Home Forums CHAT: GENERAL The Guild Alliance Charter Of Operations

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    The Guild Alliance Charter Of Operations

    In this document Guild also represents fleet, super-group and league
    Guild Alliance may be, at times replaced with the initials GA
    Guild Alliance Committee may be, at times replaced with the initials GAC

    The Guild Alliance

    The Guild Alliance’s (GA) objective is to bring together Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG/MMO) players from around the world.

    The Guild Alliance organizes guilds for several MMO game titles including Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, DC Universe Online and Champions Online. Many of our members are also veterans of World Of Warcraft, Lord Of The Rings Online and Second Life, just to name a few.

    The GA concept was created by Jim Manavis (-Plasma) with the intent that it would be a shared organizational structure where Guild leaders could use the web-based resources of the Guild Alliance to organize and interact with the umbrella organization while still maintaining autonomy and control over their respective Guilds.

    Statement Of Purpose

    The Guild Alliance is the funding and advisory body responsible for overseeing the management of the various guilds (fleets, super-groups and leagues) that make up the organization known as The Guild Alliance (GA). This includes their online properties as well as shared communications resources such as forums and VOIP services (i.e. Teamspeak)

    Our vision and mission is to support our members in the practice and enjoyment of online gaming, specifically in the MMORPG genre. In pursuing this vision, we focus on the creation, presentation and appreciation of distinctive interactive works by providing online information resources for our affiliated guilds.

    We will collaborate with others to build new resources where available and to expand the alliance where it is beneficial to do so.

    This charter requires us to:

      -Promote fairness
      -Foster the expression of a personal identity by individual members
      -Promote the knowledge and appreciation of our online communities
      -Promote the understanding, enjoyment and participation
      -Uphold and promote the right of persons to freedom in the community

    Guild Alliance Committee

    The Guild Alliance is managed by a committee made up of guild founders and leaders. The Guild Alliance Committee (GAC) has a leadership role on the organizational level. The Guild Alliance Committee does not have a direct role in day-to-day administration of affiliated guilds, however exercises the right to suspend membership or to expel any Guild that does not adhere to this Charter of Operations or the GA Committee Rules of Conduct.

    We strive to engage the public to a greater appreciation of MMPORG gaming, we provide and implement a range of programs and use technology to assess and increase general public awareness and public engagement.

    We will:

      -Increase the visibility of our activities in the sector to provide access to audiences worldwide
      -Continue to explore and develop multi-platform collaborations and partnerships for the delivery of digital content
      -Continue to build relationships with gaming communities through collaboration on exhibitions, supporting exchanges and international activities.
      -In performing its functions and exercising its powers, the Guild Alliance has regard to the copyright and intellectual properties of the game manufacturers and affiliates. Within this framework, the Committee is responsible for the governance of the agency, including determining the priorities, policies and budgetary framework within which the Guild Alliance committee operates.

    Guild Alliance Funding

    The GAC in the first instance is responsible for the funding and management of the online resources across affiliated guilds for the purpose of providing accurate and current across-the-board information to the entire GA. Members of our guilds may donate funds to the GAC if they wish to contribute to the costs of funding said resources.

    Post count: 2368

    Guild Alliance Resources

    1. Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/theguildalliance
    2. Twitter Feed http://twitter.com/guild__alliance
    3. Youtube Page http://www.youtube.com/guildalliance
    4. Flickr Page http://www.flickr.com/photos/theguildalliance/

    1. FACEBOOK – Follow the GuildAlliance on FaceBook

    The GuildAlliance Official FaceBook page is a great way to get a round-up of all guild activities and game updates.

    The page is a giant RSS news feed covering the official news feeds from:

      DC Universe Online
      Star Trek Online
      Star Wars: The Old Republic
      Champions Online
      Perfect World

    In addition all our Guild, Fleet and League Official Site RSS News feeds as well as our Official Forum RSS feed is also mixed in to provide the ultimate one-stop resource for our members.

    Take a look and “Like” us on FaceBook today 🙂


    Keep up to date with the latest tweets from the Guild Alliance. Announcements and updates for our Guilds/Fleets/Leagues are going out all the time as well as feeds from the game developers for all the games we are playing.

    Add http://twitter.com/guild__alliance to your twitter app and hook up with the Guild Alliance.

    For your convenience a twitter feed, forum feed and developer RSS feeds are also displayed at the bottom of all our guild sites pages.

    Post count: 2368

    Guild Alliance Committee Hall Of History 2011-2013

    This is a listing of current and former GAC members and the positions they’ve held over the years.

      -Plasma (-Plas)
      Founder: Star Trek Online (STO), -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets, Starfleet (U.F.P.)
      Founder: Star Trek Online (STO), =INTER-FLEET= Alliance
      Leader: Star Trek Online (STO), -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets, Starfleet (U.F.P.)
      Leader: Star Trek Online: -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force (K.D.F.)

      Iskara (Kara)
      Leader: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Jedi Order, Republic
      Founder: DC Universe Online (DCUO): Dawn Star Order, Hero (D.S.O.)
      Founder: Star Trek Online: -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force (K.D.F.)

      Londi Revan (Londi)
      Founder: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Sith Empire, Empire
      Leader: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Sith Empire, Empire
      Leader: Star Trek Online (STO), -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets, Starfleet (U.F.P.)

      Alanna Boraz (Ingrid/Alanna)
      Founder: Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR): Infinite Jedi Order, Republic
      Leader: Star Trek Online (STO), =INTER-FLEET= Alliance

      Leader: Star Trek Online: -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force (K.D.F.)

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