And is here …. my new laptop …
    I’ve tested it today with SWTOR in Ultra video settings … NO LAG 😀
    Now I’m downloading the rest of the games and data …, it will take a bit (at least my dropbox which is 80 GB) ….
    See you soon,

    Post count: 2368

    Wooo, that’s great news Kara, I’m glad its working so well 🙂

    I’ll be in STO from the 14th for Delta Rising. I’m looking forward to seeing the Voyager crew and any of our own -I.D.I.C- crew. These two crews that are legend in the Star Trek Universe.


    Post count: 2368

    Hello all!!! Just checking in with everyone I am still alive and kicking. Work is still kicking my ass as usual LOL, anyways I have purchased my cooy for the new expansion and I have begun to level two of my toons that were closest to the end game. As of now I have gotten my jedi consular to level 47 named Bastilaa and my marauder to level 48 so yay. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am hanging around SWTOR more so I can be prepared for the new expansion. Also I another note I will not be there for the party SO SAD LOL. But anyways I hope to see some of you around sometime in game have fun out there

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Londi,

    Nice to hear from you. I’ll look out for you when I’m on TOR. I’m also levelling my jedi consular.

    See you out there!

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