Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET The Trade Emporium

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    Post count: 2368

    Hey Everyone

    This weeks Conquest Event is The Trade Emporium. Now while we can’t place on the leaderboards just yet without a flagship I think
    this would be fun and a good time to start getting our feet wet as a guild headed towards our goal of galactic domination :). This
    weeks goals are fairly simple and they involve crafting and all you need to do is focus on crafting “War Supplies” for your specific
    crafing skill. In additon to this we can also gain points by killing non-player opponents, champion gaurds, droids, heroic missions
    and the “World Bosses” on Makeb and Voss (Golden Fury & Nightmare Pilgram). For those of us at level 60 we can also do our weekly
    flashpoint, pvp and group finder operation for even more points. So if you are going to go around killing stuff on makeb and voss
    invite your guildies, lets take this oppertunity to grow even more as a guild and a be a force to be reckoned with throught the

    Post count: 2368

    Sounds great, I’ll start crafting those asap 🙂
    Plus maybe we will be able to organize some hunting parties for those world bosses 🙂
    See you soon,

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