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    Post count: 2368

    I started testing today on the server Darth Bandon (East Coast). And i reached lvl 7 already 🙂

    If you are on a different server, please let me know, and if you read this before you started the testing, maybe joining me on the Darth Bandon server would be an ideea.
    And btw, my test toon is: Cladda (on the Iskara account, ofc).

    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll call it for the night, to catch some hours of sleep; however the game is thrilling 🙂
    Stopped at lvl 11 for now.
    Enjoy yours and maybe see you around tomorow 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Wow Kara, Level 11 already ;), I initially chose another server as I hadn’t seen your post when I first logged on.

    I am on;

    Uphrades East Coast Plasma. I have reached Level 6 so far with a Jedi Knight, but have only played for about 4 hours.

    Darth Bandon East Coast Plasma, but I cannot find you in the friends list Kara.

    Ziost East Coast Plasma, I’ve created an Imperial toon here. I Have friended Londi who is also on this server.

    I will be posting some screenshots later today.

    Post count: 2368

    I think you’re on the light faction on that server (Dart Bandon), as i tried to send an email to you and they said that i cannot send an email to the different faction ….
    I guess i’ll make myself a Jedi toon too on one of the servers you’re playing on.
    See you,

    Post count: 2368

    Oh sorry Kara I thought you were Republic. Ok that makes sense now, thanks for letting me know.

    Post count: 2368

    Well … as promised i made myself a “light” toon too.
    Server: Uphrades East Coast
    Name: Iskara
    I’ll be playing this toon on sunday, most probably …

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